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Limit update 1fb -1 extrapolation

Limit update 1fb -1 extrapolation. Thanks for inputs from Camila , Jose, Liwen , Bertrand, Li! Yuji Enari 2011.1.6 LPNHE Higgs meeting. Input: Signal yield ( Camila , Jose). Camila got numbers, and put them into datacard file. BG slope ( comfirmed by Li).

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Limit update 1fb -1 extrapolation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Limit update 1fb-1 extrapolation Thanks for inputs from Camila, Jose, Liwen, Bertrand, Li! Yuji Enari 2011.1.6 LPNHE Higgs meeting

  2. Input: Signal yield (Camila, Jose) • Camila got numbers, and put them into datacard file

  3. BG slope (comfirmed by Li) xi = -0.02+/- 0.01(stats) ± 0.01(syst) • What we use is Marumi’s number. Here is output from Li

  4. Signal shape • Same as before, from Marc.

  5. 95% CL Limit with 1fb-1. • Script to make plot!

  6. Systematic uncertainty • Reduced set of systematics. From Liwen! Got all mass points!

  7. Including systematics

  8. Whooops! • Forgot to change the range. Better to update them. • Ran 100*100 toy in each, about 24 hours to finish. • Now another set of job running.

  9. Systematic inclusion to the result • Now trying to make all numbers which have done for sensitivity study. • Evaluate effect of systematic one by one. • Need to combine. • Easiest solution is same as sensitivity study. • Otherwise, we need to generate S+B hypothesis in toy MC to evaluate all systematic effect at simultaneously. • No sys in BG, but “xi” is nuisance parameter in the TOY.

  10. Backup

  11. Limit setting in Hfitter Slides from Francesco, Lydia, Nansi, 18/1/2010

  12. A technical information • We are using CCALI, If you would like to play • /sps/atlas/e/enari/Fitters/README_HowToRunHfitterAtLyon • Nicola’s Twiki (https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/Hfitter) is very useful! • You can submit job by running run_sub.csh in HGGfitter/run directory. • You can control # of job and # of toy by changing run_sub.csh and template/test_v1.C • Effect of statistics: This number is low BG case (scaled down to current BG level) with 36 pb-1.

  13. 95%CL limit ratio to SM with L=36pb-1 Just scaling to L=1.0 fb-1, 95% CL upper limit is ~ 3.

  14. Systematic effect for MH = 120 GeV

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