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Four Signs You May Need To Change Your Concrete Surface!


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Four Signs You May Need To Change Your Concrete Surface!

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  2. THERE ARE CRACKS IN THE SURFACE If you see cracks in your concrete surface, this can mean several things. Cracks can be caused by: ● Poorly-mixed concrete or an improperly cured base layer ● The use of incompatible materials when resurfacing the pavement ● Moisture infiltration and freeze-thaw cycles (in colder climates)

  3. ● Voids are air gaps that can be found within the concrete surface. These voids usually form as the result of settling and shifting the material during construction. YOU CAN FEEL VOIDS UNDERNEATH YOUR FEET ● Voids are dangerous because they lead to cracks in your concrete, which makes it much more susceptible to damage from rainwater and snowmelt. ● You can check for voids by taking a hammer out into your yard, tapping on different areas of your patio or driveway, and listening carefully. If you hear an echo where there should be none (or if tapping causes no sound at all), then you likely have an issue with voids underneath your surface —and you may need to have it replaced soon by a paving contractor!

  4. DISCOLORATION ● Water damage – If your concrete is discolored because of water damage, then it’s likely that moisture has gotten into it and caused structural problems. This will be visible through cracks or pitting on top of the concrete surface. ● Salt damage – Salt crystals can get into cracks in your driveway or sidewalk and cause corrosion over time. This will usually leave white marks on your driveway or sidewalk where salt has been deposited from vehicles driving over it repeatedly over time. ● Chemical Damage – Chemicals such as acids can eat away at the structure of your driveway or sidewalk, causing discoloration as well as creating pitting in its finish which makes it unsafe for driving barefoot because you could fall through them easily!

  5. A slanted concrete surface can be a sign of a few things. It might be that the concrete was not poured in the right place or at all. Another thing it could be is that your surface has shifted over time, which can happen if you don’t have enough support below it. You can do minor repairs to level out the surface using something like a hydraulic jack or cement leveling compound. Still, if you are dealing with larger issues such as shifting foundations or moving pipes, you need to reach out to a paving contractor! IT IS SLANTED

  6. CONTACT US Disclaimer: This is a generic Information & post; content about the services can be changed from time to time as per your requirements and contract. To get the latest and information, today or visit our website. At Auspave, we offer a wide range of services to help keep your concrete surface in great shape. updated contact us 0404 137 135 www.auspave.com.au info@auspave.com.au Unit 3/120 Hume Hwy, Chullora NSW 2190, Australia

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