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Coordination Office: Andrzej C. Składanowski Ewa Kiszka

Centre of Excellence in Bio-safety and Molecular Biomedicine - „BioMoBiL” Sixth Meeting of the Working Package WP7 „Final Report and What Did We Achieve ?” Gdańsk, 29 June 2006 Department of Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, MUG. Coordination Office:

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Coordination Office: Andrzej C. Składanowski Ewa Kiszka

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  1. Centre of Excellence in Bio-safety and Molecular Biomedicine - „BioMoBiL”Sixth Meeting of the Working Package WP7„Final Report and What Did We Achieve ?”Gdańsk, 29 June 2006Department of Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, MUG Coordination Office: Andrzej C. Składanowski Ewa Kiszka

  2. Chromosomal genotyping, Molecular markers for cancer diseases Molecular diagnostics for invasive diseases, Composed polyvalent vaccines (salmonellosis) Recombinant vaccines for animal viral diseases etc. Molecular markers for detection of plant pathogenic bacteria, Biological tests for detection of mutagenic polution of marine environment, New photosensitizers in photodynamic therapy of cancer, Pharmacologically active plant secondary metabolites Research focus of BioMoBiL - applications Future Future Future Future

  3. Research focus of BioMoBiL – basic sciences • Novel mechanisms of DNA replication regulation, • Molecular chaperones in organization and function of nucleoids, • Genetic polymorphism and conservation of biodiversity of medicinal plants, carnivorous plants, orchids, limnofauna and vertebrates

  4. Summary of activities in a pillApril 2003 – June 2006 (3.25 yrs) • 102 visitors in the Centre (expected 34 more for the Summer School + 10 International Advisory Board) • 137 Centre members visited abroad • 66 domestic visits • 3 + 1 Summer Schools of Biotechnology (2003, 2004, 2005, expected 2006) • 2 + 1 Centre Conferences with IAB Meetings (Taylor Conference 2003, 2nd BioMoBiL Conference 2005, expected 3rd Conference in 2006) • 3 other conferences (Scan-Balt Conference 2003, International Student Scientific Conference 2004, European Workshops on the Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, 2005) • 2 + 1 Workshops about intellectual property protection (expected 1 at BSS) , • 2 Established IP data bases (herbal plants, cell lines) and Eucaryotic Cell Bank • Established website: databases with equipment, services, methods, books and materials available in the Centre, visibility in the Internet

  5. Mobility - number of visits

  6. Mobility – countries

  7. Mobility – visiting and revisiting

  8. Summer Schools of Biotechnology, Sobieszewo and Lapino Topics 2003-2004: • Plant biotechnology. • Molecular diagnostics of viral and neoplastic disease. • Bioinformatics – molecular evolution and protein structure. • Genomics, microarrays, molecular diagnosis of cancer. • Biotechnological applications in agriculture. • White, green and red biotechnology. Topics 2005: • Proteomics. • Molecular components of transducing pathways. • Bio-process engineering. Topics 2006 (expected): • Molecular diagnostics of infectious diseases. • Molecular diagnostics of cancer diseases. • Immunotherapy of cancer. • Stem cells. • Intelectual propoerty rights. Lectures Seminars Workshops BioMoBiL Library CDs S T U D E N T S

  9. Infrastructure available in the Centre • Multi-media projector + laptop • Data base system for herbarium and other collections • Cell & Tissue Bank, deep freezers, RT-PCR equipment • BioMoBiL Library, ca. 50 books, • 4CDs (Summer Schools lectures and books listed on www)

  10. Eucaryotic Cell Banking – IRC Success Story http://www.innovationrelay.net/content_db/cddb.cfm?action=article&publication_id=3064&is_article=1&appId=3

  11. Achievements of BioMoBiL compared to other Centres of Excellence NAS2 http://www.6pr.pl/pliki/4400/1slowo%20wstepne.pdf http://www.6pr.pl/pliki/4401/2katalog%20LIFE.pdf

  12. Cost summary – 3.5 years • 1st year 118 230, 88 Euro • 2nd year 102 994, 07 Euro • 3rd year 97 347, 49 Euro • 4th year - spent mths 37-39 ca. 30 000 Euro - engaged for mths 40-42 ca. 30 000 Euro - engaged for BSS, IAB ca. 30 000 Euro ______________________________________________ Planned summary spending: 408 572, 24 Euro (ca 94 % of total) Total contracted sum: 434 200 Euro

  13. What for the future ?

  14. ScanBalt - BioMoBiLMolecular DiagnosticsKnowledge CentreCoordinated by the Intercollegiate Faculty of BiotechnologyUniversity of Gdańsk & Medical University of Gdańsk

  15. Micrometastasis Diagnostics: Prof. Klaus Pantel, Hamburg; Dr. BjörnNaume, Oslo Department of Biotechnology IFB UG-MUG Molecular Diagnostics Division Prof. Fabien Zoulim, Dr Lycyna Cova INSERM U271, Lyon France Prof. Torkel Wadström Section of Med. Microbiology Dept. of Laboratory MedicineLund University, Sweden viRgil - Network of Excellence Dr Ulf Vogt Institute of Molecular Oncology European Laboratory Association Ibbenbueren, Germany (private lab) Prof. Burkhard Brandt University Medical Center Center of Experimental Medicine Institute for Tumour Biology Hamburg, Germany Oncology diagnostics H U B ScanBalt BioMoBiL Diagnostics of infectious diseases Dr Guy Vernet Emerging Pathogens R&D Dept.bioMerieux, Lyon, France

  16. Prof. Hans-Joachim Rziha, Inst. for Animal Health, Tubingen, Germany Prof. Hans Nauwynck, University of Ghent, Belgium Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG-MUG Dr. Jan van der Volf PRI, Wageningen, The Netherlands Prof. Gunter Adam, University of Hamburg BRD, Germany BioMoBiL Prof. Thomas Bergstrom, University of Goteborg, Sweden Prof. Emmanuel Wiertz, University of Leiden, Holland Prof. Arvind Patel, MRC, Glasgow, Scotland Diagnostics of human & animal viral diseases H U B ScanBalt Diagnostics of plant pathogens Dr Ian Barker, CSL, York, Great Britain

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