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Hair Care thru Ayurveda

Here is a useful remedies for hair care, hair fall, dandruff issues. Make use of this details and prepare your own home remedies www.ayurvedaacademy.com

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Hair Care thru Ayurveda

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  1. Comprehensive Hair Care Through Ayurveda Dr. Jayarajan Kodikannath Academy Director Kerala Ayurveda Academy (USA) www.ayurvedaacademy.com

  2. Facts about hair • The character of hair varies with the ethnicity, lineage and constitution. • The rate of hair fall in women is slower than in men. • Usually the hair grows by one centimeter in a month. • Hair is the mala (waste) part of Asthi (bone tissue).

  3. Common hair problems • Hair loss • Dandruff • Premature graying • Split ends • Frizzy hair

  4. Main causes of hair problems • It is normal that when you comb your hair or take head bath, 50-100 hairs can fall off. • Hormonal causes • Surgical Causes • Chemical medicines • Disease causes • Mechanical causes • Diet Related Causes • Hereditary causes • Mental Causes

  5. Management of hair problems through Ayurveda •  They key is to manage the “MESS” (Mind, Eating, Scalp & Sleep) properly! • Food & Drinks • Daily practices • Home remedies • Herbs • Formulations • Therapies

  6. Food & Drinks Do’s • Use plenty of green leafy vegetables, root vegetables (carrots and onions), coconut, fruits, nuts, dried fruits, whole grain, amalaki, curry leaf. • Drink plenty of water, fruit juice, vegetable soups and milk as hairs require adequate amount of minerals, vitamins, calcium and iron for healthy growth. Don’ts • Sugary foods, junk foods, canned or packed foods. • Excess use of Alcohol. • Excess usage of tea and coffee. • Too much spicy, salty, oily and sour tasted food. • Salty water for head bath.

  7. Daily practices Do’s • Apply oil on scalp regularly • Use natural ingredients to wash the hair like Hibiscus leaf paste, Green gram paste, Soapnut paste • Make the hair dry with soft towel after the hair wash • Meditation & Pranayama Don’ts • Don’t use hot water or hot hair dryers on scalp as hot application is not good for hair and eyes. • Minimize the use of shampoo/conditioner. • Don’t tie your hair when it is wet • Don’t use chemical products for washing or coloring • Avoid stress & mental tension • Avoid sharp hair brushes • Avoid late nights

  8. Home remedies for hair loss • Apply oil prepared with either one or all of Aloe vera, Hibiscus flower, Indian curry leaf, Amalaki and Fenugreek on scalp regularly • Wash your hair with Amla(Emblicaofficinalis) soaked in water. It will strengthen the hair roots. • A mixture of coconut oil, lemon juice and egg yolk in the desired proportions kept for 1 hour on scalp will strengthen hair roots and prevent hair loss. • Hair growth can be stimulated by applying a paste of Henna (Mehandi) leaf, Indian Curry leaf and Hibiscus leaf on scalp.

  9. Home remedies for dandruff • Apply lemon juice over scalp, keep it for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off with water. • Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight, grind it into a fine paste, apply over scalp, keep it for 30 to 45 minutes and wash it off after that. • Rinse hair in water boiled with Neem leaf • Prepare your own simple egg shampoo by beating 2 or 3 eggs with a little water in it. Apply this mixture on the wet hair and massage the scalp for some time. This is very effective in preventing dandruff.

  10. Home remedies for premature graying • Heat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil with 8 to 10 crushed Indian Curry leaves. Apply this oil over scalp for half an hour at least thrice a week • Apply a paste of Henna, Indian Curry leaf, Amalaki and Fenugreek on scalp, keep it for 30 to 45 minutes and wash it off with water at least once in a week • Make a fine paste of Amalaki powder with water, apply over scalp, keep it for 20 to 30 minutes and wash it off after that.

  11. Home remedies for split ends • Boil a gallon of water with 2 tablespoons of dry Amalaki and wash the hair in that water. • Make a fine paste of equal parts of Green gram powder and Fenugreek in Yogurt . Apply this paste over the scalp and keep it for 30 minutes and then wash it off. • Beat egg yolk with a tablespoon of coconut oil, apply over scalp for 20 to 30 minutes and wash it off

  12. Home remedies for frizzy hair • Regular application of natural oil itself will help to manage the frizzy hair • Beat a tablespoon of coconut oil with egg yolk apply over the scalp and keep it for 20 to 30 minutes and wash it off after that. • Mix a tablespoon of Green gram powder and coconut oil and apply this paste over scalp for 20 to 30 minutes and wash it off

  13. Herbs for comprehensive hair care •  Ayurvedic classical texts refers all the herbs support hair as ‘Keshya’! • Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba) • Sahadevi (Vernoniacinerea) • Amalaki (Emblicaofficinale) • Brahmi (Bacopamonieri) • Kalasakam (MurrayaKoenigii) • Kumari (Aloe vera) • Japa (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) • Narikela (Cocosnucifera)

  14. Ayurveda therapies for hair care • Shiroabhyangam- Head massage with oil • Shirolepam- Herbal paste application • Shiropichu- Application of oil pads on scalp • Shirodhara- continuous stream of oil on forehead • Shirovasti- retention of oil on scalp

  15. The realm of Ayurveda has no boundaries…… Thank You

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