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Buy High Quality Ceramic Fiber Blanket- Axim Mica

Ceramic Fiber Blanket has low thermal conductivity and great resistance to thermal shock as well as great sound absorption. It used as High temperature filtration and also use in Nuclear insulation applications.For more detail, visit Axim Mica today!!

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Buy High Quality Ceramic Fiber Blanket- Axim Mica

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Presentation Transcript

  1. High Quality CERAMIC FIBER BLANKETS Presented by: Axim Mica

  2. Ceramic fibers are used as insulation materials, because of their ability to withstand high temperatures, and are used primarily for lining furnaces and kilns. The products are in the form of blankets, boards, felts, bulk fibers, vacuum-formed or cast shapes, paper, and textiles.

  3. Axim’sceramic fiber blanket has high tensile strength and low shrinkage. It has great resiliency with low heat storage. This product has low thermal conductivity and great resistance to thermal shock as well as great sound absorption.

  4. Use of Ceramic Fiber Blanket • Glass furnace crown insulation • Field steam generator lining • Nuclear insulation applications • Thermal reactor insulation • High temperature filtration • Expansion joint seals

  5. In today’s fast-paced technological world, we understand that our customer’s requirements and demands are greater than ever. At Axim Mica, we have an innovative approach to the way mica materials are sold and distributed. So if your interested to buy high quality mica product and mica material, Browse Axim Mica today!!

  6. Contact Us Address: 105 North Gold Drive Robbinsville, NJ Cont. (516)248-0045 Business Mail: info@aximmica.com Website: http://aximmica.com/

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