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ERP Student Information Software - A.T.S.I is an ERP enabled educational solution that has been designed and developed by XIPHIAS Software Technology (p) Ltd.<br><br>A.T.S.I. aims to help students, teachers, parents and the school administrative staff to use school data in a more organized and structured manner. <br><br>The human resource software is a vital part of any institution, as it stores all necessary information of the employee.<br><br>A.T.S.I. as a Student Management Software is one such tool that has eased the way schools contacted parents and students.<br><br>Attendance Management System bridges the effective communication between students, teachers, and parents by keep them notified about their wards' attendance via Email or SMS.<br>
gps vehicle tracking system Get and share the live status of all the vehicles using GPS tracking software and keep a check on parameters such as distance traveled, fuel consumption, driver details, and vehicle registration details. Keeping track of the performance of an employee is of utmost importance to any organization. The employee performance management system helps the institution record employee performance details and analyzes their performance over a period of time.
gps vehicle tracking system Few major benefits of GPS enabled Vehicles: Live location: The shared live location is the biggest benefit, in every term. Notifications: For every pick-up and drop-off, notifications will be sent. Route change: Due to any reason, if vehicles change their route, it will be communicated to parents. Fuel Cost: Tracking the total fuel cost becomes possible. Feedback: Parents can directly provide their feedback through app regarding driver and conductor behavior.
gps vehicle tracking system Advantages of gps tracking system Make School Trip And Store Trip-Related Transport particulars. Transportation Setting Is Based On Student/Class/Vehicle Wise. Manage Vehicles information like The Type Of Vehicle, Vehicle Number. Auto Fee Calculation Depending Upon The Distance And Also Flat Facility. GPRS tracking system in Transport.
Contact us We are also providing some different services as shown below : time table management system online library management system best payroll software college erp Best educational software Address: XIPHIAS Software Technologies Pvt Ltd, 8th Floor, B.M.T.C / T.T.M.C Building, 6th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560095.