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國際觀與全球化思維 當前公務人員落實國際宏觀的共識 李振清 世新大學人文社會學院院長、英語系教授 ccli@cc.shu.tw

公務人力發展中心 Civil Service Development Institute April 30, 2009. HRD. 國際觀與全球化思維 當前公務人員落實國際宏觀的共識 李振清 世新大學人文社會學院院長、英語系教授 ccli@cc.shu.edu.tw http://cc.shu.edu.tw/~cte/gallery/ ccli/. “It’s noble to serve….” Obama at Strasbourg Town Hall, France, April 3, 2009. ( 21 世紀)公職人員的「核心價值」.

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國際觀與全球化思維 當前公務人員落實國際宏觀的共識 李振清 世新大學人文社會學院院長、英語系教授 ccli@cc.shu.tw

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  1. 公務人力發展中心 Civil Service Development Institute April 30, 2009 HRD 國際觀與全球化思維 當前公務人員落實國際宏觀的共識 李振清 世新大學人文社會學院院長、英語系教授 ccli@cc.shu.edu.tw http://cc.shu.edu.tw/~cte/gallery/ccli/

  2. “It’s noble to serve….” Obama at Strasbourg Town Hall, France, April 3, 2009 (21世紀)公職人員的「核心價值」

  3. The 25 Overseas Offices of the MOE 2009 • 培養國際宏觀與創新價值 • 從歷史中汲取行政經驗與倫理 • 公職人員的倫理素養與品德提昇 • 人才培育、終身學習 • 英語文能力的持續提昇 • 國際英文資訊與網頁的有效運用 • Mission Impossible?如何化解?

  4. 高伯瑞(Professor, Harvard Univ) 2006 (April 29) Major works of John Kenneth Galbraith Modern Competition and Business Policy, 1938. A Theory of Price Control, 1952. American Capitalism: The concept of countervailing power, 1952. The Great Crash, 1929, 1954. The Affluent Society, 1958. The Liberal Hour, 1960 The New Industrial State, 1967. The Triumph, 1968. Ambassador's Journal, 1969. Economics, Peace and Laughter, 1972. "Power and the Useful Economist", 1973, AER Economics and the Public Purpose, 1973 Money, 1975. The Age of Uncertainty, 1977. Annals of an Abiding LIberal, 1979. A Life in Our Times, 1981. The Tenured Professor, 1990. A Journey Through Economic Time, 1994. The Good Society: the humane agenda, 1996. 變與不變

  5. 2008 - 2009 In the modern (2009) society, tens of millions of people are not happy, or fail to entitle the life of harmony due to various causes, many of which have their origin in insufficient education, lack of job skills, and as a result, joblessness plunges these people into destitutions and disharmony, a sad situation without justice or freedom. The government should be held accountable. I need a job. http://expat21.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/unemployment.jpg We need food for survival. http://images.google.com.tw/imgres?

  6. The New Horizon of Education: Going International Mar 12th 2009The Economist Possible solution: Implementing innovative and diverse international high education and “service”

  7. How Globalization is Changing the World Individuals as well as companies are empowered throughout the process of globalization. Thomas L. Freidnman analyzes how accelerated change is made possible by intersecting technological advances and social protocols, e.g., cell phones, the Internet, open source software, (ethics and vision,) etc. Thomas L. Freidman Columnist, New York Times The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century (2004) 《世界是平的》

  8. 二十一世紀世界價值倫理趨勢的走向 「品格決勝負」(教育觀念與企業文化): 1998: 聯合國教科文組織「面向二十一世紀」研討會 道德、倫理、價值觀與國際願景的落實,會是二十一世紀人類面臨的首要挑戰。 新世紀人才的三大能力 公民能力 學業能力 個人能力 品格 倫理與道德觀 圓融 (EQ) 毅力與創新

  9. 2. Global Education: Taiwan Students in the US Major Universities (1950-2009) 29,001 (Nov. 2008 – IIE)

  10. Converting “Brain Drain” Into “Reverse Brain Drain ( The New York Times 1995)

  11. iPod demonstrates Taiwan’s international competitiveness through international education and global networking USA Today July 19, 2005

  12. USA Today July 19, 2005 Michael Dell Feb. 5, 2006 The impact of international education in the global setting: High Tech development, social advancement and global harmony

  13. Sarkaritel.com News and Features Jan. 31, 2009http://www.sarkaritel.com/news_and_features/january2009/31edu_policy_taiwan.htm

  14. Significance of International Education and Global Collaboration Top 20 Places of Origin of International Scholars 2007-2008 IIE Network (http:opendoors.iienetowrk.org/)

  15. Thomas B. Gold 高隸民 1981 UC Berkeley

  16. Harvard University Press 1991, 1995

  17. 二十一世紀國際化趨勢中的人才培育/訓新觀念二十一世紀國際化趨勢中的人才培育/訓新觀念 A wake-up call for ALL: Human Capacity Building After APEC Summit 2001 WORLD BANK OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 經濟合作與發展組織 World Bank APEC OECD 人才培育 知識經濟 倫理與廉能

  18. 莫謂求財便是貪﹐有錢方能濟時艱。 取之用之若無道﹐覆舟容易載舟難。 林雲大師環球行腳 January 1987 (London – The Holy See - Taipei) 法律的認知、道德的直覺; 什麼是對的、什麼是錯的; 什麼可以做、什麼不做。 (June 3, 2006 中國時報)

  19. 1.4 杭廷頓(S. Huntington 2000)筆下的韓國 啟示: 從亞洲金融危機到世界先進 Life Is Good. Attitudes, Values, Belief, and the Microeconomics of prosperity (Michael E. Porter) Korea 2000 1960: Korea = Ghana Ghana 2000

  20. Civil Servant Education and Economic Development Transformation and Modernization Sénégal

  21. 2. 當前人才培育/訓的內涵與新觀念 “A Nation at Risk” is in dire need for revamping through the multiple intelligence and educated wisdom of the reborn intellectuals.

  22. The Prospects and Expectations at JFK School of Government Learning/Lifelong Research/Professional Innovation/Value

  23. “Ethics is the most crucial variable for leadership.” (Dana G. Mead, MIT, Jan. 17, 2005, Taipei) “Honesty, Ethics, Creativity” 張忠謀 Morris Chang, TSMC MIT 董事長 Dana G. Mead

  24. English for promotion Training of government employees Test of English for qualification Enhancing the English proficiency government employees 二十一世紀公務人員的英語能力營造: Promote or Demote • 思維國際化 • 績效責任 (accountability) • 提昇國際競爭力

  25. English, English Everywhere: 1982 - 2009 全方位提升學生英語文能力的迫切性「挑戰2008」與21世紀的台灣教育改革願景 從(高等)教育、政治、外交、文化、科技研究與發展到金融,英語幾乎已經成為人類各種行業的共同語言。(2005) 2010世界將有1/2的人口以英語溝通

  26. NEWSWEEK, Nov. 15. 1982 Today, like it or curse it, English is the language of: World Trade Pop Culture Diplomacy Science & Research Higher Education

  27. Statistic Data (November 2005): Sales of Trade and Eating-Drinking Places Statistics Data(November,2005):Sales of Trade and Eating-Drinking places ( 2006/1/27 PM 04:00:19 )

  28.  2006/3/30 Prosecutors’ offices start Anti-vote buying ….  2006/2/16 MOJ winds up Anti-Corruption meeting. 2006/1/13 US officials arrived to salute Justice Minister ….

  29. 最後更改時間:2006/04/24 16:13:25 • major public works • large-amount procurements • business registration • urban planning • finance • motor-vehicle inspection • taxation • customs • police • judiciary • corrective facilities • construction control • land business • environmental protection • medical treatment • education • fire-fighting • funeral parlors • sand and gravel reclamation

  30. 國際化、 現代化(服務) 效能、品質

  31. 展現信心以開展國際觀與全球化思維 設法藉在華府舉行的“APEC 教育部長會議” 與美方協調安排駐美代表丁懋時進入國務院 Make “Mission Impossible” possible,1992

  32. Friends of US Dept. of Education 1992 – present 廣結國際善緣 電視影集顯現的知識內涵問題 (HBO Jan. 15, 2003) *葛蘭谷 K Mart *克瑪特

  33. 丁懋時代表終於走進了國務院;美教育部長Lamar Alexander 在國務院迎接。Aug. 1992 APEC Education Ministerial Meeting, Washington, D.C., Aug 1992 美教育部長Lamar Alexander 在國務院 歡迎毛高文部長。

  34. 丁懋時代表在國務院裡與主管亞太事務的助理國務卿丁懋時代表在國務院裡與主管亞太事務的助理國務卿 William Clark暢談。此種場景自1979後可謂空前絕後。

  35. 中國時報Aug. 7, 1992

  36. 中美雙方協商教育部長訪美細節及接待規格, 1995 平時就要建立關係 ─ 廣結善緣

  37. 八十九年十二月十一日 【行政院致監察院 函】 89. 電視影集顯現的知識內涵問題 (HBO Jan. 15, 2003) 主旨︰貴院函為英國官方機構英國教育文化部﹐仗恃 外交勢力﹐枉顧中華民國法令﹐擅自設立英國 教育訓練中心﹐涉及無照營業﹐違法招生﹐逃 漏稅等多項不法行為﹐甚至因該機構自認享有 外交豁免權﹐致有學生發生消費糾紛時﹐卻無 管道可資申訴﹐有關機關有無善盡監督管理之 責案﹐業經貴院調查 竣事﹐…… 經轉據 教育部、外交部及 台北市政府函報處理 情形﹐復請 查照。 *葛蘭谷 K Mart *克瑪特 危機與轉機

  38. 台英雙方就「駐英國台北代表處與駐台北 英國貿易文化辦事處間教育文化協定」談判 電視影集顯現的知識內涵問題 (HBO Jan. 15, 2003) 雙方主談人 英國外交部文化關係司司長 Michael Reilly (David Coate, Geoff Evans, Richard Walker . . . ) 教育部國際文教處處長 李振清 (劉祥璞、羅致政, 高安 . . .) Director General British Trade & Cultural Office, Taiwan 2006 *葛蘭谷 K Mart *克瑪特 Mr. David Coate, BTCO Oct. 5-6, 2000 Dr. Chen-ching Li, MOE

  39. AGREEMENT ON EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL MATTERS BETWEEN THE BRITISH TRADE AND CULTURAL OFFICE IN TAIPEI AND THE TAIPEI REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM WHEREAS the British Trade and Cultural Office in Taipei and the Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom (hereinafter referred to as the "BTCO" and the "TRO") are desirous to strengthen their educational and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and to promote mutual knowledge, understanding and exchanges in the fields of language, education and culture, based on the principles of legality, equality and reciprocity; NOW THEREFORE, the TRO and the BTCO have reached the following understanding: 1. The TRO and the BTCO may each assign an educational and cultural organisation to implement this Agreement. In the case of the Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom, the educational and cultural organisation will be the Cultural Division of the Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom, and in the case of the British Trade and Cultural Office in Taipei, it will be the British Council. To engage in the activities specified in paragraph 3 and subject to the approval of both the TRO and the BTCO, the Cultural Division of the Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom will establish an educational and cultural centre at one location in London, and the British Council will establish an educational and cultural centre at one location in Taipei. 電視影集顯現的知識內涵問題 (HBO Jan. 15, 2003) *葛蘭谷 K Mart *克瑪特

  40. 立足本土 Act locally 放眼天下 Think globally 培育人才 Human Capacity Building 積極發展 Proactive development 倫理與誠信 Ethics & Integrity 創新價值 Value Innovation 終身學習 Lifelong Learning 英文/IT能力 English & IT Proficiency

  41. Enter to grow in wisdom. Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind.

  42. “Well that day of reckoning has arrived, and the time to take charge of our future is here.” 為錯誤而付出代價~得到報應~的日子已經來臨,但我們要把握此刻,肩負起責任。 Feb. 25, 2009 US Congress, Washington, D.C. EDUCATION 1. Reform. 2. Create new incentivesfor all pathways for advancement, and rewards for success. (提升/獎勵服務品質); 3. Honesty and Accountability 窮則變;變則通。

  43. Thank You & Good Luck

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