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Overcoming Patriarchal Ideology: A Journey through European Mobilities

Explore the manifestations of patriarchal ideology through a European partnership project. Sessions, workshops, and conferences aim to address and overcome this issue. Discover the impact on partner organizations and local communities. Contact: sk_medvecka@inbox.lv

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Overcoming Patriarchal Ideology: A Journey through European Mobilities

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mobilitiesin EU GrundtvigPartnership Project“CORE” By Association “To MyTownAkniste”

  2. Aim of the Project • The project aimed to identify the patriarchal ideology and its manifestations in the countries involved in the project in order to overcome it.

  3. Project Partners • ForumTheatre – UK • AssociationforInterculturalDialogue - Romania • Silalemunicipalityadministration – Lithuania • Province ofPesaroandUrbino – Italy • Associationofyoungeducatorslovingdemocracy – Turkey • To MyTownAkniste – Latvia • Bulgarian Sports DevelopmentAssociation – Bulgaria

  4. Mobility 1CurteadeArges, Romania 05.-09.10.2013. Introducing the Project partners` Discussing the issues related to patriarchal mentality and project methodology Disseminating the project on Curtea de Arges TV Street interviews on patriarchal mentality

  5. Mobility 2Afyonkarahisar, Turkey 23.-27.02.2014. Outdoor workshop “Menifestation of patriarchal mentality” in Istanbul Workshop “Storytelling through Theater” Visit to Professional Training Centre

  6. Mobility 3 Pesaro, Italy 08.-12.06.2014. Session “Meeting with women engaged in the political life of the localarea” Presentatuion of the partners` research “Women engagement in politics and labour market” Visiting the women – local entrepreneurs

  7. Mobility 4Akniste, Latvia 02.-06.08.2014. At the women organization “Marta” – the topic: “The safety of women - key development of Latvia” Street interviews in Riga Summing up the results of the partners` opinion poll “Domestic violence” Domestic violence and true stories from partner countries. Workshop “Art therapy against violence” at Zasa Art Centre

  8. Mobility5London, UK 18.-22.12.2014. Workshop on Cultural Iceberg/Cultural Identity (national and individual), Prejudices and Stereotypes regarding gender identity Workshops (Push-Pull, Like, Dislike, Images in Pairs, Vampires, Techniques) led by actors/trainers from Immediate Theater Creating a scenario for a Forum theatre playon domestic violence “ Mary”, long rehearsals of the play Conference on Domestic Violence, presenting the play “ Mary”

  9. Mobility6Sofia, Bulgaria 28.02.-04.03.2015. Workshop “Media tools - how to use media to promote the project” Session “Domestic Violence in the Media” Session “How to identify the misogynist materials from mass media”

  10. Mobility 7Silale, Lithuania 22.-24.06.2015. Learning about strong patriarchal elements in theMiddle Ages - visiting Trakai Castle Sesssion “Building bridges between generations” – visiting Silale Youth Centre Final conference “The project’s impact onthe partner organizations and local communities”

  11. Association “ To My Town Akniste” Skolas 16a, Akniste, LV5208sk_medvecka@inbox.lv

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