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9 Useful Ayurvedic Tips For Psoriasis Skin

Ayurvedic medicine has been used to treat a variety of skin conditions for centuries. Psoriasis is one of the most commonly treated skin conditions with Ayurveda. The National Psoriasis Foundatio<br>

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9 Useful Ayurvedic Tips For Psoriasis Skin

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  1. 9 Useful Ayurvedic Tips For Psoriasis Skin Ayurvedic medicine has been used to treat a variety of skin conditions for centuries. Psoriasis is one of the most commonly treated skin conditions with Ayurveda. The National Psoriasis Foundation estimates that 7.5 million people in the United States have psoriasis. There is no cure for psoriasis, but there are many treatments available to help manage the symptoms and improve quality of life. Some people with psoriasis may turn to Ayurveda for relief. Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine from India that dates back thousands of years. It’s based on the principle that good health is achieved by maintaining balance in the mind , body, and spirit. Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis may include dietary changes, herbal remedies, yoga, and massage. Keep reading to learn more about how Ayurveda can be used to treat psoriasis. 1. Improve health Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of gut health in overall well-being. The theory is that many diseases start in the gut, so keeping the digestive system healthy is essential for preventing illness. There’s some evidence to support this claim. A study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association found that people with psoriasis who took probiotics had a significant reduction in disease symptoms. Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for gut health. To improve gut health and overall well-being, Ayurveda recommends: eating fresh, whole foods avoiding processed foods

  2. chewing food slowly and thoroughly eating regular meals at the same time each day 2. Detoxify the body Ayurveda also recommends cleansing the body regularly to remove toxins that can build up and cause illness. A build-up of toxins is thought to be one of the underlying causes of psoriasis. There are many ways to detoxify the body, but one of the most common methods used in Ayurveda is Panchakarma. This is a five-step process that includes oil massages, sweating, and the internal cleansing of the digestive system. Panchakarma is thought to cleanse the body of toxins and improve overall health. A study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that Panchakarma was effective in reducing psoriasis symptoms. 3. Balance doshas Ayurveda teaches that there are three doshas, or energies, that control how our bodies function: vata, pitta, and kapha. Each person has all three doshas, but one is usually more dominant.

  3. Vata controls movement in the body, pitta controls metabolism and digestion, and kapha controls growth and structure. Ayurveda teaches that illness occurs when the doshas are out of balance. Psoriasis is thought to be caused by an imbalance of the vata dosha. To restore balance, Ayurveda recommends a vata-pacifying diet. This diet includes warming, grounding foods like cooked vegetables, whole grains, soups, stews, and meat. 4. Use herbs Ayurveda uses a variety of herbs to treat illness. Some common herbs used to treat psoriasis include turmeric, neem, aloe vera, and gotu kola. Herbs are typically taken orally in the form of capsules, powders, or teas. They can also be applied topically as ointments, creams, or oils. 5. Balance emotions Ayurveda teaches that our emotions play a role in our physical health. Stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions can trigger or worsen psoriasis flare-ups. To promote emotional well-being, Ayurveda recommends yoga and meditation. These practices help to calm the mind and reduce stress. A study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association found that people with psoriasis who practiced yoga had a significant reduction in disease symptoms. 6. Get massage Ayurvedic massages are another form of treatment that can be used to relieve psoriasis symptoms. Massage is thought to improve circulation, promote relaxation, and reduce stress.

  4. There are many different types of Ayurvedic massages, but one of the most common is abhyanga. This is a whole-body massage that uses warm oil. The oil is usually infused with herbs like turmeric or neem. 7. Take baths Another common treatment method in Ayurveda is the use of steam baths or saunas. These are thought to detoxify the body and improve circulation. A study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that people with psoriasis who took steam baths had a significant reduction in disease symptoms. 8. Practice sun exposure Exposure to sunlight is thought to be beneficial for people with psoriasis. Sunlight helps the body produce vitamin D, which is essential for healthy skin. A study published in The of the American Medical Association found that people with psoriasis who were exposed to ultraviolet light had a significant reduction in disease symptoms. 9. Use topical treatments In addition to the above treatments, Ayurveda also recommends using topical treatments on the skin. These can include ointments, creams, or oils that are infused with herbs like turmeric or neem. 10. Get acupuncture Acupuncture is another treatment that is commonly used in Ayurveda. This is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that involves the insertion of thin needles into the skin.

  5. Acupuncture is thought to stimulate the release of chemicals that help to reduce pain and inflammation. A study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that acupuncture was effective in reducing psoriasis symptoms. The above treatments are just a few of the many that are available in Ayurveda. If you are interested in trying any of these, be sure to consult with a qualified practitioner first.

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