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Our Vision: ENC Stop Human Trafficking Now desires to create a community

Our Vision: ENC Stop Human Trafficking Now desires to create a community that actively works towards abolishing Human Trafficking locally and globally. Mission Statement

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Our Vision: ENC Stop Human Trafficking Now desires to create a community

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Our Vision: ENC Stop Human Trafficking Now desires to create a community that actively works towards abolishing Human Trafficking locally and globally.

  2. Mission Statement • Educating citizensabout the reality of Sex Trafficking and Labor Trafficking in Eastern North Carolina and around the world. *Expanding local markets for Fairly Traded items produced without coerced or exploitative labor practices. *Encouraging legislators, law enforcement, and the public to contribute to the fight to end Human Trafficking. *Collaborating with and supporting other local, national, and international anti-trafficking and victim-assistance efforts.

  3. Is there Human Trafficking in NC?

  4. 7 Military Bases in NC Pope Air Force Base, Cumberland County (Fayetteville) Seymour Johnson AFB, Goldsboro Fort Bragg (Army), Fayetteville Coast Guard, Elizabeth City Camp Lejeune (Marines), Onslow County Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, Havelock Marine Corps Air Station New River, Jacksonville

  5. Why in North Carolina? •Military presence •Interstates 95 and 85 •Coastal state •Agriculture industry •Large immigrant population

  6. Human Trafficking Defined: “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, debt bondage, or slavery."

  7. Human Trafficking: What Is It? • Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery • Victims of trafficking exploited for commercial sex or labor purposes • Traffickers use force, fraud or coercion to achieve exploitation After drug dealing, human trafficking is tied with the illegal arms trade as the second largest criminal industry in the world, and it is the fastest growing.

  8. Human Trafficking:Two Types Sex Trafficking and Labor Trafficking

  9. Sex Trafficking What is it? The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, induced by force, fraud or coercion, or in which person performing the act is under age 18. • If a child is <18 years old and is being used for a commercial sex act, the child is considered a victim of trafficking; no further criteria must be met. • If the person is >18 years old, it must be proven that the person is being used for a commercial sex act by force, fraud, or coercion.

  10. Safe Harbor Effective October 1 Increases Penalties for purchasers and sellers of sex with minors (Johns and pimps) Protects children from being arrested for a crime committed against them

  11. Protects Victims Mistake of age is no longer grounds for defense Consent of a minor is not a defense Allows for prostitution offenses to be erased from a victim's record when it can be proven that victims have been forced into prostitution or were under 18 at the time of the offense

  12. Increases Penalties Makes pimping a felony in North Carolina Makes engaging in sexual acts with a prostitute a felony Upon second offense, solicitation of prostitution becomes a felony offense Increases felony penalties for trafficking of minors as well as those over the age of 18

  13. Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking 11-14 years old-average age of first being prostituted No such thing as a “child prostitute” These are abused children Victims of sex trafficking

  14. Who are especially vulnerable to domestic minor sex trafficking? • Youth with histories of abuse • Homeless, runaway or “throwaway” youth • Youth within the foster care system & child protective services

  15. Who victimizes American children? • Parents/other family members

  16. Pimps

  17. Gangs

  18. What can I do? Be informed Inform others Training for your church

  19. Buy Fair Trade, Not Slave Trade What FT Products are available in the US? Coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate

  20. Buying Fair Trade products is Human Trafficking Prevention

  21. Fair Trade, not Slave Trade

  22. More info: www.fairtradeusa.org Buy Fair Trade items at Fair Traders at Umbrella Market, Fair Traders at Spring Run Market, any restaurant or retailer that sells Fair Trade items.

  23. Join the Social Media campaign!

  24. Education-Prevention Demand Reduction: Relationship of Pornography industry to Human Trafficking Reducing Vulnerability: Teaching girls how pimps recruit. Teaching girls to value themselves.

  25. Impacting Legislation NC-Safe Harbor US-TVPA Reauthorization SB 855-require schools to have prevention curriculum

  26. Contact Legislators Visits make the most impact Calls, Letters Emails

  27. Contact local law enforcement Call the Sheriff Call the Police Chief Has your staff been trained on how to recognize Human Trafficking? Has your staff been trained on the new Safe Harbor law?

  28. Work with local anti-Human Trafficking groups Work with local anti-Human Trafficking groups (I can email you a list) Get involved with national and international groups

  29. The MOST important thing to do is . . . SOMETHING!! The WORST thing you can do is . . . NOTHING!!

  30. Sign up for more info!

  31. Watch & Report

  32. Upcoming Events

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