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Regional Extension Center

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Regional Extension Center

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    1. 1

    2. CRISP Regional Extension Center 2

    3. Adopt, Adapt, Advance “CRISP’s Regional Extension Center brings highly qualified IT organizations, called Management Service Organizations (MSOs) , into the Maryland marketplace to assist providers adopt electronic health record(EHRs), achieve meaningful use and realize your Medicare or Medicaid Incentives” - Daniel Wilt, Program Director 3

    4. REC Background April 6, 2010 - CRISP receives grant award for $5.5M from Office of the National Coordinator(ONC) to become Maryland’s REC CRISP REC to assist 1,000 primary care providers with adopting EHR and achieving Stage 1 of meaningful use Education and Outreach - CRISP, in partnership with MedChi (a sub-recipient of the grant), will provide relevant educational seminars and CME events to providers 4

    5. Priority Primary Care Providers (PPCPs) Licensed clinicians with prescriptive privileges (MD, DO, NP, PA) in the following settings: Private physician practice of 10 or fewer Family Practice, Adolescent Medicine, General Practice, Internal Medicine, OB GYN, Pediatrics, Geriatrics Non-profit primary care clinics including community health centers and rural health clinics Ambulatory care clinics associated with public, rural, and critical access hospitals. 5

    6. CRISP Online Resources Available at www.crisphealth.org: Help with choosing an MSO that meets your unique needs Guidance with identifying available incentive programs Interpreting meaningful use requirements Relevant news and case studies Tutorial on Health Information Exchange (HIE) and getting connected MedChi educational event calendar 6

    7. CRISP Launches Updated Web Site 7

    8. CRISP Resources for Providers 8

    9. MSOs – A Provider’s Ally Maryland providers have a new ally to help them Adopt, Adapt, and Advance… Management Service Organizations (MSOs) More than just an EHR vendor: State Designated by the Maryland Health Care Commission Roots in Maryland Knowledgeable, local resources Well-versed in a variety of EHR technologies 9

    10. MSO Service Offerings Services to help you Adopt, Adapt, Advance… Education Effective strategies and practices to implement, and “meaningfully use” certified EHR technology Meaningful use and guidance on incentives Implementation and Project Management Project management support Individualized and on-site coaching, consultation and troubleshooting. 10

    11. MSO Service Offerings Practice and Workflow Redesign Support for effectively transitioning from paper-based workflows to electronic workflows CRISP Health Information Exchange (HIE) Connectivity Work with providers and EHR vendors to help you get connected with the statewide HIE infrastructure Implementation of Privacy and Security Best Practices Implementing HIPAA best practices 11

    12. MSO Service Offerings Progress Towards Meaningful Use Understand meaningful use requirements Reviewing the utilization of the EHRs Provide appropriate feedback and support to improve utilization Numerous Other Service Offerings: Practice and Revenue Cycle Management Computer and network services Personal Health Records EHR financing options 12

    13. Milestones For MSOs Milestones established to ensure delivery of REC services: Signed “provider acknowledgement” that you are receiving REC services from an MSO Demonstrated go-live on a meaningful use-certified EHR, to include ePrescribing and the ability to generate quality reports Demonstrated achievement of Stage 1 of meaningful use 13

    14. MSOs Ready to Help You MSOs are open for business… Each MSO has a profile of capabilities on the CRISP Web Site 14

    15. Maryland HIE Is Live Montgomery County Hospitals Holy Cross Hospital Suburban Hospital Montgomery General Hospital National Labs Quest Diagnostics Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp) Radiology American Radiology Services Community Radiology and Advanced Radiology 15

    16. What Types of Data is Being Exchanged? Demographics Progress notes Problem lists Medications Vital signs 16

    17. Upcoming MedChi HIT CME Events 17 MedChi Healthcare Information Technology CME Events For more information on these and other events, please visit www.crisphealth.org or www.medchi.org All events are 1.5 CME Seminars except the one on 11/19/2010 Montgomery County is an 8 CME conference All events are 1.5 CME Seminars except the one on 11/19/2010 Montgomery County is an 8 CME conference

    18. The Time is NOW! The CRISP Regional Extension Center is here to direct you to an MSO that can assist you and your practice to Adopt, Adapt, and Advance For help with choosing an MSO, getting connected to the HIE, and obtaining more  information on meaningful use and incentives, e-mail rec@crisphealth.org or call 1.877.95.CRISP(27477) .  GET STARTED TODAY! Federal funding for the REC is provided through the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and the Department of Health and Human Services under grant number 90RC0059/01 18

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