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Algonkians : How did they travel?

Algonkians : How did they travel?. The same as the Iroquoians: Travel by foot (WALKING) In winter  SNOWSHOES On water (rivers) Canoe They used toboggans in the winter to help carry things. Inuit: the way they lived. Inuit lived in Northern Canada and the Tundra Region.

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Algonkians : How did they travel?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Algonkians: How did they travel? • The same as the Iroquoians: • Travel by foot (WALKING) • In winter  SNOWSHOES • On water (rivers) Canoe • They used toboggans in the winter to help carry things

  2. Inuit: the way they lived • Inuit lived in Northern Canada and the Tundra Region. • The soil was NOT FERTILE and the climate was too cold!!! • Not Fertile and cold climate means not good for growing vegetables

  3. InuitNorthern Canada/Tundra region

  4. The Inuit people had to work very hard to survive • The temperature is very cold  -40 *C in the winter • Very dry  almost no rain and little snow • Summer is August and July • The ground stays frozen all year  this is called PERMAFROST • Lakes, rivers and some parts of the ocean stay frozen • In the winter, there may be several months where the sun does not appear • In summer, the sun may not go down  sun all day

  5. Midnight Sun

  6. Inuit were mainly hunters • Because the climate was so cold, there was very little VEGETATION • Inuit had to hunt for food • hunting animals and birds • Inuit also fished for different kinds of fish • It was difficult to get food in Northern Canada

  7. What kinds of animals did the Inuit hunt? • During the winter months  walrus, seals, arctic char (fish) and whales • Spring, summer and fall months  arctic char, seals, birds, musk-oxen, caribou, polar bear, arctic hare, and arctic foxes

  8. Arctic Char

  9. Seals

  10. Walrus

  11. Arctic Fox

  12. Cariboo

  13. Arctic Hare

  14. Ptarmigan

  15. Polar Bear

  16. Bowhead whale

  17. Inuit DID NOT stay in the same place • Because they were hunters • They had to follow animals they hunted • They moved around from season to season • Moving around from season to season is called NOMADIC • Inuit had a nomadic way of life • Sometimes, Inuit stayed in small villages

  18. Inuit homes • Inuit usually lived in small groups • Food was difficult to get big groups were a bad idea • People call Inuit snow houses ‘Igloos’  this is not the real name • The real name is ‘Igluviga’

  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-x5QOSqP3E

  20. Other Inuit homes Karmats: • large holes dug into the ground in the summer. • Stone, whale bones and animal hides were used to make walls and the roof. • During the summer Inuit traveled to find caribou and other animals. They lived in tents made from animal hides in the summer.

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