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Abstracting and alternatives for XBRL implementation Abstracting the XBRL Formula

20 th XBRL International Conference “XBRL: Linking Businesses, Public Regulators & Citizens” April 20-22, 2010 Rome, Italy. Abstracting and alternatives for XBRL implementation Abstracting the XBRL Formula Piotr Malczak (GPM Systemy) April 22, 2010.

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Abstracting and alternatives for XBRL implementation Abstracting the XBRL Formula

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 20th XBRL International Conference“XBRL: Linking Businesses, Public Regulators & Citizens”April 20-22, 2010Rome, Italy Abstracting and alternatives for XBRL implementation Abstracting the XBRL Formula Piotr Malczak (GPM Systemy) April 22, 2010

  2. A business-case for the XBRL Formula is to extend basic XBRL validation capabilities with complex validations. The XBRL Formula provides ‘expression power’ which is capable of expressing complex relationships among data. Is the XBRL Formula the right tool for business people? AbstractingtheXBRLFormula

  3. Business users’ perspective • Extremly simple example: • ‘EquityAndLiability’ = ‘Equity’ + ‘Liability’ • XBRL Formula What kind of tool do business users need?

  4. Visual editor Visual editor Text editor End-user tools "F;ifrs_gp_EquityAndLiabilitiesTotal;;;E” = "F;ifrs_gp_EquityTotal;;;E” + "F;ifrs_gp_LiabilitiesTotal;;;E” … Formula meta description • - ‘Common language’ • Business level • agreement user expectations vs tech. capabilities gap xlink:arcrole="http://xbrl.org/arcrole/2008/variable-filter" xlink:from="fact_1" xlink:to="fact_1_filter_concept" complement="false" cover="true"/> <uf:singleMeasurexlink:type="resource" xlink:label="fact_1_filter_unit"> <uf:measure> <uf:qname>p1:PLN</uf:qname> </uf:measure> </uf:singleMeasure> <variable:variableFilterArcxlink:type="arc" xlink:arcrole="http://xbrl.org/arcrole/2008/variable-filter" xlink:from="fact_1" xlink:to="fact_1_filter_unit" complement="false" cover="true"/> <variable:variableArcxlink:type="arc" xlink:arcrole="http://xbrl.org/arcrole/2008/variable-set" xlink:from="variable_set_fromula_BANK_solvency ratio calc." xlink:to="fact_1" name="v_fact_1"/> <variable:generalVariablexlink:type="resource" xlink:label="constant_5" select="100" bindAsSequence="false"/> <variable:variableArcxlink:type="arc" xlink:arcrole="http://xbrl.org/arcrole/2008/variable-set" xlink:from="variable_set_fromula_BANK_solvency ratio calc." xlink:to="constant_5" name="v_constant_5"/> - Technical resources - Common standards XBRL Formula XBRL Formula SQL Java

  5. Conclusion • Formula meta-layer • is needed for: • simplified description of relationships among reported data • formal syntax • as output from visual tools • as input to code generators, e.g. XBRL Formula, SQL, Java, etc. • allows: • formula verification by business users • easy communication between ‘IT’ & ‘business’ – common language • appropriate tools to be built: • visual formula editors • code generators

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