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Our students were born into an age of dramatical change in communication , entertainment and learning paradigms. School 2.0. ORT Argentina High School’s Pedagogical Model. Main goals. School 2.0. Pedagogical Highlights. School 2.0. Technological Highlights. Pedagogical model 2.0.
Ourstudentswerebornintoanage of dramaticalchange in communication, entertainment and learningparadigms School2.0 ORT Argentina High School’sPedagogicalModel
School 2.0 PedagogicalHighlights
School 2.0 TechnologicalHighlights
Pedagogicalmodel 2.0 Integral approach
Upgrading Educators in e-competences to become 21st century teachers Teacher training ICT literacy + Academicexcellence
Challenges Train teacherstosuccessfullydevelopthesecompetences in theirstudents. Develop in ourstudentscompetencestobecomesociallyresponsiblecitizens, flexible members of the labor market and keeplearning in the 21st century.
Empower educators to become authors of their material • Promote Educators network to share resources collaboratively • Foster Teachers’ and students’ publishing of their productions in an open virtual environment • Promote sharing of best practice and other experiences between colleagues, like peer-coaching Challenges of theTeacher Training Program
ORT Argentina’sContributiontotheNationalEducationSystem Themodelisbeingexportedtoreachthousands of studentsthroughoutthe country.
Itisessentialbothtotrain new teachers and toupgradeteachers in serviceforthemtotransform and enrichtheirteachingexperiences Thank you campus.ort.edu.ar