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The Benefits of RFID Technologies for Schools

Middle Eastern leaders in security solutions include WOW RFID. All of the Middle East's main cities can clearly see our presence. The mission of WOW RFID is to improve society by providing cutting-edge technological solutions that make daily life easier.<br>In all of the region's major cities, WOW RFID, a Centena Group company, offers end-to-end solutions for identity, biometrics, security, and tracking.

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The Benefits of RFID Technologies for Schools

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  1. The Benefits of RFID Technologies for Schools

  2. Benefits of RFID technology when integrated with your school ERP 1. Quicker and more accurate attendance • Track student attendance by embedding RFID chips into their ID cards and monitor them accurately. • An RFID reader efficiently records the presence of a student as soon as he/she enters the school premise. • It can be integrated with an ERP system to keep a record of student attendance.

  3. 2. Great security within the campus • Every parent’s one of the major concerns when choosing a school is their child’s safety. • RFID embedded ID cards help you track the movements of students. • It instantly records the activity of your students. This gives parents a greater sense of relief, knowing that their child is safe on the campus.

  4. 3. Alerts parents of their child’s activities • RFID devices can give you the upper hand in monitoring your child when he enters the school. • These devices can be integrated with a school’s ERP system to send alerts to parents whenever unusual activity is detected automatically. • For keeping track of your child activities feel free to get in touch with the best RFID solutions provider in Dubai. • If a child is not present during a specific class, enters school late or leaves class early, parents can be alerted through a simple text message.

  5. 4. Planning and reviewing class schedules • Efficient RFID technology can be an excellent way to improve the recording of class schedules and subjects. • Track students who have attended various sessions. • This quickly enables you in identifying any clashes in the school schedules. • This is one of the advantages of RFID, which can help school staff optimize timetables and improve student attendance.

  6. Conclusion • The benefits of RFID technology are numerous. • They can increase the security of students, improve payroll processing and give parents a greater sense of visibility. • Wow RFID, are the best and unmatched innovative RFID solutions provider in Dubai.


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