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Jammu & Kashmir. Seed Village Programme An amount of Rs. 160.97 lakh was released and Rs. 226.99 lakh utilized (including unspent balance of previous year) during 2011-12.Unspent balance of Rs. 27.65 lakh already revalidated for 2012-13.
Jammu & Kashmir Seed Village Programme • An amount of Rs. 160.97 lakh was released and Rs. 226.99 lakh utilized (including unspent balance of previous year) during 2011-12.Unspent balance of Rs. 27.65 lakh already revalidated for 2012-13. • An amount of Rs.22.080 lakh released to Sher-e Kashmir University of Agriculture & Technology and same has been utilized during 2011-12. Physical progress report is awaited. Creation of Seed Infrastructure Facilities • An amount of Rs.23.625 lakh released to Govt. of J&K (Kashmir Division) during 2009-10.The unspent balance was revalidated in 2010-11 and 2011-12.Physical progress and Utilisation Certificate is awaited. • An amount of 25.00 lakh was released to Govt. of J&K in 2011-12 and Rs. 2.63 lakh utilized. Unspent balance revalidated for 2012-13
Himachal Pradesh Seed Village Programme • An amount of Rs.525.00 lakh released to Govt. of H.P. plus unspent balance of Rs.zs32.85 Lakh also available for use during 2012-13. Creation of Seed Infrastructure Facilities • An amount of Rs.10.00 lakh released during 2011-12, Audited UC and progress is awaited. • An amount of Rs.65.00 lakh released during 2012-13.
Haryana Seed Village Programme • An amount of Rs.961.05 lakh released to HSDC (Through Govt. of Haryana) during 2011-12 and Rs. 37.95 lakh utilized in 2011-12. The Unspent balance revalidated for 2012-13. Physical progress and Audited Utilisation Certificate is awaited • An amount of Rs.0.30 lakh released to IARI, Karnal during 2012-13. Physical progress and Utilisation Certificate is awaited. Creation of Seed Infrastructure Facilities • An amount of Rs.262.50 lakh released to HSDC during 2010-11 and Rs.125.0 lakh utilised. Physical progress report and Audited Utilisation Certificate is awaited.
Punjab Seed Village Programme • An amount of Rs.546.54 lakh released to Punjab State Seeds Corporation and Rs. 567.326 lakh utilized (including unspent balance previous year) during 2010-11. • An amount of Rs.774.264 lakh released to PSSC and utilized amount of Rs.768.75 lakh during 2011-12. • Proposal of PSSC for the year 2012-13 is under consideration.
State Farms Corporation of India Creation of Seed Infrastructure Facilities • An amount of Rs.500.25 lakh released to SFCI during 2010-11 and Rs.100.23 lakh utilised by the corporation. The physical progress and Audited UC of balance amount is still awaited. • An amount of Rs.652.65 lakh released to SFCI during 2011-12.The physical progress and Audited UC is still awaited. National Seeds Corporation Creation of Seed Infrastructure Facilities • An amount of Rs.625.00 lakh released to NSC during 2010-11 and Rs.508.64 lakh utilised. Physical progress and Audited UC is awaited. • An amount of Rs. Rs. 123.85 lakh was release in 2011-12. The physical progress and Audit UC is awaited.
Uttar Pradesh Seed Village Programme • An amount of Rs.179.700 lakh released to Govt. of Uttar Pradesh during 2010-11 and Rs.151.10 lakh utilised by the State Govt. • An amount of Rs.227.506 lakh released to Govt. of UP during 2011-12. Physical progress report and Utilisation Certificate is awaited. • An amount of Rs.127.325 lakh released to BHU during 2010-11 and Rs.121.299 utilised, balance has been revalidated for utilisation in 2011-12. • An amount of Rs.76.504 lakh released to BHU during 2011-12. Creation of Seed Infrastructure Facilities • An amount of Rs.577.150 lakh released to UPSDC during 2009-10 and Rs.427.150 lakh utilised . Physical progress report and UC is awaited for unspent balance. • 2nd installment of Rs.1025.00 lakh released to Govt. of UP during 2010-11 and State has requested for revalidation for current year. For this information sought by IFD is awaited from state. • 2ndinstall.of Rs.15. lakh released to Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agric. Tech & Sciences, Allahabad during 2011-12. Physical progress and Audited UC is awaited.
Uttarakhand Seed Village Programme • An amount of Rs.994.014 lakh released to Govt. of Uttarakhand and unspent balance of Rs.361.23 lakh of previous years was also revalidated during 2010-11.Out of this Rs.563.65 lakh utilised and Rs.791.994 lakh revalidated for 2011-12. Physical progress report and Audited Utilisation Certificate is awaited. Creation of Seed Infrastructure Facilities • An amount of Rs.874.125 lakh released to UAS&TDC during 2009-10 and utilised Rs. 674.00 lakh. However, physical progress report and Audited Utilisation Certificate is awaited.
Bihar Seed Village Programme • An amount of Rs.208.40 lakh released to BRBN during 2010-11. This amount was revalidated in 2011-12 and so far Rs. 13.006 lakh utilized. Physical progress and Audited U.C. is awaited. • An amount of Rs.1998.9315 lakh released to Govt. of Bihar and Rs. 1283.839 lakh utilized in 2011-12 (including unspent of 155.65 lakh of previous year). • Unspent amount of Rs. 870.745 lakh revalidated for 2012-13 Creation of Seed Infrastructure Facilities • 1st installment of Rs.150.00 lakh was released to Govt. of Bihar during 2010-11. Physical progress and Audited U.C. is awaited. • 1st installment of Rs.250.00 lakh was released to BRBN during 2010-11. Physical progress report and Audited U.C. is awaited.
Jharkhand Seed Village Programme • An amount of Rs.590.25 lakh released to Govt. of Jharkhand during 2009-10 and Rs. 58.16 lakh was utilised. The State Government requested to refund the balance amount. Creation of Seed Infrastructure Facilities • An amount of Rs.1000.00 lakh released to Govt. of Jharkhand during 2009-10. and the same amount was utilized. • An amount of Rs. 750.00 lakh (IInd installment) released to Government of Jharkhand during 2011-12. Physical progress report and Audited U.C. is awaited.
Orissa Seed Village Programme • An amount of Rs.517.92 lakh released to Govt. of Orissa during 2010-11 and fully utilised by the State Govt. Physical progress report is awaited. • An amount of Rs.262.09464 lakh is revalidated to OSSC during 2012-13. Physical progress report and Audited Utilisation Certificate is awaited.
West Bengal Seed Village Programme • An amount of Rs.709.88 lakh released to West Bengal State Seeds Certification Agency during 2009-10 and Rs.709.88 lakh utilised. Physical progress report and Audited Utilisation Certificate for entire amount is awaited. Creation of Seed Infrastructure Facilities • An amount of Rs.129.69 lakh released to WBSSC during 2007-08 and Rs.94.30 lakh utilised. For balance amount Physical progress report and Audited UC is still awaited.