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Where does the Rotary Club of San Bernardino fit in the Rotary world?

Where does the Rotary Club of San Bernardino fit in the Rotary world?. Adapted For the : Rotary Club of San Bernardino District 5330 July 2011. From a presentation by:. Bob Menconi Past R. I. Director Zones 33 & 34. Rotary International. There are more than 1.2 million Rotarians

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Where does the Rotary Club of San Bernardino fit in the Rotary world?

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  1. Where does the Rotary Club of San Bernardino fit in the Rotary world?

  2. Adapted For the: Rotary Club of San Bernardino District 5330 July 2011 From a presentation by: Bob Menconi Past R. I. Director Zones 33 & 34

  3. Rotary International There are more than 1.2 million Rotarians There are more than 34,000 Rotary Clubs Rotary is in over 200 countries with: 530 districts in 34 zones

  4. Rotary International • It is club members that are the hands of Rotary. Every Rotarian is a member of a Rotary Club.

  5. Rotary International Its true: Individual Rotarians accomplish the work of Rotary Virtually all service projects in Rotary are carried out at the club level -- even international projects. So, lets talk about: SAN BERNARDINO ROTARY - #894

  6. ROTARY AT THE CLUB LEVEL There are five Rotary Clubs in the San Bernardino Area: Rotary Club of San Bernardino (1918) “The Host Club” – that’s us

  7. ROTARY AT THE CLUB LEVEL There are five Rotary Clubs in the San Bernardino Area: Rotary Club of San Bernardino (1918) “The Host Club” – that’s us – then we sponsored: San Bernardino North in 1956 San Bernardino Highland in 1966 San Bernardino Crossroads in 1967 San Bernardino Sunset in 1988

  8. WE ARE COMPOSED OF TWO ENTITIES • San Bernardino Rotary Foundation • (“Trust Fund”) • A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable corporation Rotary Club of San Bernardino (“Our Club”) A member of Rotary International


  10. Founded on June 1st in 1919 • San Bernardino’s “Host” Club • Major service projects include: • Rotary Life • Character Education • 3rd Grade Dictionaries • Clean Water Projects Rotary Club of San Bernardino Sheldon Ewell President 2011-2012

  11. Governed by a 12 member board of directors. Rotary Club of San Bernardino • At Large – even year • At Large – even year • At Large – even year • At Large – odd year • At Large – odd year • At Large – odd year President President-Elect Vice President Past President Secretary Treasurer

  12. Rotary Club of San Bernardino Contributions to “The Club” may not be deductible for everyone. Money for dues and meals is used for: Dues to RI and District Meals Social events Training costs

  13. THE TRUST FUND San Bernardino Rotary Foundation

  14. San Bernardino Rotary Trust Fund Our club’s 501(c)3 corporation. Receives all charitable donations. Manages an endowment fund. Funds all of our club service projects.

  15. SB Trust Fund Income Sources Community Avenue of Service Fines Dictionary Project donations Fund raising events (1/2) Vocational Avenue of Service Pigskin Derby fund raiser for Character Ed Character Ed Investment Funds New Generations Ave of Service Endowment income for Rotary Life Annual fund raiser (1/2) International Avenue of Service 50/50 Opportunity Drawing

  16. San Bernardino Trust Fund Governed by a 12 member Board of Trustees Same people as the Club Board of Directors Officers are the same people as on the Club side

  17. San Bernardino Trust Fund Endowment of $350,000 plus other invested funds (about $410,000 total) Managed by an Investment Committee Income is largely used for Rotary Life Scholars project

  18. RCSB Belongs to a Rotary District Districts are geographical units Average district contains 60 clubs Most districts have about 2,200 Rotarians There are 530 districts worldwide

  19. DISTRICT 5330 Rotary Club of San Bernardino belongs to:

  20. District 5330

  21. 61 Clubs • 2,400+ Rotarians • Provides training: • Membership Sem • Foundation Sem • District Assembly • Provides fellowship: • Foundation Dinner • District Conference • Provides support: • Experienced mentors • District-wide projects • www.rotary5330.net District 5330 Steve Wallace District Governor 2011-2012

  22. 2011-2012 District Theme A Million Acts of Service

  23. Leadership for multi-club service projects: • Oduoro Village international project • GSE - Group Study Exchange (2011 Turkey) • District level speech/music competitions • STAR volunteer service projects • CHIPS oral surgeries and health clinics • Administers TRF grants • District’s Wallace Jones grant program District 5330

  24. District 5330 THREE IMPORTANT DISTRICT EVENTS • District Conference - Nov 4-6, 2011 • District Assembly - Mar 17, 2012 • R Y L A  - Apr 13-15, 2012

  25. District 5330 fits inside a Rotary Zone There are 34 Zones around the world. Each Zone is made up of about 39,000 Rotarians Our Zone is number is 26

  26. So Far - Here is where we are Our Rotary Club and Trust Fund: Fit in District 5330 District 5330 fits in Zone 26

  27. ZONE 26 Rotary Club of San Bernardino and

  28. Actually, zones are paired together ZONE 25-26

  29. Rotary Zones 25 and 26 Zone Directors also serve as RI Directors. Each pair of zones provides training and support for its districts. Ken Boyd Kerman, CA Rotary International Director 2012 thru 2014

  30. Why are Zones Paired Together? First to make the Rotary world more manageable (17 RI Directors – not – 34) The Directorship is alternated between Zones to improve representation

  31. Zone Geographic Sizes The United States has 12 zones (and six directors on the Board)…because it has so many Rotarians Zone 20 (on the other hand) covers 72 countries including all of Africa! Why? …the number of Rotarians.

  32. Paired Zones selects an International Director The Director sits on the Board of Rotary International for a two year term The Directorship alternates between Zones - This allows the position to be filled from within individual Zones over time. Now let’s look at the Board of Directors of Rotary International

  33. ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Rotary Club of San Bernardino and

  34. The RI Board of Directors The 19 members of the Board are: The 17 elected Directors (2-year terms) Plus the President and the President-Elect [The General Secretary (who operates the day to day activities of Rotary) sits with the Board but is a non-voting member]

  35. Netherlands • New Zealand • Norway • Uganda • United States (6) This year’s Board hasmembers from Brazil England India (3) Italy Japan (2) Korea

  36. Let’s see where we are at so far Our Rotary Club 894 Our Rotary District 5330 Our Zone 26 That Zone is paired with another zone Zone Director RI Board of Directors

  37. The R.I. President A Rotarian just like you and me Past Director Club member in good standing (cannot be an honorary member) The world’s #1 Rotarian, experienced and capable Motivates Inspires us all The lucky person: jacket color and theme

  38. RI President 2010-2011 The President’s Theme Kalyan Banerjee (Vapi, Gujurat, India) Rotary International President 2011-2012

  39. Confused yet? There is more to come!

  40. THE ROTARY • FOUNDATION • A 501(c)(3) Foundation • Operates within guidelines set by RI • Board of Trustees • Chairman Rotary International – 2 Entities ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Clubs Districts Zones Directors President

  41. The Rotary Foundationof Rotary International Operates separately from RI Has a fifteen member Board of Trustees Terms are four years, appointed by RI Pres and Board Meets quarterly Governs all RI projects and activities

  42. World Headquarters Rotary International 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, Illinois USA

  43. How does RI operate? Rotary employs 650 people full time Rotary works 24 hours a day Nine service centers around the world The General Secretary administers the day to day operations of Rotary

  44. John Hewko RI General Secretary Secretariat Jim Damato CDA – Central Pan America with Charlene and Jennifer

  45. We are a very complex organization Some Complexities: Rotary translates in 20 different languages Nearly 100 different currencies that change value daily This year: eleven different nationalities on the Board of Directors will operate as one unit A “Foundation” that deals around the world with new demands arising daily

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