1. From Z to A: Setting the STAAR Cut Points from End to Beginning Gloria Zyskowski, TEA
Kimberly OMalley, Pearson
2. Session Overview STAAR Assessment Program
Alignment of Content Standards
Standard Setting 101
Alignment of Performance Standards
STAAR Standard-Setting Process
3. STAAR Assessment Program Emphasis on college and career readiness
Aligned system of assessments
Increased rigor
Focuson the curriculum (TEKS) that are most critical to assess
Clarityregarding what will be assessed and how the assessed content standards are preparing students for their next step
Depthis emphasized over breadth in assessing student expectations
4. College Readiness Goals To become one of the top 10 states in the nation in terms of college readiness by the 20192020 school year
High school graduates prepared for postsecondary opportunities
5. Texas Definition of College Readiness Texas Education Code (TEC) 39.024:
the level of preparation a student must attain in English language arts and mathematics courses to enroll and succeed, without remediation, in an entry-level general education course for credit in that same content area.
at four-year college and universities
at institutions that offer associate degrees and certificates
6. Alignment of Content Standards Start with college readiness
Align to high school standards
Vertically align down to elementary school
7. Texas College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) Legislation required TEA and THECB to establish vertical teams to develop standards in
English language arts
Social studies
Approved in January 2008
Have been compared with other national standards
8. Aligned to High School Standards Gap analysis and alignment study
TEKS refinements and revisions
Identification of critical skills in
English III
Algebra II
9. Vertically Aligned to Elementary Map critical skills back to third grade
Focus on essential skills for current grade and important to be prepared for the next grade
Readiness vs. supporting student expectations
Readiness student expectation emphasized in the STAAR assessments
10. College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS):
First integrated into the EOC assessment at the end of the sequence (English III and Algebra II)
Then mapped backwards across courses and grades to form a content-aligned system
11. Standard Setting 101 Different types of standards
Content Standards
Performance Standards
Accountability Standards
Process of determining the level of knowledge and skill students need to demonstrate to be classified into the various performance levels.
Involves obtaining recommendations from those who are knowledgeable of
the content/skills to be assessed
the test population
the ways in which test scores are used
12. Standard Setting 101 Combines content, data, and policy expertise
13. Alignment of Performance Standards Start with college readiness
Align to high school standards
Vertically align down to elementary school
14. College Readiness Standards TEC 39.024 mandates:
The setting of college readiness performance standards for English III and Algebra II
Informed by research studies
Research studies conducted prior to initial standard setting and at least every three years thereafter
The comparison of standards to national and international college readiness assessments and success in military service or the workforce
The conducting feasibility studies for science and social studies EOC assessments
15. Aligned to High School Standards Performance standards in lower-level EOC assessments informed by studies that relate student performance in one course with student performance in the next course
Algebra I standard aligned with Algebra II
English II standard aligned with English III
English I standard aligned with English II
16. Vertically Aligned to Elementary Performance standards in middle and elementary school also informed by studies, relating student performance in one grade/course with student performance in the next grade/course
Grade 8 math standard aligned with Algebra I
Grade 8 reading standard aligned with English I
Standards in grades 37 reading and mathematics aligned with next grade/course
17. Performance standards based on empirical evidence from student performance
across courses and grades
on external assessments
18. STAAR Standard-Setting Process Eight steps for setting STAAR performance standards:
Conduct validity and linking studies
Develop performance labels and policy definitions
Develop grade/course specific performance level descriptors
Standard-setting committee
Policy review committee
Approval of performance standards
Implementation of performance standards
Review of performance standards
19. 1. Conduct Validity and Linking Studies Studies to inform the college readiness standard:
Follow students from high school to college
Compare EOC performance and other test performance
College students take STAAR EOC assessments
20. 1. Conduct Validity and Linking Studies Studies to inform standards for STAAR EOC assessments:
Relationship between test performance in the same content area
Relationship between test and course performance
Comparison to TAKS
Comparison with NAEP
21. 1. Conduct Validity and Linking Studies Studies to inform standards for STAAR 38 assessments:
Relationship between test performance in different grades in the same content area
Relationship between grade 8 and high school
Comparison with TAKS
Comparison with NAEP
Vertical Scale
22. Why Studies for Setting Performance Standards? Texas goal is to be in the Top 10 in terms of college readiness by 20192020.
Comparisons of Texas standards with national and international standards are important in meeting this goal.
Studies will be conducted at least every three years to update standards and monitor progress.
23. Example: Algebra II and SAT SAT Mathematics (not SAT Subject Test)
Arithmetic operations
Etc STAAR Algebra II
Quadratic Functions and Relations
Square Root Functions
Rational Functions
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
24. Example: Algebra II and SAT Timing
STAAR Algebra II
Spring of junior year
Spring of senior year
SAT (General Test)
Spring of junior year
Fall of senior year
Students take the assessments around the same time of year. However
25. Example: Algebra II and SAT Data are not available on the same timeline
SAT data are typically available to the state after students graduate
Initial standards will be set using data from tests not used for students graduation requirements.
Standards review will incorporate data from tests used for students graduation requirements. Alg II FT is sampled, representative, generally students who take ALg II tend to perform worse than students taking in juniorAlg II FT is sampled, representative, generally students who take ALg II tend to perform worse than students taking in junior
26. Additional Considerations SATno college ready benchmark for comparison
ACT does have a college ready benchmark and it will be used in comparisons
Student motivation now and then
Algebra II is a newly-tested content area
Required course as part of 4x4
Required assessment for graduation (recommended and distinguished achievement programs)
Instruction will improve
Curriculum may be changed/updated
SAT is typically taken by college-bound students
27. 2. Performance Labels and Policy Definitions TEA and THECB convened a committee September 30October 1, 2010
26 committee members represented by diverse stakeholders in:
Public education
Higher education
Business community
28. Committee Charges Assume that the state assessment system will be implemented under current federal and state statute, both of which require a minimum of three performance levels.
Reach consensus on recommendations for the names of the performance labels (categories of performance) for student achievement on the assessments (general, modified and alternate).
Make recommendations for key words/phrases to be used in drafting the policy definitions that will define student performance within each category.
29. Performance Label & Policy Definition TAKS Example
Performance Label
Met the Standard
Policy Definition
Satisfactory academic achievement, students performed at a level that was at or somewhat above the state passing standard, students demonstrated a sufficient understanding of the knowledge and skills measured at this grade.
30. Committee Process Step 1: Brainstorm key words/phrases to be used in developing the policy definitions
Step 2: Share recommendations for key words/phrases
Step 3: Reach consensus on recommendations for key words/phrases to be used in developing the policy definitions
Step 4: Brainstorm performance labels for each of the performance categories
Step 5: Share recommendations for performance labels
Step 6: Reach consensus on recommendations for performance labels
31. Final labels and definitions to be approved by the commissioner of education by December 31, 2010.
32. 3. Specific Performance Level Descriptors Committees to meet in 2011
Committees to primarily include educators from both public education and higher education
Translate the policy definitions into grade/course and content specific descriptions
33. 3. Specific Performance Level Descriptors TAKS Exit-level ELA Example
34. 4. Standard-Setting Committee STAAR EOC: February 2012
STAAR 38: October 2012
Committee members to represent broad perspectives including:
Educators (from both public and higher education)
Policy experts (including business representatives)
Dual expertise in education and policy
35. 4. Standard-Setting Committee Committee will follow a research-based standard-setting process
Cut scores will be informed by
Test content (item difficulty, required skills)
Alignment within content area
External study results (e.g. SAT, ACT)
Linking studies (e.g. Algebra I to Algebra II)
Student performance (estimated % passing)
Expert judgment
Cut score will be set starting with highest grade/course, with lower grade/course vertically aligned to higher grade/course
36. 5. Policy Review Committee STAAR EOC: March 2012
STAAR 38: November 2012
Committee of higher and public education policy experts from prior committee and additional policy experts
Review recommended cut scores across the entire STAAR program all grades/courses and content areas
37. 6. Approve Performance Standards STAAR EOC: March 2012
STAAR 38: December 2012
College readiness performance standards approved by commissioner of education and commissioner of higher education
All other performance standards approved by commissioner of education
38. 7. Implement Performance Standards STAAR EOC: May 2012 (first high stakes administration)
STAAR 38: Late fall 2012 or early 2013
New standards are expected to be used in state and federal accountability systems starting in 2013
39. 8. Review Performance Standards Legislative requirement to review performance standards at least once every three years
First review in 2013
Consider additional data from research studies
Longitudinal data (follow cohorts of TX students from EOC to college and careers)
Substitute tests (AP, IB, SAT subject)
Military service
College readiness for science and social studies (depending on findings of feasibility studies)
40. Summary The STAAR Assessment Program will feature:
Content and performance standards that are an aligned system from grade 3 to college and career readiness to prepare all students for postsecondary opportunities
Performance standards that are not set in isolation but informed by data from research studies that include comparisons with national and international assessments
A multi-step research-based standard-setting process that includes diverse stakeholders from higher and public education and involves frequent review of standards
Additional information can be found in the transition report submitted to the legislature on December 1.
41. Questions?
42. Session Code <Insert Session Code here>