

Asta Supreme is the trusted provider of&nbsp;astaxanthin NZ&nbsp;wide, supplying Supreme Health&rsquo;s high quality natural astaxanthin to help boost the health of many New Zealanders and even customers worldwide.&nbsp;<br />Natural astaxanthin is the most&nbsp;powerful antioxidant&nbsp;yet discovered and has many great health benefits. Antioxidants are essential for ridding our bodies of harmful free radicals and helping maintain a healthy immune system. Astaxanthin is 6000x more powerful than vitamin C and 500x more powerful than green tea.&nbsp;<br />Over 500 scientific studies have demonstrated astaxanthin&rsquo;s health benefits in supporting different areas of health: including eye health, cardiac health,&nbsp;immune support, joint health, skin health and sports performance and recovery. It provides whole body benefits without any harmful side effects.&nbsp;<br />Natural astaxanthin is sourced from the red pigment released by green algae as a response to stressful conditions, allowing the algae to survive for over 40 years in harsh environments.&nbsp;<br />Supreme Health carefully cultivates these green algae from the purest waters in New Zealand. Through a quality controlled system, they harvest the natural astaxanthin and combine it with their condition-specific formulation to deliver the supplement suited to your needs.&nbsp;<br />View the full range products on the Asta Supreme website such as&nbsp;<span style="color: #ffffff;"><a style="color: #ffffff;" href="">heart supplements</a></span>,&nbsp;<span style="color: #ffffff;"><a style="color: #ffffff;" href="">skin care supplements</a>&nbsp;</span>or&nbsp;<span style="color: #ffffff;"><a style="color: #ffffff;" href="">antioxidants NZ</a></span>&nbsp;and order the best quality astaxanthin supplements now.


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