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Explore economic systems using network models where users query for answers with incentives. Formulate strategies, modeling utilities, Nash Equilibria, and breakpoint structures of rewards. Discover unique equilibrium situations.
Query Incentive Networks Jon Kleinberg and Prabhakar Raghavan - Presented by: Nishith Pathak
Motivation • Understanding networks of interacting agents as economic systems • Users pose queries and offer incentives for answers • The queries and incentives are propagated in the network • Vetting – Nodes along the path validate the relationship between the end-points • Can be formulated as a game played by nodes in the network • This game has a Nash Equilibrium
Motivation • In case of users seeking information without incentives the critical behavior is at branching parameter 1 • However, for users seeking information with incentives, the critical behavior is at branching parameter 2 • Between parameters 1 and 2, the answer is within vicinity but the incentive required is too high
Formulating a Model • An infinite d-ary tree structure T is assumed • With each step the incentive keeps diminishing • The set of strategies for every node is the set of functions which decides the split between pay-off and reward to child nodes • Parameters – • q : Probability of a node being active given that its parent is active • b = qd : branching factor (Mean number of offsprings) • Based on q, only a subset of T, T’ will be active • If b<1 then T’ is almost surely finite • If b>1 then T’ is infinite with probability, 1-eq,d>0
Formulating a Model • How much utility r* is required by the root node v* in order to achieve a probability s of obtaining an answer from the network • Utility r* depends on probability (1-p) that a node has the answer • 1 out of every n nodes have the answer (rarity n of the answer), where n = (1-p)-1 • Value on effort • Utilities are dealt as integers only to prevent degenerate case • Every node on the path to the answer has to accept a minimum reward of 1 utility • This is incorporated in the model by placing a value on the communication effort of the node • This minimum utility of 1 does not count towards the payoff • Three step process – • Query is propagated outwards from the root • The identities of the nodes with the answer are propagated back to the root • The root establishes communication with one of the above nodes and receives the answer from it • In the third step all nodes along the path as well as the node with the answer receive their rewards
Nash Equilibrium • av(f,x) is the probability that the subtree below v possesses the answer given that v offers rewards x and v itself does not have the answer • bv(f,x) = 1 - av(f,x) • bv(f,x) = Pw is child of v[1-q(1-pbw(f,fw(x)))] • Pay-off for node v = c1 + c2(r-x-1)av(g,x) • r is reward offered to v • x is the reward v offers to its children • g is Nash Equilibrium strategy if each gvin g maximizes the pay-off for node v, for all nodes v(Theorem 2.1) • gv is same for all nodes i.e. all nodes play the same strategy in the state of Nash Equilibrium • If pgeneralizesq then the Nash Equilibrium is unique (Theorem 2.2)
Breakpoint Structure of Rewards • Rs(n,b): minimum utility required by root v* in order to obtain an answer with probability at least s. • Assume n>1 and b>1 are fixed • The set of possible values for s is partitioned into intervals • Rs(n,b) is constant within each interval but increases at a ‘breakpoint’ between two intervals • If we increase utility r* at the node, nodes tend to push the reward deeper into the tree • However a change in the minimum utility Rs(n,b) is observed only when this tendency to push, propagates the query to an extra level of depth in the tree • d(r): Number of nodes the query would reach if the root had utility r, all nodes were active and no node possessed the answer i.e. the maximum possible level that a query can reach if the root has utility r.
Breakpoint Structure of Rewards • In case of networks with no incentives fj probability that no node in the first j levels has the answer given that the root does not We have,bv*(g,r) = fd(r) • uj is minimum r for which d(r)>j-1 • For a given initial utility r, the optimal reward root v* can offer to its children in order to maximize its pay-off is of the form ui for some i • Pay-off for root having utility r and offering reward ui is given by li(r)=(r-ui-1)(1-fi) • Suppose for all r >= uj, we have lj-1(r) > lj-2(r) > … > l1(r) • yj+1 is the point where lj intersects lj-1 and uj+1 = greatest_int(yj+1) • We have, for all r >= uj+1, lj(r) > lj-1(r) > … > l1(r) • If D’j = yj – uj-1 and Dj = uj – uj-1 then,
Growth Rate of Rewards • Let function t(x) = (1-q(1-px)) and we havefj = t(fj-1)
Growth Rate of Rewards (b<2) • Choose s0 < sand n large enough such that pb(1-2bds0)>1 • Consider sequence of fj values up to the point it drops below 1-s • First segment of sequence of fjto be the set of indices j for which fj >= 1-k0/n for k0 > b/(2-b) • Second segment to be set of indices j for which 1-k0/n > fj >= 1-s0
Growth Rate of Rewards (b>2) • Choose s0 < s and n large enough such that pb(1-2bds0)>2 • Consider sequence of fj values up to the point it drops below 1-s • First segment of sequence of fj’s to be set if indices j for which fj >= 1-s0 • Second segment to be set of indices j for which 1-s0 > fj >= 1-s
Extensions and Future Directions • Analysis of the neighborhood of b=2 • Behavior of lower bound when b approaches 1 from above • Incorporating more complexity in the model • More complex queries • Adding more factors such as response time • Incentive Queries in Directed Acyclic Graphs and a Model of Competition