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Galatians The Gospel and the Law. Lesson 12 “Catch Up, Chart and Review” The Book of Galatians. “TO THE CHURCHES OF GALATIA” Galatians 1:2. Churches not named – only the region Probably, Antioch [ Pisidia ], Lystra , Derbe , and Iconium (Acts 13, 14) Reasons for the letter:
GalatiansThe Gospel and the Law Lesson 12 “Catch Up, Chart and Review” The Book of Galatians
“TO THE CHURCHES OF GALATIA”Galatians 1:2 • Churches not named – only the region • Probably, Antioch [Pisidia], Lystra, Derbe, and Iconium (Acts 13, 14) • Reasons for the letter: • “…a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ…” (2:16) • “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel…” (1:6)
Quick Breakdown of the Book • Paul's defense of his apostleship (1:11-2:21) • Paul's defense of the gospel of justification by faith (3:1-4:31) • The call to stand fast in the liberty of the gospel (5:1-26) • Christian Responsibilities (6:1-18)
Chapters 1 & 2Paul's defense of his apostleship • His gospel received directly from Christ (1:11-12) • His past in the Jewish religion (1:13-17) • His relationship with other apostles (1:18-2:21) • First visit with Peter (1:18-24) • Came after 3 years; he stayed 15 days
Chapters 1 & 2Paul's defense of his apostleship • His relationship with other apostles (1:18-2:21) (continued) • His visit with the council at Jerusalem (2:1-5) • After 14 years • Titus, a Greek, was not compelled to be circumcised • James, Cephas, and John gave him “the right hand of fellowship” (2:6-10) • His rebuke of Peter at Antioch (2:11-21) • Peter’s hypocrisy (2:11-13) • What he told Peter (2:14-21)
Chapters 3 & 4Paul's Defense of Justification By Faith • He makes a personal argument (3:1-5) • How did you receive the Spirit? (3:1-4) • From whom did you receive the Spirit? (3:5)
Chapters 3 & 4Paul's Defense of Justification By Faith • He makes a scriptural argument (3:6-4:7) • The example of Abraham (3:6-9) • The curse of the Law (3:10-14) • The Promise over the Law (3:15-18) • The purpose of the Law (3:19-25) • They are one in Christ, as children of God, Abraham's seed, and heirs of the promise (3:26-29) • Redeemed from the law and adopted as sons, they were no longer slaves, but heirs (4:1-7)
Chapters 3 & 4Paul's Defense of Justification By Faith • He makes a personal argument again (4:8-20) • His fears over their returning to bondage (4:8-11) • Their past and present relationship with him (4:12-20)
Chapters 3 & 4Paul's Defense of Justification By Faith • He makes a scriptural argument again (4:21-31) • Do you not hear the law? (4:21) • Abraham’s two sons (4:22-27): • One born by a bondwoman (through the flesh, symbolic of Mount Sinai, Jerusalem of that time, born of bondage), • One born by a freewoman (through the promise, symbolic of heavenly Jerusalem, born free) • Christians are children of promise, as Isaac was (4:28, 30-31) • Those born of the flesh persecute those born of the Spirit (4:29)
Chapters 5Liberty of the Gospel Is Not A License • Liberty in Christ –we’re free from bondage (5:1-6) • Circumcision under the law is a yoke of bondage: • Profits nothing (5:2) • A debtor to keep the whole law (5:3) • You are fallen from grace (5:4) • Christians wait for the hope of righteousness by faith (5:5) • Beware of those who bind the Law (5:7-12) • Use liberty through love to serve one another (5:13-15)
Chapters 5Liberty of the Gospel Is Not A License • Christians walk in, and are led by, the Spirit (5:16-26) • The lusts of the flesh is against the Spirit (5:16-17a) • Christians do not have a license to do those things of the flesh (5:17b-18) • Works of the flesh contrasted to the works of the Spirit (5:19-26) • Those doing the works of the flesh will not inherit the kingdom of God (5:21)
Chapters 6Liberty Means Responsibility • Helping those with burdens (6:1-5) • Doing good to all is sowing the Spirit (6:6-10) • His final rebuke to those who would bind circumcision (6:11-13) • Paul’s confidence in the cross of Christ (6:14-17) • In Christ neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything (6:15) • But, a new creation is in the cross of Christ (6:15-18)
The LawThe Gospel 1. A perverted gospel (1:7) 1. A heavenly gospel (1:7) 2. Of human origin (1:11) 2. Of divine origin (1:12) 3. Traditions of men (1:14) 3. Revelation of God (1:16) 4. Brings bondage (2:4) 4. Gives liberty (2:4) 5. Divisive (2:12) 5. Unifying (2:14) 6. A curse of death (3:10) 6. A promise of life (3:14)
The LawThe Gospel • Justification by perfect 7. Justification by faith (3:11) works (3:12) • Inherit by the flesh 8. Inherit by the promise (3:18,21) (3:18,22) • Only a tutor (3:24) 9. A real teacher (3:25) • Addressed to servants 10. Addressed to Sons (4:17) (4:7)
The LawThe Gospel 11. Persecutes the heirs 11. The heirs are persecuted (4:29) (4:29) 12. Falling from grace (5:4) 12. Called into grace (1:6) 13. Hinders running well 13. Assures running well (5:7) (5:7) 14. Promotes “works of 14. Promotes “fruit of Spirit” flesh” (5:19-21) (5:22,23)
For the next class meeting…. The gospel according to Paul – Ephesians Christ and the Church