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Keeping track of shared items. Problem

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  1. Keeping track of shared items Problem People who live by themselves or small families often opt out of shopping in bulk (i.e. at Costco) because the quantity is too large and there are too few people in their householdsto consume it all in a timely fashion. If they do buy in bulk, they often end up with an excess of a certain item or allow much food to go to waste. Calculate how much you owe Target User Groups Our target user groups are Empty Nesters, Working Professionals, and Small Families. We chose empty nesters as a target user group because they are used to shopping in bulk, but after their kids left the nest, it becomes harder to shop in bulk because there are not as many people in the family to consume the perishables and not enough people to use the non-perishables. We chose working professionals and small families because they would benefit from buying in bulk and probably have Costco membership but do not buy in bulk as often for fear of the large quantities. Caption here. Each figure should have a caption that explains the image. Write in full sentences. UC Berkeley | CS160 Spring 2013 | User Interface Design By Brian Chang, Yuliang Guan, Joyce Liu, and Eric Wishart Design Evolution We started off with the concept of having a shopping list that one could share with one’s friends. In addition to the sharable shopping list, we had originally wanted to have a feature to alert friends of pickup times and locations, but we decided that a more useful feature would be to calculate the exact amount that one owes the buyer. Furthermore, we originally had a black background with white text theme, but we from our user feedback we later decided to incorporate images of food and other items (all of which followed a “round” theme) as background images to give our app a bit more style and more friendly. To minimize the tedium of inputting item names, the user can simply shake the phone to enable speech input. Original List Layout Evolved List Solution Our proposed solution is to create an app where people can put down items that they'd like to buy from Costco and how many people they would like to split it with. Their friends would be notified of the items that are put down on the list, and if they are interested in splitting they can add themselves to the list. The app can also break down the cost of the bulk items to how many people are sharing the item so that people know exactly how much they should pay the person who is buying the items. Final Prototype Our final prototype allows users to create shopping lists and choose which items to share with their friends. In the list, they can also input the price so that later on their friends can calculate how much they owe. It allows speech input of text triggered by shaking the device. Future work includes allowing users to specify just how much of the item they want to split, which in turn calls for the functionality of calculating the unit price of items (currently we assume everyone shares the item equally). Other future work includes connection to social media sites and e-mail so that users who do not have smart phones can use Splist as well.

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