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Synthesis of Strategic Issues (Climate, Disasters, Water) and a draft European strategic framework. Compatible with GEO strategic framework GEO Strategic Targets as reference Formulation of European Targets, derived from GEO language Starting Point: European capacities to respond to targets
Synthesis of Strategic Issues (Climate, Disasters, Water) and a draft European strategic framework
Compatible with GEO strategic framework GEO Strategic Targets as reference Formulation of European Targets, derived from GEO language Starting Point: European capacities to respond to targets Status Quo reports as technical reference (limited to SBA‘s climate, water, disasters and cross-cutting issues) GMES as major European contribution to GEO Suitable for political level Designed to be a contribution to the European GEO Strategy Includes recommendations for action Approach for a European GEO strategy framework
Structure of the draft synthesis paper • Vision: Where Europe wants to be in 2015 with respect to GEOSS • Mission: What Europe does in its relevant programmes and how this is connected with GEO • Plan of action: A European GEO plan 2012-15 • Setting targets • Recommending actions • Aspects with respect to SBA‘s Water, Disaster, Climate based on EUGENE output, but to be harmonised with other sources • Cross-cutting issues
Guiding principles Europe’s support to GEO is guided by • Further develop its EO systems in close cooperation with GEO • Taking advantage from GEOSS, especially taking account of the • sustainability and interoperability of systems, • promotion and implementation of the Data Sharing Principles • documented data quality, and • user-driven recognition of information requirements for the benefit of decision making. • Consider GMES as main framework to implement this • Further develop European scientific expertise and innovative abilities, offer expertise for international collaboration • Enhance European EO capacities, offer cooperation to the developing world, with focus on Africa
Vision Globally concerted efforts for improved understanding and monitoring of the Earth System are required to allow for sound political decisions. GEO builds the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), which provides decision makers and scientists worldwide with sustained, interoperable, and globally coordinated Earth Observation. • Europe fulfils its commitment to GEO and uses its capabilities and investments to substantially contribute to the success of GEOSS to realise societal benefits of humankind. • This also serves Europe to implement its policies in the fields of environment, energy, disaster management, development aid and climate change • Major UN conventions and programmes are supported by GEOSS • Europe manifests its role as a strong and capable partner in the global efforts of adapting to environmental change.
To achieve the vision of Europe being a strong and capable partner in the framework of GEO, Europe’s mission is to define and realise the contributions to and the needs from GEOSS referring to both European operational EO programmes and European R&D activities. In general, Europe’s mission in the field of EO is outlined in various program activities such as: Modelling and forecasting the Earth System and its inter-linkages (ECMWF, national centres) Operating reliable services for decision making at European and Member State level and achieve better knowledge on the status and processes of the Earth System (GMES, EEA, European Meteorological Infrastructure) Developing scientific, technical and operational know-how (EU FP7) Exploring Planet Earth from space (ESA, national space programmes) Building capacities to empower infrastructure, people and institutions for using EO (AMESD, ”GMES and Africa”) Implementing standards for and building of accessible and interoperable data infrastructures (INSPIRE) GEOSS provides Europe with a global structure for such multidisciplinary Earth observation activities. Mission
Action Plan (2012-15) • Climate • Disasters • Water • ... • Architecture and Data • Science and Technology • User Engagement • Capacity Building • European Coordination and Outreach
Climate GEO Strategic Target Before 2015, GEO aims to: Achieve effective and sustained operation of the global climate observing system and reliable delivery of climate information of a quality needed for predicting, mitigating and adapting to climate variability and change, including for better understanding of the global carbon cycle. European target Increasing and sustaining, within a stabilized and well organised structure, Europe’s already prominent scientific and operational contributions to international frameworks based on the “political will” within Europe, to address climate issues including both national and European level activities Actions (derived from climate study)
Disasters GEO Strategic target Before 2015, GEO aims to: Enable the global coordination of observing and information systems to support all phases of the risk management cycle associated with hazards (mitigation and preparedness, early warning, response, and recovery). European Target Europe aims to further strengthen harmonisation and collaboration of services related to disasters at the European and international level and to improve relevant global activities by contributing the European expertise and infrastructures to the success of international risk management Actions (derived from disasters study)
Water GEO Strategic Target Before 2015, GEO aims to: Produce comprehensive sets of data and information products to support decision-making for efficient management of the world's water resources, based on coordinated, sustained observations of the water cycle on multiple scales European Target Europe aims to improve the sustained observation of water cycle components and the coordination of hydrological activities in Europe, combined with an increased exchange of data. Europe intends to offer its expertise and work with its GEO partners to support global capacity building, with a specific focus on Africa. Actions (derived from water study)
Points for discussion • Comments on Water/Disasters/Climate SBA specific aspects from projects also in touch with these SBA‘s • Strategically relevant SBA specific issues (other than Water, Disasters, Climate) from projects working in such SBA‘s • How to integrate such issues into common framework? • Comments on cross-cutting issues from other projects: • Agreements, differences, other issues, priorities