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Congressional Authorization Legislation Opportunities for Local Governments. Presentation to the. NCBIWA Local Government Meeting 2009. by Daniel Sheehan. Upcoming Authorization Legislation. (1) Water Resources Development Act “WRDA” Reauthorization
Congressional Authorization LegislationOpportunities for Local Governments Presentation to the NCBIWA Local Government Meeting 2009 by Daniel Sheehan
Upcoming Authorization Legislation (1) Water Resources Development Act “WRDA” Reauthorization (2) Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users “SAFETEA-LU” or “Highway Bill” Reauthorization
Getting an Army Corps Project Authorized/Constructed - Reconnaissance (“Recon”) Study - Feasibility Study - WRDA
Status of Next WRDA? • Legislation traditionally enacted every 2 years • Last WRDA (2007) took seven years • Committee leaders want to get back on schedule
What is “SAFETEA-LU”? • Congress reauthorizes the nation’s surface transportation laws every 5-6 years • SAFETEA-LU expires September 30th • Legislation sets policy and provides funding
Opportunities Through “SAFETEA-LU” Tremendous Opportunity for Local Governments • Federal funds directly to localities & local transportation agencies • Funding for “Transportation Enhancements” • “High Priority Projects” Requested by Senators & Representatives
High Priority Projects (HPPs) & Local Governments • HPP Authorization Virtually Guarantees Federal Dollars for Project Sponsor • Approval by Congressional Appropriators Not Required • Helps Low-Ranking Projects Inclusion as HPP Elevates the Project
“Bridge to Nowhere” SAFETEA-LU Hangover? How will the “Bridge to Nowhere” affect this year’s bill? - Fewer & Smaller HPPs - Disclosure Lawmakers will not relinquish constitutional authority to direct federal spending…
President Obama & Change • White House position has not been announced • Authorized “High Priority Projects” are not earmarks! • What walks like a duck and quacks like a duck?...
Unique Nature of Federal Transportation Funding • Distributed via “contract authority” subject to an “obligation limitation” • Essentially guarantees funding for authorized projects • State DOTs can refuse to move a project but would forego federal dollars
Is It Really That Easy? State DOT will oppose your efforts, and those of your congressional delegation, to include HPPs…
What’s Next for SAFETEA-LU? • Congressional Hearings • Lawmakers Submit HPPs requests late spring or early summer • Alert your congressional delegation! • Prepare and submit well-planned projects • Remain engaged, and sustain advocacy over the long haul…
Why A Long Haul? Congress Has A Big Problem to Tackle • Federal Highway Trust Fund is broke • Nation’s transportation system needs tens of billions of dollars just to maintain infrastructure • To improve the system, Congress needs $30+ billion • Obama Administration: “No gas tax increase in a recession” • Short-term (long-term?) extensions beyond September 30 expiration likely
Daniel Sheehan 1667 K Street, NW (Suite 480) Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (202) 775-1796 Email: Daniel.Sheehan@Marloweco.com www.marloweco.com