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Solving the email records management problem

Solving the email records management problem. A cloud-computing approach to email archiving Amanda Kleha Product Marketing, Google May 20, 2008. Agenda. Email records management challenges What challenges do businesses face storing email?. Archiving as a storage solution

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Solving the email records management problem

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Solving the email records management problem • A cloud-computing approach to email archiving • Amanda Kleha • Product Marketing, Google • May 20, 2008

  2. Agenda • Email records management challenges • What challenges do businesses face storing email? Archiving as a storage solution How archiving solves storage and other business problems Google’s approach to email archiving Cloud computing and other key differentiators Google Confidential and Proprietary

  3. Per Storage Cumulative Storage Number of emails 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Simple IT Trivia What is the fastest growing information source in your company? • Number of web pages • Number of customer orders • Number of videos • Number of emails • 200 employee company, 50 work weeks, 5 work days • 70 emails per day * 200 * 50 * 5 = 3,500,000 emails • 110 Kb per email, 20% annual email growth • In 3 years, be ready to store and search 1.4 terabytes of email Google Confidential and Proprietary

  4. Mail Server Performance is Critical for Business “Email is most companies largest database. It contains not just content but records of communication. It is the only database all users touch. It is a database with very high availability demands” “60% of the average corporation’s intellectual property is stuck in email” Rebecca WettemanNucleus Research Storage Magazine Scale, performance and reliability Fast search and access Source: Email Risks, Google highlights why what you don't know can cost you, Storage Decisions Magazine report Google Confidential and Proprietary

  5. IT organization is under constant pressure • IT resources spent on both operational and legal aspects • Existing systems have not kept pace with these challenges • Email is increasingly in the legal spotlight • Legal and regulatory requirements are increasing • Email retention as a strategic business decision • Storage poses operational challenges • Email availability has become mission critical • Growth in volume and size impacts performance 3 2 1 Challenges of managing email records Google Confidential and Proprietary

  6. Everywhere Else Email is Stored Laptops & Databases Backup Media Servers Legacy approach falls short E-Mail Storage Google Confidential and Proprietary

  7. Productivity, Search & Access Downtime, DR, Reliability & Scale Storage & Security Legal Risk Email Legacy Approach Is Costly E-Mail Google Confidential and Proprietary

  8. Archiving meets operational and legal challenges But what about my backup? • Email archiving differs from basic backup in several ways: • Useful, less-costly storage • Complete message capture vs. snapshot • Policy management • eDiscovery readiness • Produce audits and reports Google Confidential and Proprietary

  9. Archiving to optimize email storage • Shift the burden off your mail server • Reduce mailbox quotas; prevent PSTs • Recover faster from server failures • Improve process performance • Defragmentation • Indexing • Reduce journaling storage • Deliver a better end-user experience Google Confidential and Proprietary

  10. Benefits of hosted email archiving • Increase productivity • IT resources better focused • Better end-user experience • Lower costs • IT infrastructure • Legal costs • Policy compliance • Compliance with legal and corporate regulations • Enforce defensible data retention policies • Mitigate risks • Conduct internal investigations • Respond quickly to ediscovery Google Confidential and Proprietary

  11. Stanford 1999 Oregon 2006 In hosted storage, scale matters, a lot! Storage Capacity 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Google Confidential and Proprietary

  12. Collaboration Messaging Security Compliance Give employees powerful messaging and collaboration tools without the usual IT hassle and cost Introducing Google Apps Works with any open mail server Google Apps Platform Google Confidential and Proprietary

  13. + • Easy Deployment • Go live in days, not weeks • Secure on-line access • Manage policies centrally • Intuitive search • Cloud Computing • No hardware, software integration • Built-in scale and reliability • Virtually no storage limit • Always on, always current • Implications • Simpler architecture • Lower cost • Lower compliance risk • Improved productivity What’s Different About Google’s Approach? Google Confidential and Proprietary

  14. Total cost of ownership • On-premise email archiving • 1000 users for 3 years • Total cost: $606,693 • Storage cost: $570,693 • Unpredictable cost • In the cloud with Google • 1000 users for 3 years • Total cost: $135,000 • Storage included • Predictable cost Per-user subscription 77% less Google Confidential and Proprietary

  15. Customers Agree Google’s Approach is Better • “We found our IT department would spend hours if not days to find information from tape back-up devices… implemented archiving. That turned out to be as straightforward as security. Postini provides a confidence level and security that our clients and our firm need.” – Karina Evans Systems Administrator, Harb, Levy and Weiland Google Confidential and Proprietary

  16. Contact us • http://www.google.com/a/security • 1-866-767-8461 Google Confidential and Proprietary

  17. Thank you! Google Confidential and Proprietary

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