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Street art. Street art. Street art is any art developed in public spaces — "in the streets”. The term street art is used to distinguish contemporary public-space artwork from territorial graffiti, vandalism and corporate art.
Street art • Street art is any art developed in public spaces — "in the streets”. • The term street art is used to distinguish contemporary public-space artwork from territorial graffiti, vandalism and corporate art. The cave paintings in Lascaux in France ca. 15,000-10,000 BC.
Ancient graffiti • Graffiti has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. • Graffiti art is free – made by people because they want to, not because they need to. Ancient Graffiti on the walls of Pompeii, 79 AD
Graffiti refers to the hip-hop graffiti writing (tagging) originated in New York and Philadelphia in the late 1960s. Graffiti is any type of public painting of simple written words on wall paintings. Street art as a term was first used in the 1980s to describe any art in the urban environment. The term refers to art, as opposed to the society.
Mission of street artists The term street art is used to distinguish contemporary public-space artwork from territorial graffiti, vandalism and corporate art. Reclaiming the city space is often the main mission for graffiti artists either as a reaction against the society or a need to make a persona mark on their environment. Sometimes graffiti is painted to communicate social and political messages. It can be an art form worthy of display in galleries and exhibitions – or it is just considered vandalism.
Graffiti tags Graffiti is often related to underground music creating a lifestyle that remains hidden from the general public. Graffiti is used as a gang signal to mark territory or to serve as an indicator or "tag" for gang-related activity. There are many different types and styles of graffiti.
Tags Graffiti exists in one specific place for a limited amount of time and then it disappears Making your own mark is the essence of graffiti culture. Writing your name or tag on the wall or on a train isthe essence of graffiti tagging Video of train tagging in London: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCFKrRcC5m4 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBJSl4BqnEc&feature=related
Street art or the neograffiti era Due to the rich development and use of new techniques it is getting harder to distinguish between graffiti and street art. Tags have been replaced with more personal logos. A shift from typographic graffiti to iconographic graffiti started.
Iconographic graffiti Cities all over are loaded with signs. The fascination is what signs symbolize: they represent order, authority, consumer culture. Icons are visually stronger than words using the more emotive visual language of symbols. Iconographic approach speaks more directly to the audience. “Brandalism” first introduced by Banksy in 2003 expressing antipathy against corporate branding.
Stencil graffiti • Stencil graffiti use paper, cardboard, or other media to create an image or text that is easily reproduceable. The design is cut out of the selected medium – paper-board - and then the image is transferred to a surface through the use of spray paint or roll-on paint. • One of the best known graffiti artists who use stencils extensively is Banksy.
Banksy • Banksy is an English graffiti artist, 1974. • His artworks are often satirical pieces of art on topics such as politics, culture, and ethics. His street art combines graffiti writing with a distinctive stenciling technique. His art has appeared in cities around the world. Banksy's work was born out of the Bristol underground scene which involved artists and musicians. Banksy art in Brick Lane, East End, 2004.
The flowerguy Screen printing on found paper. Best known for his iconic flower prints.
El tono – a public space artist • Street poster art is a kind of graffiti where posters are hand-made of paper or printed graphics on thin paper. http://www.eltono.com/interior/pubblico/
Websites http://www.banksy.co.uk/outdoors/horizontal_1.htm http://www.workhorsevisuals.com/flash/index.html http://www.conorharrington.com/index.php?pageID=3 Musician: http://fortminor.com/site.php Tutorial: http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutorials/2d__and__photoshop/photoshop_street_art http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutorials/2d__and__photoshop/8_fume-free_graffiti_tutorials_for_digital_artists
Street art - Characteristics Graffiti taggers writing stylized names eye-catching devices added to the letterforms “Brandalism” expressing antipathy against corporate branding Many visual methods/materials in use e.g. spray painted, drawn, stencilled, postered, stickered, sculptured and computer made. Forms of expression: pictograms, abstract shapes, mysterious characters, signs, spontaneous drawings, powerful symbols