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Learn about the installation and maintenance of fire protection systems in the Royal Castle. Explore fire alarm systems, self-extinguishing systems, staircase desmoking systems, and fire dampers. Discover the modernization of these systems over the years.
PREPARED BY: Andrzej Zagórski Security Department The Royal Castle
Introduction • Installation of the fire protection system • Installation of the self-extinguishing system • Installation of the staircase desmoking system • Installation of fire dampers • Modernisation of the systems over the years • System maintenance
INTRODUCTION • The main task of fire protection systems in museums is to protect people's lives and health (visitors and staff) • Another very important task of fire safety systems is, of course, to protect museum collections
INTRODUCTION • The operation of systems and display of supporting elements such as emergency opening buttons and staircase desmoking will be demonstrated in the second, practical, part of our meeting • In this section, as an introduction, I will try to discuss the theoretical principles of the operation of the fire-safety systems.
The purpose of a THE FIRE-ALARM SYSTEM is • to detect a fire hazard in a short time • and to alert the emergency services • In addition, the system should actuate other subsystems, such as the release of emergency exits, staircase desmoking, alarm sirens, etc. THE FIRE-ALARM SYSTEM (FAS)
In the Royal Castle there are five fire control units. • All are connected to the integrating system MM8000. • The units are controlled in the Security Systems Centre • All signals from the system are sent to the Security Systems Centre and to the Shift Commander responsible for the safety of the building THE FIRE-ALARM SYSTEM (FAS)
THE FIRE-ALARM SYSTEM (FAS) • Second-degreefirealarms are automaticallydirectedtotheFireServices • Seconddegreefirealarms are triggeredby Manual AlarmCallPoints MACP and in theevent of thefirstdegreealarmnotbeingconfirmed in the time required (3 min).
THE FIRE-ALARM SYSTEM (FAS) • An important element supporting the work of the response group in the event of a fire alarm is the "Mother Key" system implemented in the Royal Castle • This solution allows the response group to access every room in the Castle usingone key • It significantly reduces the response time, whichmayresult in extinguishingthefire in itsearlystages.
The system of fixed fire-fighting equipment not only detects fire hazards, but also automatically eliminates them (self-extinguishing). • Fire extinguishing is done by NOVEC 1230 gas • The gas, forced under pressure into the room, absorbs oxygen from the air. THE SELF-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM (SES)
THE SELF-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM (SES) These are the facilities of the self-extinguishing system
THE SELF-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM (SES) • As you can see, this is an excellent system that detects and eliminates the risk of fire • However, it has onemajordrawback - theprice • Duetotheveryhighcostonly a fewrooms in the Royal Palace are fittedwithself-extinguishinginstallation.
THE STAIRCASE-DESMOKING SYSTEM • The staircase-desmoking system is asystem typicallyused to support evacuation in the event of fire • Thesystemisusedonly in theemergency-exitstaircases • In thecastlethere are twoways of removingcombustionproducts: gravitational - throughthewindowsbeingautomaticallyopened, and the use of mechanicaldesmoking fans.
THE FIRE-DAMPER SYSTEM • During a fire, a crucialaction is essential to cutting off ventilation in the fire room • The rooms of the Royal Castle are equipped with ventilation and air-conditioning systems • The inlet ducts are equipped with fire dampers controlled by the fire-protection system • During the second degree alarm the fire control unit sends the command to close the dampers in the ducts serving the endangered area
FIRE SYSTEMS IN THE ROYAL CASTLE OVER THE YEARS The Royal Castle in Warsaw was almost entirely destroyed by the German army during World War II The first damage had already been inflicted by September 1939 This destruction was completed in 1944.
FIRE SYSTEMS IN THE ROYAL CASTLE OVER THE YEARS The Burning Royal Castle after bombing. Photograph taken in September 1939
FIRE SYSTEMS IN THE ROYAL CASTLE OVER THE YEARS The ruins of the Royal Castle. Photograph taken in 1945
FIRE SYSTEMS IN THE ROYAL CASTLE OVER THE YEARS • The decision to rebuild the Castle was made in 1971 • The reconstruction plans involved the provision of the fire alarm system as well • However, the project itself and the effectiveness of the system were not satisfactory
FIRE SYSTEMS IN THE ROYAL CASTLE OVER THE YEARS • As a result, in 1984, when a fire broke out in technical rooms in the Castle Attic, the system did not work • When the fire had developed to such an extent that it melted THE FIRE-ALARM SYSTEM installation, the system itself signalled a technical fault circuit break • Of course, it was too late and the fire was already so large that several units of the Fire Services had to intervene
FIRE SYSTEMS IN THE ROYAL CASTLE OVER THE YEARS • Because the roof of the rebuilt Castle is made of a reinforced-concrete structure fire did not spread to the whole building • The positive aspect of this incident was the subsequent decision to install a new FIRE-ALARM SYSTEM in the Castle
FIRE SYSTEMS IN THE ROYAL CASTLE OVER THE YEARS • In the second half of the 1980s design and installation works began on a new system by the Swiss company Cerberus, very modern for its time • The system was based on control units CZ-10 and F910 detectors
FIRE SYSTEMS IN THE ROYAL CASTLE OVER THE YEARS • The system covered all the rooms of the Castle • In selected areas, a self-extinguishing system based on HALON gas was installed, • The new system was launched in 1991.
FIRE SYSTEMS IN THE ROYAL CASTLE OVER THE YEARS • In the subsequent years, other buildings belonging to the Castle were renovated - the Copper-Roof Palace, the Kubicki Arcades, buildings in Podzamcze • Fire-alarm systems wereinstalled in all these buildings • The SIEMENS AlgoRex system was installed in the Copper-Roof Palace and Kubicki Arcades
FIRE SYSTEMS IN THE ROYAL CASTLE OVER THE YEARS • As part of the modernisation, all CZ-10 control units operating in the Castle were replaced by CS -1140 SIEMENS units • The self-extinguishing system was also modernised, in that the control units (now the XC-10 model) and sensors (now Sinteso detectors ) and gas (currently NOVEC 1230) were replaced
FIRE SYSTEMS IN THE ROYAL CASTLE OVER THE YEARS • As part of the modernisation, the already-mentioned STAIRCASE-DESMOKING SYSTEMS and fire dampers were deployed • Currently, the following items are to be replaced: -One CZ-10 control unit supporting buildings in the Castle grounds - F910 detectors still operating in the buildings of the Castle and Castle grounds
SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE • A special unit responsible for maintenance, and also a technical support for security systems (including fire-protection systems) was set up in the Royal Castle. • All system components are tested and maintained on a quarterly basis
SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE • The overall security is enhanced through exercises carried out in the Castle in consultation with the Fire Service and the Police • The building security system is tested based on a range of pre-conceived scenarios