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Location meeting plan web site communication social events accommodation and hospitality . CLM Community Assembly 2011. August 30 th // 31 st September 1 st // 2 nd Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno). Edoardo Bucchignani Paola Mercogliano Pasquale Schiano
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality CLM Community Assembly 2011 August 30th // 31stSeptember 1st // 2ndCava de’ Tirreni (Salerno) Edoardo Bucchignani Paola Mercogliano Pasquale Schiano CIRA- Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali CMCC – Centro Euromediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Support provided by: MTN Company Location
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality The town of Cava de’ Tirreni Location Cava de' Tirreni is an ancient historical town, the number of inhabitants today is more than 50.000 distributed in the Borgo and in more than twenty villages, so that Cava de' Tirreni can be defined as "stellar town". The first inhabitants of this site were the Tyrrhenian, an Etruscan nomadic tribe, whose presence is documented by Archaeologies finds, hedged in the Museo della Badia Benedettina and in the Antiquarium civico.During the Roman age, it was a distinguished vacation site, chosen by the Roman nobility.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality The town of Cava de’ Tirreni Location Cava de' Tirreni is a selected touristic place: it offers culture, history, architecture, art, environment, pleasant woods and green hills close to the sea, mountain excursions and routes between green landscapes and the sea. In fact, the town is close to the Costiera Amalfitana, characterized by a worldwide famous coast for its natural beauty and that hosts important touristic settlements.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality The city of Salerno Location Only 10 km away from Cava de’ Tirreni, reachable by bus, there is the suggestive and extraordinary historical center of Salerno. It is possible to find both the signs of the ancient history of the city and the fervor of workshops and artistic-cultural and musical rooms, attended by thousands of persons. The recovering of the ancient heart of the town was aimed to discover the artistic and cultural treasures of an excellent land. Today, walking through streets and squares, churches and buildings, you can read the past of the town, perceive a picture of the events that took place during the time, a witness of the brightness, of the social, cultural, and economical flourishing of the past ages.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Cava de' Tirreni is the door of the Costiera Amalfitana. It is located 45 km far from the Capodichino (Naples) Airport and can be reached by the motorway A3 Napoli-Pompei -Salerno. It is far km 22 from Amalfi, km 35 from Positano, km 28 from Ravello, km 50 from Paestum. Sea beaches at km 5 in Vietri. How to reach Cava de’ Tirreni Location From Napoli Capodichino(NAP)Airport Distance: 45 KM By train: take shuttle bus (Alibus every 20 min from h. 6.30 to 23.39) from Capodichino to Central Naples railway station (travel lasts 15 minutes) then take a train to Cava de’ Tirreni (every hour). The train trip lasts about 50 minutes. By bus: take shuttle bus from Capodichino to Central Naples railway station then take a SITA bus to Cava (every hour). The bus trip lasts about 50 minutes. Alternatively take the SITA bus from Capodichino Airport to Salerno and from Salerno then take the bus or train to Cava de’ Tirreni. The whole trip is about 1 hour and half.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality The hospitalityof the town Location The town of Cava de’Tirreni, administered by the Major Marco Galdi, with the agreement of all the cultural and economical organizations of the area, is glad to host the CLM – Community Assembly, ensuring that the whole town will support the event. Support will be guaranteed also by the Provincia di Salerno with the partnership of Assessorato all’Agricoltura (Agricultural department).
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality The location of CLM Community Assembly Location The event will take place on the 30-31 August and 1-2 September 2011 at the Mediateca Comunale. The Mediateca comunale is an innovative “Metelliano” cultural site, located into the building of the ex-magistrate’s court in Corso Umberto I. A state of the art “container”, able to match the needs of a qualitative cultural tourism.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality The location of CLM Community Assembly Location The structure is equipped with a modern front office with a monitor touch screen, in order to access all the touristic information about the town, and with a conference room with 220 seats and adjacent rooms with 50 + 50 seats, screens, soundproof mobile walls in order to host more than one event at the same time. Wi-fi connection is also available as well as also some internet points. A free internet point, a press-room, a location for a permanent poster session and a refreshment area are also available.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Meeting plan
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Meeting plan August 30th/31st 15:30-17:00 Opening press conference, with the Mayor of Cava(possibility to visit the “Palazzo diCittà”) 17:00-19:00\\Preliminary WG meetings 19:00-20:00\\Ice-BreakerWednesday August 31st 09:00-11:00 – First morning session11:00-11.30 \\Coffee Break11:30-13:00 – Second morning session13:00-14:00 \\Lunch Break 14:00-16:00 – First afternoon session 16:00-17:00 \\Coffee Break & Poster session* 17:00-20:00 \\visit to AbbaziaBenedettina (Benedictine Abbey) \\visit to OrtoBotanico (Botanical Garden)\\visit to BibliotecaBenedettina (Benedictine Library) Tuesday August 30th 09:00-12:00 – Meeting/seminar reserved for university students It will be conducted mainly in Italian language with participation of a practitioners coming from abroad and under CMCC guidance aimed at information diffusion about the activities of CLM Community and CMCC, as well as the possibilities of collaboration with Universities, training and stages.Possible speakers: Navarra Schiano BucchignaniPicarelli Will (in English) * The poster exhibition is permanent
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Meeting plan September 1st/2nd Thursday September 1st 09:00-11:00 – First morning session11:00-11.30\\Coffee Break11:30-13:00 – Second morning session13:00-14:00\\Lunch Break 14:00-16:00 – First afternoon session 16:00-16:30\\Coffee Break 16:30-19:00 – Second afternoon session 20:00\\Social dinner Friday September 2nd 09:00-11:00 – First morning session11:00-11.30\\Coffee Break11:30-13:00 – Second morning session13:00-14:00\\Lunch Break14:00-16:00 – First afternoon session 16:00-16:30\\Coffee Break 16:30-17:00 – meeting closure * poster exhibition is permanent
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Web site
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality web site site structure • The Web site is functionally structured in order to satisfy the objective of the maximal diffusion of the event and organization news. Most of the space is dedicated to the: • registration • logistic information • abstract book • site events • news information
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality contentpanel web site The navigation of the site is obtained by means of thematic categories (in orange background).It is possible to perform a search by keywords or to select a link from the suggested list. The right-hand side contains banners reserved for partners and sponsors of the event and a single banner space to be used as needs arise. Besides the information about the event, the users can find in the website all the information regarding the location and the logistics (e.g. Restaurants, travel info).
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality reserved area***are you astudent? web site Reserved Area Only members will have access to the reserved area, which offers a series of services. The site’s administrator will validate each registration request before approving membership. Are you a student? Reserved area for all the information related to the student’s program.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality web site • The website is currently visible only in "beta version": the access is temporarily limited to the CLM Assembly local organization. • http://2011clt.web.mtncompany.it/The online publication will be possible immediately after the approval of the CLM_PAS group. • The official address of the site is expected to have a double version: .it and .com: • www.clmassembly.it www.clmassembly.com • An ads with the link to the web site will be available on the: • CLM Community web site • COSMO Consortium web site • CMCC web site • CIRA web site
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Communication
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Communication offline • Material- Institutional video- PPT template for speakers - Letterhead- Internal signage - External signage- Video-pause image collection • - Folder • - Invitation • Preparation- Room preparation • - Sign stands • - Internal/external totemsRegistration Packets • Personalized folders containing: • - Block notes / Pen • - Name badge • - Tourism Brochures • - Printed folder • - Hospitality card
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Communication online The event is addressed to existing members and does not require extensive promotion. Online promotion (mailing+social networks) will be for the students ( info provided by local organization) whereas CLM members will receive from CLM-PAS group periodic announcements and digital invitations. mailing:contact with University invitation:sent in a digital format (pdf) announcements by CLM_PAS
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Communication social network to be discussed Social NetworkThe use of worldwide known social networks (completely integrated in the web site) allows to reach several objectives in an easy and fast way.facebook/twitterContact with universities and diffusion of the first day event information among students and interested people.youtubeCreation of a reserved channel for video publication of the first day meeting and CLM assembly session (on demand). This solution allows full traceability of video materials.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Social events
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Social events BenedectineAbbey The event additionally offers tourist and recreational activity opportunities. Visit to the Abbazia Benedettina (Benedictine Abbey) of Cava de’ Tirreni which this year celebrates it’s millenary.Visit to the Orto Botanico (Botanical Garden) of Cava de’ Tirreni. Visit to the Biblioteca Benedettina (Benedictine Library). A Social dinner, offering a tasting of the Campania region local specialities.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Social events Millennium1011-2011 In Cava de‘ Tirreni, this year it is the “Millennium” event: the celebrations of the millennium of the establishment of SS. Trinity Abbey, a symbol of culture and history of the town. The visit isscheduled for the 31th August and is included in the registration fee, Info on the web available at: www.badiadicava.it
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality social events Botanicalgarden The Botanical Garden reproduces the natural environment for the medicinal plants and herbs cultivation according to the place biodiversity in order to recreate the tradition of the Benedictine ortus Botanicus. The botanical garden is a place of education and study, scientific training, research and experimentation, but also reference centres for important economic and commercial activities. The Benedictine tradition of medieval gardens and the synergy with the nearby Medicine Salerno School are the foundation for this project.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Social events Abbey’s Library The Abbey’s Library has more than 80,000 volumes with a great number of incunable and important cinquecentina. The volumes are cataloged and arranged in three halls. The most represented sciences are the Patristic, the Theology, the Law and the History.An author catalog for an easy reference is available; but it is the Archive that has made famous the Abbey in the world. In two elegant rooms, built at the end of the 18th century, you can find precious parchment and paper manuscripts, more than 15,000 paper scrolls, the oldest among these is of year 792, and a considerable number of paper documents.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Social events socialdinner The social dinner is scheduled for the 1th September, after the daily activities of the CLM Assembly; It will be held in one of the affiliated restaurants. Typical local dishes that have made famous the Campanian cuisine in the world. will be offered to the guests. Music and songs ? Participation to the dinner is included in the registration fee.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Special events Medioevalfestival In the first week end of September, the Medieval Festival is planned. The Medieval Festival at Cava de‘ Tirreni spans for several days and covers different kinds of events from music, theatre, gastronomy, dance and more.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Special events Rhythm-Symphony Music Festival On 3rd September 2011, the thirteenth edition of the "International Rhythm-Symphony Music Festival”, is scheduled, as usual, in the beautiful scenery of the seventeenth century cloister "San FilippoNeri” of the Basilica Santa Maria dell’Olmo in Cava de 'Tirreni.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Registration Accommodationand Hospitality
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Accommodationand hospitality reservedarea The registration of entitled users takes place through the reserved area of the web site. At the moment of registration, the users selects the method of payment for the participation fee. Online paypal is accepted, as well as payment on the spot. The reservation of accommodation is accomplished online as well. The user can select the accommodation according to personal preferences of characteristics and localization. The e-booking service will be active until the 31st of July.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Accommodationand hospitality Included services • The registration fee, 100 Euros, includes the following services: • Participation to the meeting • Tourist information kit • CLM Assembly kit • Shared shuttle service from airport to the hotels and to the meeting site (with fixed departure times) • Social Dinner • Ice breaker and coffee breaks • Visit of the Abbey • Visit of the Botanical Garden • Visit of the Abbey’s Library • Hospitality card for special discount in partnered restaurants, shops and cafes • Discount price for the local (Cava de’ Tirreni) taxi service
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Accommodationand hospitality Registration(phase I) * Web site will be in English language LOGIN USER NAME SURNAME DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH The registration on the web site is possible in three phases. In the first phase the users provides his/her personal data. The users decides if he prefers to pay on line or on site (only cash). The user can immediately see the services list included in the registration fee. Submission of abstracts will be possible. CONTACT INFO STATE TOWN STREET EMAIL TEL MOBILE PAYMENT OF FEE – € 100 select PAY NOW choose WAY OF PAYMENT Payment It is possible to pay online at the moment of registration or cache at the arrival on site . List of services included:- participation to the meeting- shuttle bus (fixed times)- social dinner - Ice breaker – coffee breaks- visit to the Abbey- visit to the Botanical Garden- visit to the Library- card for discounts Ways:- bank transfer- paypal- credit card
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Accommodationand Hospitality Registration(phase II) * Web site will be in English language TRAVEL PREFERENCES Service reserved to the travelers arriving at the Naples airport ARRIVAL FROM In the second phase the user indicates travel preferences from the Naples airport to Cava de’ Tirreni. According to the passengers numbers, a free shuttle service (provided by the CLM Assembly local organization) will be arranged. It is also possible to check the timetables of the public transport (the ticket fee for the direct bus from Naples airport to Cava de’ Tirreni is approximately 7.00 Euros) or to book a taxi from the Airport to Cava de’Tirreni (if the taxi service is reserved on the web site a discount on the normal price will be applied) . choose FLIGHT ARRIVAL DATE ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TO choose DEPARTURE DATE DEPARTURE TIME FLIGHT Request a taxi service Discounted fees
LocationMeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Accommodationand Hospitality Registration (phase III) *The data in the table are purely indicative STAY PREFERENCES NUMBER OF DAYS NUMBER OF NIGHTS In the third phase, preferences on the guests' stay are indicated and it is also possible to make the hotel booking in the partnered structures. For availability reasons, it is strongly suggested to make an early hotel booking (to have more options). Once that user has selected the structure, it will be possible to make the payment directly online. The discount prices are available only reserving the hotel through the web site. Due to the Italy’s summer holiday period, the discount prices will be possible only making reservation and payment at least 1 month before the event. NUMBER OF PERSONS N. of adults N. of children * Web site will be in English language TYPE OF ROOM Single room in B&BDouble room in B&B CHOOSING HOTEL* TYPE - DISTANCE - PRICE - SELECT HOLIDAY INN € 80 /night 200m B&B OSTELLO 50m € 40 /night B&B SCAPOLATIELLO B&B € 80 /night 3Km
LocationMeeting planWeb siteCommunicationSocial eventsAccommodation and Hospitality Accommodationand Hospitality Hotels Various price solutions are available for accommodation; For the CLM Assembly, an agreement has been subscribed with: - Hotel Scapolatiello ( ) Single room + breakfast 80 EURDistance from conference room : 3 km. Transfers from hotel to conference room is included, public buses are also available for transfers.- Holiday Inn ( )Single room + breakfast 80 EUR Distance from conference room : 1000 m (through a walk in the town centre) Hotel Victoria ( ) Single room + breakfast 80 EUR Distance from conference room : 500 m (through a walk in the town centre) This list is only indicative; the complete hotel catalogue will be available on the web site.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality guide-boards Accommodationand hospitality The event site will be also indicated through appropriate direction signages, useful for an easy event localization and, at the same time, useful to promote the meeting on the territory and to make the citizen aware of its importance. A shuttle bus will be provided for the people hosted at Hotel Scapolatiello.
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Accommodationand Hospitality hospitalitycard A Tourist-cultural cards will be distributed to the CLM members. Services: -special discount at cafes and restaurants affiliated during the events; -special discount at the shop affiliated; -special discount for the journey available in the week end (visit to Capri and Ischia islands, Pompei…) (info on the website).
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsAccommodation and Hospitality optional recreational event* Accommodationand Hospitality • For people remaining on the week-end September 3rd and 4th, it is possible to organise journey* in one of the following sites: • - Pompei • - Ercolano • - Ischia • Capri- Amalfi Coast *(not included in the registration fee)
Locationmeeting planweb sitecommunicationsocial eventsaccommodation and hospitality Thank youfor the attention See you soon in Cava de’ Tirreni For any other info on the event you can contact: *** Paola Mercogliano p.mercogliano@cira.it***Edoardo Bucchignani e.bucchignani@cira.it