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Pre Planning: Identification of Need 1. Develop/Review Student Learning Expectations 2. Examine alignment of learning expectations with assessments 3. Review assessment data 4. Identify areas of need based on assessment. Identify areas of strength and weakness?. Plan:
Pre Planning: Identification of Need 1.Develop/Review Student Learning Expectations 2. Examine alignment of learning expectations with assessments 3. Review assessment data 4. Identify areas of need based on assessment Identify areas of strength and weakness? Plan: 1. Describe the current process for addressing the identified area of need (flow chart) 2. Review data to determine baseline performance in the specific area identified (Run Chart/Pareto Diagram) 3. Identify potential root causes contributing to the identified area of need (Cause & Effect Diagram, 5 Why’s, Relations Diagram) 4. Study research-based best practice/improvement theory addressing areas of need What do they know? What have they learned? Action Research Overview for Professional Learning Communities DO 1.Plan for implementation of improvement theory (Force Field Analysis, Action Plan) 2. Implement research-based best practices improvement theory based on root causes according to the Action Plan 3. Monitor the implementation of research-based best practice/improvement theory to insure integrity and fidelity4. Assess student learning Act: 1.Standardize the implementation of research-based best practice (improvement theory) that improved student learning (revise the flow chart to reflect changes made to the system) 2. If improvement theory was unsuccessful continue the PDSA cycle (try another improvement theory based on the next identified root causes) Most effective/best practice teaching and learning strategies? Study: 1. Examine student assessment results (compare to baseline) 2. Assess the impact of research-based best practice/improvement theory on student achievement Have they learned it? What do we do if they don’t?
PLC Crucial Questions What do we want each student to know or be able to do? How do we know if they have learned? What evidence do we have of the learning? How will we respond when some students don’t learn?
StudentCrucial Questions • What do I need to know? • Where am I now? • How do I get there? • What happens if I fail?
Pre Planning: Identification of Need 1.Develop/Review Student Learning Expectations 2. Examine alignment of learning expectations with assessments 3. Review assessment data 4. Identify areas of need based on assessment Identify areas of strength and weakness? What do we want students to know? Plan: 1. Describe the current process for addressing the identified area of need (flow chart) 2. Review data to determine baseline performance in the specific area identified (Run Chart/Pareto Diagram) 3. Identify potential root causes contributing to the identified area of need (Cause & Effect Diagram, 5 Why’s, Relations Diagram) 4. Study research-based best practice/improvement theory addressing areas of need HOW do we know if they have learned it? What do they know? What have they learned? Action Research Overview for Professional Learning Communities DO 1.Plan for implementation of improvement theory (Force Field Analysis, Action Plan) 2. Implement research-based best practices improvement theory based on root causes according to the Action Plan 3. Monitor the implementation of research-based best practice/improvement theory to insure integrity and fidelity4. Assess student learning Act: 1.Standardize the implementation of research-based best practice (improvement theory) that improved student learning (revise the flow chart to reflect changes made to the system) 2. If improvement theory was unsuccessful continue the PDSA cycle (try another improvement theory based on the next identified root causes) What evidence do we have of the learning? Most effective/best practice teaching and learning strategies? Study: 1. Examine student assessment results (compare to baseline) 2. Assess the impact of research-based best practice/improvement theory on student achievement Have they learned it? What do we do if they don’t? How do we respond if they don’t?
CRCSD Areas of Focus 2006-2008 & ongoing CRCSD Student Learning Expectations 2007-2009 Formative Assessment Learning Communities Iowa Professional Development Model
PLC Crucial Questions What do we want each student to know or be able to do? How do we know if they have learned? What evidence do we have of the learning?
Learning Target Purposeful Planning = Student Achievement Instruction Assessment
Balanced Assessment: Meeting the Needs of All Stakeholders • Administer annual accountability testing • Develop interim, short-cycle or benchmark • Ensure ongoing, accurate classroom assessments for and of learning • Consider the student as the most influential user of assessment information
Assessment for Learning Rick Stiggins
Overview Assessment OF Learning Assessment FOR Learning Improve Learning Check Status Others about students Students about themselves Enabling Targets Standards
Assessment OF Learning Assessment FOR Learning Assessments that diagnose needs or help students see themselves improve High Stakes External Assessments An event after learning A process during learning Summative Formative
Two Purposes for Assessment SUMMATIVE • AssessmentsOFLearning • How much have students learned as of a particular point in time? FORMATIVE • AssessmentsFORLearning • How can we use assessment information to help students learn more?
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT:All those activities undertaken by teachers and by their students [that] provide information to be used asFEEDBACK to modify the teaching and learning activitiesin which they are engaged.--Black & Wiliam, 1998
Formative or Summative? Unit Assessments
Formative or Summative? • Students take sentence strips and put them in order by the sequence of events in the story.
Formative or Summative? • Running Records
Formative or Summative? • Qualitative Spelling Inventory
Formative or Summative? • Completing a T Chart to draw connections between Corretta Scott King and Rosa Parks independently.
Formative or Summative? • Weekly Assessments
When the cook tastes the soup, that’s formative. When the guest tastes the soup, that’s summative. Robert Stake
“Teachers use formative assessment to inform instructional methods… at the very least, teachers should check for understanding every 15 minutes.” -Douglas Fisher Checking for Understanding
Key IDEA: Formative assessment can and should be done BY STUDENTS, as well as by teachers. The key to improvement is how studentsand teachersuseassessment information.
Balanced Assessment SUMMATIVE Assessments that provide evidence of student achievement for the purpose of making a judgment about student competence or program effectiveness. FORMATIVE Formal and informal processes teachers & students us to gather evidence for the purpose of improving learning ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Use assessments to help students assess & adjust their own learning. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Use formal & informal classroom assessments to inform teacher’s decisions. FORMATIVE USES OF SUMMATIVE DATA Use summative results to inform what comes next for individuals or groups of students.
Keys to Classroom Assessment • Key 1: Clear Purpose • Key 2: Clear targets • Key 3: Sound Assessment Design • Key 4: Effective Communication • Key 5: Student Involvement
SevenStrategies of Assessment FOR Learning • Clear & Understandable Vision of Target • Examples/models of strong & weak work • Regular Descriptive feedback • Teach Students to Self-Assess & Set Goals. • Focus on One Aspect • Teach Focused Revision • Engage students in Self-Reflection
What we choose to evaluate and how we choose to evaluate delivers powerful messages to students about those things we value. Students view their learning and their sense of worth through the lens we help them construct unless they cannot bear to look through it. “Staytor and Johnson, 1990
100 80 Increase of 34%ile to 84%ile 60 13%ile increase to 63%ile Starting percentile 50th Starting percentile 50th %ile improvement increase 40 20 0 Teacher assessment effectiveness Student Achievement
100 Increase of 49%ile to 99%ile 80 28%ile increase to 78%ile 60 Starting percentile 50th Starting percentile 50th %ile improvement increase 40 20 0 Teacher assessment effectiveness Student Achievement
John Hattie—reviewed 7,827 studies on learning and instruction. Conclusion… “The most powerful single innovation that enhances achievement is feedback. The simplest prescription for improving education must be ‘dollops’ of feedback.”
Like most things in education, classroom assessment enhances student achievement under certain conditions only. • Feedback from classroom assessments should provide students with a clear picture of • their progress on learning goals and • how they might improve • Feedback from classroom assessment should encourage students to improve. • Classroom assessment should be formative in nature. • Formative classroom assessments should be quite frequent.
Feedback from classroom assessments should provide students with a clear picture of • their progress on learning goals and • how they might improve Bangert-Drowns, Kulik, Kulik, & Morgan, 1991
Feedback from classroom assessments should provide students with a clear picture of • their progress on learning goals and • how they might improve
Pretest 2/12 (48%) Quiz 2/15 (60%) Quiz 2/19(60%)
How do you provide feedback in a way that students • Know what they are learning and how well the are progressing • Can explain what they need to do to get better. Rubrics