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How do they see/hear/feel that you care?. Eric M. Larson University of St. Thomas Slides: emlarson.com/gusday. What you’re in for…. This is not an exhaustive review of organizational psychology literature
How do theysee/hear/feelthat you care? Eric M. Larson University of St. Thomas Slides: emlarson.com/gusday
What you’re in for… • This is not an exhaustive review of organizational psychology literature • Instead, this is a super-simple framework to help explain why people react so differently to the same “good things”
Why this topic? • We’re all in some sort of “customer service” position. • We probably really, truly care about our “customers”. • It’s personally frustrating when we do something nice and they don’t appreciate it. • It’s bad “customer service” to have your customers think you don’t care about them.
Introducing “Love Languages” • We’re sticking with the “love” word because that’s what the book uses. • If it drives you crazy, substitute “caring” or “appreciation” for “love”.
What changed since 2008? Well, I loaned out my book… …and I didn’t get it back. So, I went shopping…
And then I noticed something interesting in my new copy. Do you spot it?
What are the “Love Languages”? • Words of Affirmation • Quality Time • Receiving Gifts • Acts of Service • Physical Touch
Words of Affirmation • It’s always safe to “affirm” someone. • Be sincere! (We can tell when you’re not!) • Be engaged and relevant! • “Hey… ummm… that one thing… whatever it was… that was probably really important, right? Well, then… great job!” • “I really appreciate that you went out of your way to restore both partitions onto the new drive before his class period ended!”
Quality Time • This isn’t just “standing in the same room” • This is personal, connected, one-on-one time. • Measure this with cues from the person you’re meeting with. • Are they meeting with you just to get something accomplished? • Or are they meeting to bond, connect, “chat”?
Receiving Gifts • Some people love gifts. • Some people don’t care.
Receiving Gifts • Gifts are nice… …and most people wouldn’t be offended by receiving a gift… • …but if you think that gifts are sufficient and you’re not dealing with a “gifts” person, you have a problem.
Receiving Gifts • Sometimes, a “gift” is a simple thing…
Acts of Service • Who doesn’t like having things done for them? Well… • What about bosses who “micro-manage”? • What about faculty who don’t want you to just “do it”, but want you to sit down and show them and walk them through the process and appreciate when they’ve managed to do it all by themselves?
Physical Touch • You can be friendly with someone… …or too friendly with someone… …or too friendly with something.
Physical Touch • Granted, this could be dangerous in a work environment. • But don’t ignore cultural conventions; handshakes are important! • “When I came here, I was happy that my new boss didn’t punch me in the arm every time he walked by.” ~A server admin; she didn’t like being punched!
Physical Touch • In customer service, showing you care through “physical touch” isn’t just about touching the customer; • It’s also about showing consideration for what the customer touches • Personal space • Physical environment
Tip of the day… • (Assuming that they care about someone,) People tend to follow the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” • Put another way, people treat others the way that they like to be treated. • Unsure how to treat someone? Watch and see how they treat you(or how they treat those they care about).
“The CTRL-A Approach”(a.k.a “The Command-A Approach”) • Q: What if you don’t know what someone’s “love language” is? • A: Be cold and analytical, step back, assess a client’s “language”, and then respond accordingly when you’re positive you understand it fully? • A: Try them all! • (Once you find something that works really well for an individual, you can “trim down”.)
Drive him from the hotel to campus Greet him with warm handshakes Give him a token gift bag Talk during lunch with fellow faculty Thank him profusely Acts of Service . Physical Touch . Receiving Gifts . Quality Time . Words of Affirmation Case Study: A visiting speaker…
Offer to get magazines Explain you’re not being “beat up” T-shirt for going through procedure Chat during donation and at “canteen” Thank him profusely Acts of Service . Physical Touch . Receiving Gifts . Quality Time . Words of Affirmation Case Study: Blood Donation…
Move all the client’s files for him/her Minimize changing the environment Gift-card for cup of coffee Reassurance of follow-up visit Acknowledge the inconvenience Acts of Service . Physical Touch . Receiving Gifts . Quality Time . Words of Affirmation Case Study: Computer Replacement…
Does everyone have just one language? • Nope; some people are multi-lingual • Particularly meaningful or unusual experiences might cross over to a different language… • Hugging EDUCOM speaker; I don’t hug! • Receiving footage of a POW/MIA vigil • All that having been said… most people have a “primary language”.
Disconnects • A faculty member really appreciates a student’s interest in the course, so he spends extra time critiquing her paper and making little tweaks to sub-points that he wouldn’t bother explaining to other students. • Her language is “Words of Affirmation”. • What will happen?
Disconnects • Your boss pops her head in your office and says, “I’m heading out for the day, but you probably worked hard to write that application; here’s a $25 gift-card as a thank-you from the Management Team.” • Your language is “Quality Time”. • What will happen?
Scenario • A faculty member asks you to come by her office and help her to set up a Discussion Board. What language is she speaking? • Quality Time… or Acts of Service • (How do you tell the difference? It depends on the interaction when you’re there.)
Scenario • A faculty member calls you in your office to tell you that she got her Discussion Board set up and really appreciated your help. What language is she speaking? • Words of Affirmation… • or Quality Time?
Scenario • A presenter at your training session provides a USB thumb-drive loaded with materials that were discussed. (No, you’re not getting one.) • OR, in 2014, a presenter at your training session provides Google Glass headgear loaded with materials that were discussed. (No, you’re not getting that, either.) • Receiving Gifts… and Acts of Service
Scenario • A faculty member grabs you in the hallway and asks you to come by his office and critique his podcast. He’s looking for…? • Quality Time... • and Physical Touch, if he’s literally grabbing.
Show of Hands! • We won’t share it yet, but… Who here has a good work-related story or experience or example of… • Words of Affirmation? • Quality Time? • Receiving Gifts? • Acts of Service? • Physical Touch?
Get into groups: Receiving Gifts Physical Touch Quality Time Words of Affirmation Acts of Service
Group Work • Get into groups! • Introduce yourselves, including what you think your own “love language” might be • Appoint/volunteer a group spokesperson • “Deliverable”: Each group will share an experience that illustrates someone speaking a “love language” at work • Question: Is this your native language, or did you have to “translate” to understand it?
Group Reports Receiving Gifts Physical Touch Quality Time Words of Affirmation Acts of Service