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centred on workforce development. e-Quality Counts a virtually paperless online scheme. Ensure sound is activated to hear narration. Click to begin. e-Quality Counts will help you improve the outcomes for children. e-Quality Counts will help you achieve improved inspection results.
centred on workforce development e-Quality Countsa virtually paperlessonline scheme Ensure sound is activated to hear narration Click to begin
e-Quality Counts will help you improve the outcomes for children. e-Quality Counts will help you achieve improved inspection results. e-Quality Counts will help you convince parents of the quality of your provision and encourage their involvement. e-Quality Counts will give you the means to measure your quality journey and its impact. Click here Click here
“Completing Ofsted Self Evaluation Form (SEF) was an easyprocess as documents from the e-Quality Counts portfolio could be directly transferred.” Don’t take our word for it - below are comments about the scheme made by current e-Quality Counts award holders “The schemes biggest benefit is how it helps to ensure that staff understand the importance of listening to children, and offers insight into developing ways to do this.” “Undertaking the scheme encouraged all staff to consider their individual responsibilities as well as company needs.” Click here
centred on workforce development e-Quality Counts - • Is mapped and linked to nation • specific legislation, regulations • and curriculum requirements. • Has inclusive practice and • integrated working thread • throughout to help settings • embed these critical areas. • Is a reflective tool that helps all • staff at every level in the setting • reflect on current practice and • join in the quality improvement • journey which will help you grow • and flourish. Click here
This demonstration is available in two formats • A short 5 minute demonstration of the basics of the scheme - please use the blue buttons and follow the on slide instructions • A more in-depth 10 minute demonstration of the scheme - please use the red buttons and follow the on slide instructions If a slide has both colour of buttons then please use the one appropriate to the demonstration you are viewing. Please do not use the back button at any time
centred on workforce development e-Quality Counts has received the Certification Mark through Intellectual Property Rights. As a Certification Mark the e-Quality Counts logo provides a guarantee that the nursery has been independently assessed. The certification by the Intellectual Properties Office confirms that the NDNA assessment process is robust and fair. The mark can only be used by holders of the e-Quality Counts award. It gives the nursery local advantage and is a valuable marketing tool.
Parental involvement is seen as paramount and is monitored through the inspection process. We help you to promote this to parents and to engage them in your quality journey. A pack to help you do this is included in the scheme and you can display this poster to begin the journey.
The online tutorial provides training about how to use the e-Quality Counts system. This is supported by a flowchart document which details, in a simple step by step format, the stages in using the system.
eqc99999 ABCDEFGHIJK This is the opening page for the e-Quality Counts scheme. This is a secure site and to access you will be provided with a user name and password.
eqc99999 ABCDEFGHIJK This is the opening page for the e-Quality Counts scheme. This is a secure site and to access you will be provided with a user name and password.
e-Quality Counts has e-learning modules to ensure that all users are aware of the ethos of the scheme and to show you how to collect evidence and how to format this into the e-portfolio. This shows the opening slide for the first e-learning module – An Introduction to e-Quality Counts Clicking this title takes users to the start page, where clicking start opens the training. On completion of the training users are asked to complete a short quiz. Successful completion of this opens the second e-learning module – Preparing for Accreditation.
Preparing for Accreditation This and the next slide are examples from the Preparing for Accreditation training section. This module details the steps you will take within your quality journey and how to collect evidence and format it into an e-portfolio. Again spoken narrative provides the full explanation of how to do this.
Access Granted Congratulations having successfully completed the training modules the e-Quality Counts Standards will now be made available to you. NDNA is informed automatically when you successfully complete all training. The appropriate sections and their linked diagnostic are then opened to you.
Section Diagnostic Each section has a diagnostic questionnaire which must be completed before work on the section is begun. This will help you to demonstrate improvement throughout your quality journey. Using your answers the system generates a Setting Improvement Plan. This plan can then be used with all staff to allocate tasks around completing individual modules and finally the entire scheme. It is helpful for you to set time lines and to report the current situation. Further diagnostics are carried out prior to assessment and post accreditation. These provide the setting with a measure of the improvement journey made and its impact on the setting, individuals and children within your care. An example plan is provided on the next slide.
This is an example of a Setting Improvement Plan. The plan can be exported into Excel Spreadsheet so you can amend, update and add to the spreadsheet and record your progress towards areas of improvement highlighted. These can also be used to demonstrate to inspectorate bodies ongoing quality improvements. The improvement plan evidences your developmental journey and its impact. This will be used to inform your e-Quality Counts assessor in conjunction with the entire assessment process.
centred on workforce development The Setting Improvement Plan • Helps support any funding applications by showing commitment to quality improvement and measurement of outcomes. • Is a valuable tool for settings as it enables you to track your journey and to measure its impact on the setting, individuals, parents and the children within your care. • Can be used as evidence to demonstrate your commitment to quality improvement to outside agencies
centred on workforce development The Setting Improvement Plan • Supports with practice improvement and evidences the development undertaken whilst completing e-Quality Counts • Shows to the assessor the • development work that the setting has undertaken in order to meet the standards • At reassessment evidences that continuous self assessment and development has been undertaken since your last accreditation.
Please Click here when you are ready. • Once you have completed the training modules the standards are opened and : • You can then allocate modules to key staff appointed as any number of sections can be open for work • at any one time. • This provides total flexibility enabling the setting to plan its quality improvement programme around • other commitments and to engage specialist staff in the setting to lead on their areas of expertise. • Access the resources within each section to support your journey.
Please Click when you are ready Resources: Each section has four resource options. These support not only provision of evidence but also your quality improvement journey. To ensure that you are provided with the most up-to-date information, all resources are reviewed on a quarterly basis and amended or replaced as appropriate. Clicking on Start will open the specific resources.
This example shows one of the four e-resources for Section 1-Management. A short synopsis of each website is given, to save time, by helping nurseries choose the most appropriate resource to meet their requirement.
Observation and reflection forms the basis of e-Qualtiy Counts. Within the scheme we provide explanation of the theory and practice of Observation and Reflection for Section 3. This is an excellent training resource and ensures that all staff are able to meaningfully observe, reflect and use this to inform further planning for children.
Clicking NDNA Website at any time will open it and allow NDNA members to access the additional information fact sheets etc the website provides.
Please Click here when you are ready Clicking on Manage Portfolio takes you to the criteria for the chosen section.
A list of the standards for the chosen section is then displayed. Clicking on Start Activity takes you to the specified criteria for that section.
This shows part of the matrix for Section 1-Management. Matrices are available for each section and for the scheme as a whole. By using the colour key nurseries can see at a glance the current situation for individual sections or for the scheme as a whole.
If you have any problems help is available. If you require help with the standards and/or the system, the scheme includes links to the appropriate support.
Clicking at any time on Help & Support will open an email link to Virtual College who manage the system.
Any problems experienced with the system should be reported to Virtual College who host the system. Include details of the problem and detail times when you are available to discuss this. Virtual College will respond within 24 hours.
centred on workforce development e-Quality Counts offers nurseries support with - • Easy information transfer • directly to the Ofsted Self • Evaluation form • Diagnostics which set • development plans across the • business as a whole • Engaging the involvement of the • whole team in quality improvement • journey and constantly being able • to see your progress • Measurement of impact on the outcomes for children and families Click here
centred on workforce development e-Quality Counts offers nurseries support by - • Regularly reviewing the scheme • so that nurseries always have the • most up to date information • Ensuring easy links with other • organisations • Motivating staff and promoting • team involvement • Providing managers of multi site • settings the option to overview all • their settings and standardise • quality throughout. Click here
centred on workforce development What price do you put on quality? We are all committed to providing the best opportunities for children to enhance their opportunities and life long outcomes. For an average size (64 place) nursery that opens 50 weeks a year the cost from signing up to the scheme to first reassessment is an amazing 1.9p per child per day Click here
support modules There are stand alone e-learning modules that will support your e-Quality Counts journey and are available for individual use. You can access these via e-Quality Counts at a minimal cost.
centred on workforce development Contact Details Alan Rawnsley Project Manager Quality Counts Jo Baranek Childcare Quality Manager David Bagley Project Officer Quality Counts National Day Nurseries Association National Early Years Enterprise Centre Longbow Close Bradley Huddersfield HD2 1GQ Telephone: 01484 40 70 63 Fax: 01484 40 70 60 Email: alan.rawnsley@ndna.org.uk jo.baranek@ndna.org.uk david.bagley@ndna.org.uk NDNA website: www.ndna.org.uk Click here to End
IT Skills Diagnostic An IT skills diagnostic is included within the scheme principally to support settings where there knowledge of the use of IT is limited. We recommend that all staff members complete this. However, as a minimum at least one person must complete this to open the e-learning modules. On completion of this diagnostic, where development has been identified, a report will open (see next slide) that indicates where free training is available. Staff can undertake this training at times most convenient for them.
This slide shows a profile for a completed IT diagnostic. It indicates the level achieved for six IT subjects and indicates recommended training which has been added to the individual training record.
Preparing for Accreditation continued Please Click Here to see the explanation for Section 1 - Management e-Quality Counts consists of fifteen sections. Eleven are mandatory for all settings, the remaining four become mandatory if the setting provides the service.
This shows the outline explanation for Section 1 - Management
Outline explanations are available for all 15 sections by clicking the blue bar for the specific section. Above is the explanation for Section 12 Babies.
Various job descriptions. Agendas & Minutes of team meetings. Settings describe in the Your Submission box the evidence that they are providing against the criteria. More than one piece of evidence may be submitted to meet a criteria. They then tick the Level of criteria the evidence is intended to meet. The next slide shows the submission process for this information.
Settings input a short description of the evidence in the Description box. Documents are selected using the Browse facility and selected documents are Uploaded. By clicking the appropriate button the evidence may be: Submit for Assessor Review – where the setting is certain that the criteria is met or Saved Unsubmitted – where the setting intends to carry out further work in order to meet the criteria and isn’t ready to submit for assessment.
Various job descriptions. Agendas & Minutes of team meetings. The online Mentor service supports you with information about the criteria and suitable evidence. Clicking Contact Mentor opens an email link.
The system automatically indicates (see red box) the section criteria that help is being requested about. Settings complete the submission box and can ask for clarification of the criteria needs or for confirmation of the suitability of evidence. Mentors will respond within 3 working days.
Please click here when you are ready. A progress matrix is provided for each section and for the whole scheme. These were included at the request of the nurseries who piloted the scheme. They provide an immediate colour coded snapshot of work completed and indicates immediately where sections still require completion.
Assessment Process • When your e-portfolio is completed you apply to NDNA for • assessment • NDNA appoints an assessor and agrees a date with you for • your nursery assessment visit • 3 weeks before this date your access to the system is • removed to enable the assessor to review your e-portfolio • The assessor then spends a full day with you at the nursery to • view the facilities, observe practice, speak with management, • staff, parents and children and to check that policies and • procedures outlined in your e-portfolio are fully embedded • The assessor will hold an end of day closure meeting with you • where they will discuss with you areas of strength and where • development to meet criteria is required. They will not indicate • to you the level of any award that they intend to recommend.
Assessment Process cont… • Post site visit the assessor prepares a summary report including the level of award they are recommending • This report is subject to internal and external verification which are to check the assessment process and the assessors decision • The Accreditation Panel (external verification) will recommend the level of award on behalf of the NDNA trustees • An award is valid for 3 years when reassessment becomes mandatory
centred on workforce development What to do next • If you have any further questions please contact the Quality Counts team (details on the next slide) • If you wish to join the scheme complete and submit an application form. These are available on the CD Rom and the NDNA website. • We look forward to welcoming you to the • e-Quality Counts family.