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Rescind . Your Text Here. RONR, pp. 305-310. Rescind. The motion to Rescind (or Repeal or Annul) is used to cancel a motion altogether. The effect is to strike out an entire main motion, resolution, order, or rule that has been adopted at some previous time.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rescind Your Text Here RONR, pp. 305-310

  2. Rescind • The motion to Rescind (or Repeal or Annul) is used to cancel a motion altogether. The effect is to strike out an entire main motion, resolution, order, or rule that has been adopted at some previous time. • The motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted is used to change only a part of the text, or to substitute a different version.

  3. Rescind • Can’t interrupt a speaker who has the floor • Must be seconded • Is debatable • Can be amended (can’t exceed the scope of the previous notice given) • Can be reconsidered if it fails

  4. Rescind Voting requirements: • Two-thirds vote without previous notice • Majority vote with previous notice • Majority vote of the entire membership

  5. Rescind Motions you can’t rescind or amend: • Motions subject to the motion to Reconsider • Motions that have already been carried out and can’t be undone • Motions that have been adopted to accept resignations or actions electing or expelling a person from membership or office (if the member has been notified)

  6. Rescind versus Reconsider Nancy Sylvester

  7. Rescind and Expunge from the Minutes Extremely rare; a desire to express the strongest disapproval. Adoption requires an affirmative vote of a majority of the entire membership and isn’t advised unless the support is even greater. RONR, pg. 310

  8. Rescind and Expunge from the Minutes If adopted, the secretary, in the presence of the assembly, draws a single line through or around the offending words in the minutes and writes across them the words “Rescinded and ordered expunged”, with the date and signature. In the recorded minutes, the words can’t be blotted or cut out so they cannot be read (impossible to verify whether more was expunged than ordered). In any published record of the proceedings, the expunged material is omitted.

  9. Rescind and Expunge from the Minutes RONR recommends rather than expunging, better to rescind the previous action and then adopt a resolution condemning the action which has been rescinded.

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