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Theories of motivation. 激 励 理 论. Summarize 概述. Definition : Motivate is a continuous psychological process which motivate the people ’ s motivation of behavior through outer stimulation . 定义: 激励是通过外部刺激达到激发人的行为动机的一个持续的心理过程。. Summarize. Basic model of the process:
Theories of motivation 激 励 理 论
Summarize概述 Definition: Motivate is a continuous psychological process which motivate the people’s motivation of behavior through outer stimulation . 定义: 激励是通过外部刺激达到激发人的行为动机的一个持续的心理过程。
Summarize Basic model of the process: need-motivation-behavior-goal-satisfaction 基本模式: 需要-动机-行为-目标-需要满足 激励的过程就是满足需要的过程
Need-motivation-Behavior Need Motivation 可达到目标(方向) 刺激 需要 意向 愿望(驱动力) 动机 Motivation Behavior 1、同一动机可以引起多种行为。 2、同一行为可出自不同动机。 3、一种行为可能同时为多种动机所推动。 4、合理的动机可能引起不合理的甚至错误的行为。 5、错误的动机有时外表被积极的行为所掩盖。
Need-motivation-Behavior 优势动机 强度 动机类别 A B C D E 动机结构与强度示意图
激励的模式 心理紧张 (愿望、驱动力) 动机 目标 导向 未满足 的需要 目标 行为 反馈 产生新 的需要 需要满足 紧张消除
content motivation theory 内容型激励理论 behavior modification theory 行为改造型激励理论 motivation theory of process 过程型激励理论
Content motivation theory Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 马斯洛的层次需要论 Meclelland’s achievement of needs 麦克利兰的成就需要论 Heraberg’s Two Factors theory 赫茨伯格的双因素理论
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs There is a hierarchy of five human needs; • Physiological: food, drink, shelter, sex • Safety: physical safety • Social: affiliation with others, affection, friendship • Esteem: Internal (self-respect, autonomy, and achievement); external (status, recognition, and attention) • Self-actualization: personal growth and fulfillment 生理需要 安全需要 爱与归属 自尊需要 自我实现
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 1. As each need becomes satisfied, the next need becomes dominant.The unsatisfied need motivate the people’s behavior. 2.One can only work on the higher needs when the lower needs are satisfied. 1、未满足的需要激励人们的行为。 2、当低层次的需要满足后,高层次的需要就变成主要的激励因素。
权利的需要 归属的需要 成就的需要 Meclelland’s achievement of needs麦克利兰的成就需要论 According to Maclelland’s theory, everyone has three kinds of need: Need for achievement ; Need for power; Need for affiliation;
Meclelland’s achievement of needs Need for achievement (nAch): the drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a set of standards, to strive to succeed. Need for power (nPow): The need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise. Need for affiliation (nAff): The desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships.
选择人数 追求成功 避免失败 任务难度
Heraberg’s Two Factors theory赫茨伯格的双因素理论 Frederick Herzberg proposed the Two Factor theory of human motivation. According to his theory people were influenced by two factors: hygiene factors motivation factors 激发人的动机的因素:保健因素和激励因素
Heraberg’s Two Factors theory Essentially, hygiene factors were needed to ensure an employee was not dissatisfied. In order to motivate an employee into higher performance motivation factors were needed. Satisfaction and psychological growth was a factor of motivation factors. Dissatisfaction was a result of hygiene factors. 保健因素:防止产生不满情绪 激励因素:带来满意
Heraberg’s double factors theory赫茨伯格的双因素理论 保健因素和激励因素的作用 保健因素 没有不满意 不满意 激励因素 没有满意 满意
Heraberg’s Two Factors theory Hygiene Factors include interpersonal relations Security Status Salary Working conditions
Heraberg’s Two Factors theory Motivation Factors Include Achievement Achievement Recognition Responsibility Advancement Growth
content motivation theory 内容型激励理论 behavior modification theory 行为改造型激励理论 motivation theory of process 过程型激励理论
Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory 强化理论 Attribute theory 归因理论
Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory Reinforcement : use some reinforcers to interfere the connection between the stimulus and behavior, and make the behavior stabilizing keeping , or bating. 强化是指通过强化因素来干预某种刺激和行为的联系,使某一行为巩固、保持或减弱消退。
Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory Positive-Reinforcement 正强化 Negative-Reinforcement 负强化 Apply the theory : Using the positive-reinforcement and inner-reinforcement 尽量使用正强化和内部强化
Attribution Theory归因理论 Attribution: A process by which we understand the causes of our own or other's behavior.Internal vs external causes归因是指推测行为原因,对别人或自己的行为动机加以分析解释。 内源性归因和外源性归因
人们对成败归因的四种可能: 能 力 内 因 努 力 任务难度 外 因 机遇
content motivation theory 内容型激励理论 behavior modification theory 行为改造型激励理论 motivation theory of process 过程型激励理论
Vroom’s Expectancy Theory 弗鲁姆的期望理论 Adams’s Equity Theory 亚当斯的公平理论
Expectancy Theory期望理论 Expectancy : people’s belief about a particular activity may lead to a particular result. 期望是指一个人对于特定活动可能导致一个特定结果的信念. 是一个人在一定时间内要达到目标或涉及需要的一种愿望。
Expectancy Theory According to Vroom’s theory,people’s behavior is due to the expectancy of the outcome and the attraction to personality. 人的行为取决于对未来结果的期望,还取决于这种结果对个人的吸引程度。
Expectancy Theory Three varies: Expectancy---Instrumentality—Value M=E*V 期望值:反应人们对所承担任务的胜任程度 关联性:一定的工作绩效将得到一定的回报 效价:所得奖励对个人的吸引程度 激励水平(M)=期望值(E)*效价(V)
Expectancy Theory 关系Ⅰ 关系Ⅱ 关系Ⅲ 期望理论三方面的关系如图 个人 努力 取得 绩效 组织 奖励 个人需要 满足程度
Equity Theory Employees perceive what they get from a job situation (outcomes) in relation to what they put into it (inputs) and then compare their input-outcome ratio with the input-outcome ratios of relevant others. 公平是指一个人所作贡献和所得的报酬与另一个条件相同的人贡献与报酬比例相等。 职工的工作热情以及对工作的满意程度取决于她们在工作和分配问题上是否受到公平待遇。
Equity Theory Relationships EMPLOYEE’S ASSESSMENT Inequity (under-rewarded) Equity Inequity (over-rewarded) *Person A is the employee, and Person B is a relevant other or referent.
Equity Theory When employees perceive an inequity they may: • Behave so as to change their own inputs or outcomes. • Distort either their own or others’ inputs or outcomes. • 实际改变自己的投入与报酬 • 在认识上改变自己(别人)对投入与报酬的评价
Equity Theory • Choose a different comparison referent. • Quit their job. • (Behave so as to induce others to change their inputs or outcomes.) • 选择另一种比较对象 • 离开所处环境