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Final Project Cultural Blend in a Global Economy. By Bailey Ehasz. Terms and Definitions . Popular Culture- Music, sports, movies, clothing fashions, foods, and hobbies are some examples of popular culture. Mass Media- Television shows, and radio broadcasts are some examples of mass media.
Final ProjectCultural Blend in a Global Economy By Bailey Ehasz
Terms and Definitions • Popular Culture- Music, sports, movies, clothing fashions, foods, and hobbies are some examples of popular culture. • Mass Media- Television shows, and radio broadcasts are some examples of mass media. • Materialism- The Western mindset of placing a high value on acquiring material possessions.
What does Culture Mean in the World Today? “The definition of culture can be simultaneously complex and yet simple in nature. It is important to understand that an individual’s culture comes in layers. From universal identity- being part of the human species, to group identities such as race, age, gender, geographical, etc. and then familial identity (positioning in the family, effects of childrearing practices and historical family background). These levels of identity build an individual’s culture that make them unique, and yet also connected to others through shared experiences and identities.” Quoted from: http://www.claytonearlylearning.org/blog/?p=1069
Mass Media Mentioned in the Article, Cultures Blend in a Global Age • The article mentions television, radio, and a few other sources of mass media.
-EUROPE- Globalization has helped European nations unite. In times of war (World War II), leaders of European nations realized that they had to collaborate with one another, in spite of the hatred and rivalry between them. In 1957, France, Italy, the Netherlands, West Germany, Luxembourg, and Belgium signed the Treaty of Rome. The Treaty introduced the establishment of the European Union, which was created in 1992.
Mass Media in Europe • There is a huge lack of mass media in Europe today, due to the complexity of the nation. “The media generally do not regard the EU’s activities as newsworthy.” Quoted from: ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ssh/docs/emediate-bursi_en.pdf
Sports in Europe Europeans play football And swimming And netball Just to name a few of the many more sports
Arts and Literature in Europe The “Dance of Death” was common in medieval European art and literature.
Western Culture in Europe, Asia and Russia Western culture (Europe, Asia and Russia are in the western part of the globe, so Europe, Asia, and Russia make up parts of western culture) is very influentialon the rest of the world.
Non Western Culture Western culture is mixed with Non Western culture in the world today. As of today, Western culture does not dominate over Non Western culture. The cultures of the world consist mainly of Non Western culture.
Mass Media in Russia In Russia, there are televisions, newspapers, radios and internet access.
Sports in Russia • Sports in Russia include: • Hockey • Chess • Figure skating • Gymnastics
Russian Arts and Literature “ Literature is believed to be the most complete and expressive manifestation of the Russian creative genius “ Quoted from: http://russia-ic.com/culture_art/literature/description/#sthash.NyiThvyP.dpuf
Mass Media in Latin America • Mass media in Latin America includes: • Movies • Internet access • Music • Television • Radio
Latin American Sports • Latin American sports include: • Base ball • Foot ball soccer • Wrestling
Western Culture in Latin America • Latin America has Western culture, “because of influence from Spain and Portugal” Quoted from: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130726232555AANpL9Z
Latin American Art and LiteratureThis is a mural depicting indigenous and Latin American literature
Mass Media in Asia “ The Asian Media Information and Communication CentreAMIC) is a non-profit NGO and a registered charity in Singapore with the mission of spearheading the development of media and communication expertise in Asia within the broad framework of economic, social and cultural development. “ Quoted from: http://www.amic.org.sg/?link=1
Sports in Asia Sports in Asia include: • Football • Tennis • Golf • F1 • Rugby • Basketball • Hockey • Sailing • Squash • Boxing
Arts and Literature from Asia This is a polychrome wood sculpture from the Brooklyn Museum, it is Asian art, and is known as Sugawara Michizane as Tenjin, God of Literature.
Western Cultures Dominate-Good or Bad? • Here are some of the headers from http://blogs.tribune.com.pk/story/3452/the-secret-of-western-domination/, • “Stronger countries have stronger weapons” • “Stronger countries dominate consumer markets” • “Stronger countries manipulate politics” This could be seen as good or bad.
But…Which is it? IN THE EYES OF WESTERN LEADERS: It is fantastic. The more the merrier! IN THE EYES OF AN OUTSIDER LOOKING IN: “From the fifteenth to nineteenth centuries Europe was "ahead" in a variety of things, such as the number of hangings, murders, and other violent crimes; instances of venereal disease, smallpox, typhoid, tuberculosis, plagues, and other bodily afflictions; social inequality and poverty (both urban and rural); mistreatment of women and children; and frequency of famines, slavery, prostitution, piracy, religious massacres, and inquisitional torture.” Quoted from: http://www.michaelparenti.org/Imperialism101.html
What are Governments Doing to Protect Cultural Diversity? • In Canada, the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions began in March of 2007. • In Australia, the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions was ratified in 2009. • In addition , the UN General Assembly announced the creation of The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, which occurs annually on May 21
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