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Jeff Farrington works for Department of Consumer Affairs Commissioner Jonathan Mintz, helping to advance the anti-poverty agenda of the Cities for Financial Empowerment Coalition.
Jeff Farrington works for Department of Consumer Affairs Commissioner Jonathan Mintz, helping to advance the anti-poverty agenda of the Cities for Financial Empowerment Coalition.
Paul (PJ) Berg, working for supervisor Jen Posner at the Department of City Planning, uses Geographic Information Systems software to study land use in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn in an effort to rezone the area to preserve its character and facilitate the construction of affordable housing.
Ashley Brown, supervised by General Counsel Michele Ovesey, completes file reviews for the Department of Homeless Services.
Jennifer Chudy (left), at the Department of Homeless Services, meets with supervisor Deputy Commissioner Maryanne Schretzman and DHS employee Jenna Riley.
David Ford, supervised by Ellen Howard-Cooper, Deputy Commissioner for Prevention, speaks with former Fellow and DHS employee Holly Frindell regarding interviews conducted at the PATH Intake Center.
Radeyah Hack discusses housing options for families as they prepare to leave shelter with supervisor, Department of Homeless Services Chief of Staff Mark Neal.
Sara Green (center), supervised by Deputy Commissioner Coughlin, with former Fellow and Special Assitant Meekaelle Joseph and Corrections Officer David Taveras at the DPC Retreat.
Anna Friedman, at the Department of Education’s Office of Multiple Pathways to Graduation under supervisor Nancy Meakem, speaks with students during a site visit to a Young Adult Borough Center, which focuses on graduating over-age, under-credited students.
Blakely Whilden, working for Dr. Sabrina Hope-King at the Department of Education, cuts a cake celebrating the kick-off of year two for the Middle School 51, part of the Campaign for Middle School Success.
At the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications’ 311 Call Center, Kevin Hritz chats it up with his supervisor, First Deputy Commissioner Ron Bergmann, regarding the Fellow’s work with DoITT’s Project and Portfolio Management Team.
Ana Rodriguez (center), with supervisor Carol Crump and Dan Hennessey of the NYCAPS team, works at the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications on the Citywide deployment of the Employee Self-Service application.
Hanna-Ruth Gustafsson (left), in the Department of Transportation, conducts research on NYC public plazas with her supervisor Emily Colasacco, Director of the Urban Art Program.
Julie Raskin, in the Parks Department Office of Management and Budget working for Deputy Commissioner Robert Garafola, takes time to reflect and commune with the sea lions at the Central Park Zoo behind the Arsenal Building.
Department of Youth and Community Development Commissioner, and Urban Fellows alum, Jeanne Mullgrav and Fellow Elizabeth Rodriguez (left) analyze a City map to locate proposed Out-of-School-Time program sites.
Chris Herring, working for Eric Enderlin at the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, at a groundbreaking in East New York of a new apartment development for Mayor Bloomberg’s New Housing Marketplace Plan.
Ahuva Jacobowitz (left), placed at the Strategic Planning Group of the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, brainstorming ideas for the Housing and Neighborhood Study with supervisor Elyzabeth Gaumer and Michael Lear.
At the Human Resources Administration, Fellow Daniel Sanchez discusses poverty rates with his supervisor, Assistant Deputy Commissioner Angela Sheehan, with special focus on consumption and non-compliance with cash-assistance.
Fellow Lydia Downing (right) reviews the Peer Mediation Program Curriculum with Human Rights Commissioner Patricia Gatling.
Scott Wang (left), working in the Mayor’s Office of the Criminal Justice Coordinator, works on Mayors Against Illegal Guns initiatives with colleague John McKinley. Arkadi Gerney, Firearms Policy Coordinator and Special Counsel, is Mr. Wang’s supervisor.
Natalie Hale (center), Fellow in the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Operations, discusses construction reform with her supervisor, Deputy Mayor Ed Skyler, and former Fellow Julia Bell.
Leslie Powell works with Laurie Kerr, senior policy advisor, in the Mayor’s Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability on initiatives to “green” New York City’s building code and reduce City hospitals greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent over a ten year period.
At the Mayor’s Office of Operations, Geraldine Sweeney, Aaron Roller, and Fellow Chris Sommerfeld (center) discuss updates to process flows outlining the work of the new Asbestos Technical Review Unit their office is helping to launch.
Na’eem Crawford Muhammad and supervisor Deputy Inspector Terrence Riley, Commanding Officer of Special Projects in the Office of Management, Analysis, and Planning.
Matt Moran and supervisor Lt. Kelly review critical infrastructure protection plans at the Counterterrorism Division.
Aaron Stanton (right) and his supervisor, Ira Tannenbaum, discuss hazards facing small businesses with a Watch Commander in the Office of Emergency Management.
Nicole Bell (right), at the Department of Small Business Services, visits ones of the agency’s Workforce1 Career Centers with her supervisor, Deputy Commissioner Angie Kamath.
Drew Patterson, at Small Business Services under the supervision of Assistant Commissioner Michael Borden, reviews organizational charts and catches up on the latest news affecting the City’s small businesses
(from left) Taxi & Limousine Commission Chairperson/Commissioner Daus, General Counsel Fraser, and Commissioner Arout conduct the November meeting. Adrian Gonzalez (far right), supervised by David Klahr, Chief of Staff to the First Deputy Commissioner, helps run the presentation.