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A PICTURE DICTIONARY IN ENGLISH. Lifelong Learning Multirateral School Project “ We all came here from somewhere ”. Olaine Secondary School No 1 Latvia 2011. There are about 1,5 million native speakers in Latvia and about 120,000 abroad .
A PICTURE DICTIONARY IN ENGLISH LifelongLearningMultirateralSchool Project “Weallcameherefromsomewhere” Olaine Secondary School No 1 Latvia 2011
There are about 1,5 million native speakers in Latvia and about 120,000 abroad. There are more than 6 700 languages in the world. Latvianlanguageistheofficial state language of the Republic of Latvia.
Its closest and only living relative isLithuanianlanguage: Examples: piens - pienas (milk) slota – šluota (a broom) zirnis – žirnis ( a pea) The first written texts in Latvian appeared more than 400 years ago.
ThepresentLatvianalphabetconsistsof33letters: a, ā, b, c, č, d, e, ē, f, g, ģ, h, i, ī, j, k, ķ, l, ļ, m, n, ņ, o, p, r, s, š, t, u, ū, v, z, ž. 22 letters are from Latin alphabet.
Usageof BIG andsmallletters. A Ā B C Č D E Ē F G Ģ H I Ī J K Ķ L Ļ M N Ņ O P R S Š T U Ū V Z Ž a ā b c č d e ē f g ģ h i ī j k ķ l ļ m n ņ o p r s š t u ū v z ž • - Rīga • Ilze • Eiropas Savienība (EU) • Baltijas jūra (the Baltic sea) etc. Examples:
The vowel letters A, E, I and Ucan take a macron to show length, unmodified letters being short. Ā– [A:] Ē – [E:] Ī – [I:] Ū – [U:]
The consonantsC,Sand Z in modified form can be marked with a caron (v). Č– [tʃ] Š – [ʃ] Ž – [ʒ]
The letters Ģ, Ķ, Ļand Ņ are written with a cedilla or little 'comma' placed below. Ģ– [ɟ] Ķ – [c] Ļ – [ʎ] Ņ - [ɲ]
Bruno The letterOindicates both the short and long [ɔ], and the diphthong [uɔ] Ola (an egg)
So, lets train to speak in Latvian: brikšņi - brushwood jokains – funny Ola (an egg)
This bundle of sticks is not my bundle of sticks, but that bundle of sticks is my bundle of sticks. Šis žagaru saišķis nav mans žagaru saišķis, bet tas žagaru saišķis ir mans žagaru saišķis.