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Relative pronouns. WHO for people (The man who told me the way was very polite) WHICH for animals and things (My new guitar, which I bought yesterday, is excellent.) WHOSE possession (The child whose picture was the best got an award)
Relative pronouns • WHO for people(The man who told me the way was very polite) • WHICH for animals and things(My new guitar, which I bought yesterday, is excellent.) • WHOSEpossession(The child whose picture was the best got an award) • WHOM object pronoun for people(The man whom we met in the street ) • WHERE for places and locations(The house where I live... ) • WHY for nouns (That's the reason why I do it) • THATpeople, animals, things in defining clauses (He said something that I liked.)
Defining / non-defining relative clauses Defining (určující, vedlejší větu –VV- nelze vypustit ze souvětí) Who, which, that … (vztažná zájmena LZE NĚKDY vynechat) No commas (čárky NE) • Do you know the girl who is talking to Tom? • A seaman is someone who works on a ship. • The boy (who/whom) we met yesterday is very nice. Non-defining (neurčující, VV lze vypustit ze souvětí, nezmění se smysl věty) Who, which (no that) – (vztažné zájmeno NELZE vynechat) Always commas (čárky ANO) • Jim, who/whom we met yesterday, is very nice.
Defining relative clauses Defining (určující, vedlejší větunelze vypustit ze souvětí) Who, which, that … (vztažná zájmena LZE NĚKDY vynechat) No commas (čárky NE) • Do you know the girl who is talking to Tom? • A seaman is someone who works on a ship. • The boy (who/whom) we met yesterday is very nice.
THAT – in defining clauses • The man who told me the way was very polite. - The man thattold me the way was very polite. • The building which stands next to our house is very nice. The building thatstands next to our house is very nice. • THAT cannot replace WHERE, OF WHICH
Vynechání vztažného zájmene • Zájmeno můžeme vynechat tehdy, když ve VV není podmětem The book which I bought is not very good. - WHICH zde není podmětem VV. Vynecháme-li ho, věta bude stále mít svůj podmět (tedy já - I) The book I bought is not very good. The stone which fell on my head was quite big. - WHICH je podmětem VV. Vynecháme-li ho, tato věta nebude mít podmět.!!!! The stone fell on my head was quite big. !!!!- wrong!!!
Mistakes • The man which is standing on the corner... - Samozřejmě musí být WHO • He said something what I liked He said something that I liked. - řekl něco, co se mi líbilo (zde by se dalo použít i WHICH, popř. by bylo možné vztažné zájmeno úplně vynechat: He said something I liked.
85/3 • It's made of glass, leather, silver, plastic, metal, wood, gold, titanium, copper, iron, steel, ceramics, carbon, wool, paper, cotton, cardboard, liquid materials, teflon, silk, rubber, stone, ivory,carbon, nickel, titanium, gold, silver, fabric, fiberglass, polystyren, (materials) • It is sharp, valuable, tiny, easy to break, soft, hard, heavy, light, smooth, rough, elastic, bendy, shiny, stainless, transparent, portable, colourful, sticky, durable fragile, brittle(characteristics) • It is round, square, oval, long and thin, thick, flat, square, circular, rectangular, triangular, cylindrical, thin, thick, spherical (shape) • It is got a lid, a handle(s), buttons, batteries • It is used for cutting, sticking things together, carrying things, • It is similar to….
Verbs • Switch on / off • Plug in / unplug • Press • Rewind / fast forward • Restart • Turn up / down • Replay • Shut down • Hold down • Pause • ….need recharging. • …..is crashed • …..need replacing • Record • Play • Set • Freeze • Re-install • Fix
IT CROWD Series 1, episode 4 • Behold – koukej, zírej • Snippet – zlomek • Rain forest • http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7317675698453318635#