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Recording and Maintaining Meal Counts. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Greater than Three (3) Meal Services. Meal Counts. Your agency is reimbursed for the number of meals and snacks it serves to CACFP enrolled children each day
Recording and Maintaining Meal Counts Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Greater than Three (3) Meal Services
Meal Counts • Your agency is reimbursed for the number of meals and snacks it serves to CACFP enrolled children each day • Meal counts must be recorded daily at the time of each meal or snack service, or immediately after • This is called the Time of Service Meal Count
Greater than 3 Meals Record Guidance Memorandum #9C: Recordkeeping Requirements for the Child and Adult Care Food Program http://fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_centermemos List first and last names of children attending your center in column titled “Name”
Time of Service Meal Count Procedure: Completing Greater Than 3 Meal Counts Billy Sue Beth Henry Keisha Andrew
Time of Service Meal Count Procedure: Recording Meal Counts • Mark the lunch for each child eating on the Greater Than 3 Meals Record • LUNCH:
Time of Service Meal Count: Center Environment • Common Eating Area • Eating in Classrooms
Time of Service Meal CountsWho Will Complete? • Common Eating Area • Cook • Director • Lead Teacher • Eating in Classrooms • Teachers
Compiling Time of Service Meal Counts: Greater than 3 Meals • When tallying meal counts for reimbursement, you must first go • through each daily meal count record and cross off • any meals and snacks that are in excess of two meals and one • snack, or two snacks and one meal per child per day
Compiling Greater than 3 Meal Counts After meals and snacks in excess of two meals and one snack, or two snacks and one meal are crossed off, total each column and record at the bottom of the form 3 0 8 8 7 4 2 1 6 7 4 2 4 0 5 8 6 4
Compiling Greater than 3 Meal Counts Edit checks: • No child is claimed for more than two meals and one snack, or two snacks and one meal per day • Accuracy of all meal counts that will be claimed for reimbursement Have more than one person compile meal counts
Meal Counts Cannot Be… • Based on computerized or manual attendance records • This does not meet the definition of a Time of Service Meal Count
Meal Counts Cannot Be… • Recorded based on children being present and therefore expected to eat a meal or snack • Example: Staff cannot check off meals and snacks they think a child will be eating later on in the day because that child is in attendance that day. Children do unexpectedly leave and/or arrive throughout the day, get sick, decide they do not want to sit and eat a meal, etc.
Adult Meals • Adults may eat meals and snacks with children; however, their meals and snacks cannot be claimed for reimbursement • Do not record adult meals and snacks on the Greater than 3 Meals Record
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