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Job Creation ASTS (A step towards success). By: Talarrio Davis. Let me Introduce Myself.
Job Creation ASTS (A step towards success) By: Talarrio Davis
Let me Introduce Myself • Hello good afternoon to you. Let me introduce myself my name is Talarrio Davis a Senior for Shroder Paidea. Let me ask you something. Do you know how high unemployment rate is in Cincinnati? Well 8.7% of people are unemployed. Every wanted to know what we can do to change that?
Programs • The Evergreen Cooperatives in Cleveland operate green laundry and other green businesses that employ people in some of the city’s most impoverished neighborhoods. • Integrated Packaging Corporation and Homecare of Rochester created opportunies for employees to move up the economic ladder and improved quality of product service. • Various Amendments to the Clean Air Act have caused far lower cost and job losses then executives feared.
About My Program • My program is using President’s Obama American Jobs Act plan but using it in Cincinnati. With the increased payroll I plan to make a department to train people to help the unemployed and get jobs. Currently Cincinnati’s payroll is 2.1% . My program will raise the payroll to 2.3%. By doing this payroll will be put into people earning jobs and making a higher income.
Problems with Creating Jobs. • Lack of room for employment • The economy is in trouble and for August there are zero new jobs. • The nation has a self-imposed debt ceiling. • The government does not have an infinite capacity to spend.
Debt • Central government debt undermines 85% of gross domestic product. • Central government is exceeding 90% of GDP in advanced economies stunted growth • To reduce the size of debt nominal GDP must grow at a faster rate than debt
What Has been Done? • Obama proposed an American Jobs Act. Including a temporary payroll tax cut to keep an extra 1,500 flowing to a typical household. • New jobs of business are emerging in communities the U.S focused on job creation and the economic growth. • Social impact businesses offer the possibility of making jobs create a much larger working population in our country.
What Can Be Done? • House members may spike a job creation bill proposed by the senate. • Some testimony focused on a plan to authorize up to $60 million of tax credits for companies exports. • Build more Job Acts programs within the city such as my program ASTS.
People I will Help. • The lower/middle class and the unemployed. • Estimated total of unemployed people in Cincinnati are estimated about 8.7%. My program will work with a smaller group of people about 2% of the unemployed.
People I need to Employ • I am going to start off small with 10 to 25 people employed. These people will train other employees. I will have such roles like accounting, HR, Councilors, Security, etc.
Resources • I will need a building for clients to refer to. Such as, meetings they may want to attend. A website so all my program info address and phone number are located.
Cost • Estimated total for a small business start up is around $7,000. Full months rent for office space ranges from $300 to over a $1,000. Plus payment of employees which I will offer $200 per paycheck. Yearly the cost to run this program will be a rough estimate of $69600.
Who Will Fund Me. • There are a series of grants funded by the state. One of wish are supported by Obama which offers $30 million for small business loan.
My Collaboration • If the payroll, which is currently 2.1%, increased to 2.3% an additional 200 would be increased in taxes. The Payroll would then generate $2300 vs. $2100 due to the increase in payroll. Stated from the Cincinnati’s Finance Department.
Counter Arguments • The U.S is in debt and is short of money and has problems with its budget. • If I increase the payroll tax the rich will be against because they may believe that it will result in slowing down chain of business.
In Closing • Thank you for your time and I hope that I enlighten you all with my presentation. Thanks again.
Sources • Brady, Kevin, and Jim Dermint. "Opinion: Debt Impedes Job Creation - Rep. Kevin Brady and Sen. Jim DeMint - POLITICO.com." Politics, Political News - POLITICO.com. Opinion Contributor, 20 Sept. 2011. Web. 20 Sept. 2011. <http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0911/63899.html>. • WebsiteTagsEditDelete • "For Job Creation, Is Government a Help or Hindrance? - CSMonitor.com." The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com. Christian Science Monitor. Web. 19 Sept. 2011. <http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2011/0916/For-job-creation-is-government-a-help-or-hindrance>. • WebsiteTagsEditDelete • "Jeffrey Hollender: The Future of Job Creation in America." Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. 7 Sept. 2011. Web. 12 Sept. 2011. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeffrey-hollender/the-future-of-job-creatio_b_950703.html>. • WebsiteTagsEditDelete • Lieb, David A. "Key Mo. Lawmaker: Job-creation Plan in Jeopardy - BusinessWeek." Businessweek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice. The Associated Press, 19 Sept. 2011. Web. 20 Sept. 2011. <http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9PRV45G1.htm>. • WebsiteTagsEditDelete • Rich, Motoko, and John Broder. "A Debate Arises on Job Creation and Environment." Http://www.nytimes.com/. New York Times, 4 Sept. 2011. Web. 13 Sept. 2011. <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/05/business/economy/a-debate-arises-on-job-creation-vs-environmental-regulation.html?_r=2>. • http://bls.gov/web/metro/laummtrk.htm • http://www.cincinnati-oh.gov/cityfinance/pages/-7149-/ • http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/can-obamas-jobs-plan-prevent-2012-recession/2011/09/28/gIQAzgvQ4K_story.html