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Parental Questions - We Have The Answers!
Learning how to discipline a toddler can be very strenuous. Toddlers are notoriously difficult to handle. They want to be in control of everything they do but are still not yet quite ready to be in the driving seat. Developmentally they are learning every day. They continually crave independence and freedom and will become frustrated and angry if they don’t feel that they have been given enough. A Parents role, therefore, is to provide an intelligent discipline framework that promotes self-expression but simultaneously promotes positive behaviour. Toddlers will say and do anything to get there own way so it’s important you have a rigid disciple plan to ensure you don’t get mistreated. Some parents wrongly believe that discipline is about setting arbitrary rules and sticking to them regardless of the consequences. This could not be further from the truth. Proactive parenting is about effective management and planning to ensure that you are equipped with all the necessary items before it becomes a bigger problem. Toddlers and young children will go through extreme emotions in a heartbeat as they struggle to cope with such powerful feelings. Most toddlers can comprehend the majority of what you say. However their brains are still learning the vocabulary necessary to express themselves effectively. This causes continuous anxiety and frustration as they do understand what to say but don’t understand how to say it. It is this tension and stress that causes the majority of tantrums, meltdowns and aggressive behaviour in toddlers. Your toddler will struggle to cope if they are not supported, so it’s crucial you learn effective ways to discipline your toddler. Discipline strategies First off, you need to be calm. A calm parent is a rationale one. If you are calm you will be in a better state to parent any problem. This also puts you at an advantage as a role model. If your child sees you being stress-free in a highly stressful situation they will inevitably copy you. This sets a primary example that will ensure your toddler stays calm when under pressure. Next you need to get down to their level. Creating a strong discipline framework involves understanding your child and what triggers they respond to. Do they get very upset in the morning or evening?
Do they enjoy playing with other children or do they prefer to play by themselves? Do they have any food allergies or other minor sickness that may affect their overall temperament? Understanding the small triggers that your child displays will help you to form a unique parenting plan that is specific to them. how to discipline a toddler that hits This will help you mould your disciplinary techniques to withstand more pressure. Also you must be firm. Toddlers are very smart and they can sense your weaknesses. If you say one thing but then do something totally different you will leave yourself open for problems. Ensure your threats are not empty and say what you mean. In this way when you ask your child to do something they will do it with less opposition. Its important they see that your threats are not empty. Remember repetition is key. Children learn from repeating the same thing over and over again. If you are trying to teach a new skill or to implant a new routine then you must follow a consistent plan. By doing this you will help build a better foundation that your children can rely on and will trust. This is the smart way to create a discipline system that works for you and your family!