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Traditional Learning Theories. Chapter 2. Traditional Learning Theories. Two major theoretical approaches S-R (stimulus-response) theories state that learning occurs through the association of environmental stimuli
Traditional Learning Theories Chapter 2
Traditional Learning Theories • Two major theoretical approaches • S-R (stimulus-response) theories state that learning occurs through the association of environmental stimuli • S-S (stimulus-stimulus) theories state that learning involves recognizing when important events are likely to occur and understanding how to obtain these events • Anti-theoretical (methodological)
S-R versus S-S Theories • S-R theorists (Behaviorist) • inflexible view of behavior • stimulus environment controls behavior • very machine-like • S-S theorists (Cognitive) • somewhat flexible • internal processes control behavior • learn relationships which guides behavior
Types of S-R theories • Reinforcement is necessary to learn an S-R association (Reinforcement) • Thorndike’s law-of-effect proposed that reinforcement was a necessity • Also, Hull’s S-R theory of learning was the culmination of this line of thinking • Reinforcement is not necessary to learn an S-R association (Contiguity) • Guthrie
Hull’s Reinforcement Theory • Proposed that primary drives (e.g., hunger, thirst) are produced by states of deprivation • We have biological needs and corresponding psychological drives • we have a biological need for water that is accompanied by a psychological drive called thirst
Theorized that drive motivates behavior • Drive reduction restores homeostasis • By restoring homeostasis, drive reduction leads to S-R associative learning
Excitatory potential reflects the likelihood that a specific event (S) will cause the occurrence of a specific behavior (R). SER (S) (R)
Hull believed that the intensity of instrumental activity is determined by the combined influence of several factors • Drive (D), e.g., vampire thirst • Incentive (K), e.g., amount of blood reward • Habit strength (H), # of previously rewarded lever-presses • Inhibition (I), # of previously unrewarded rewarded lever-presses
Hull’s Formula: SER = drive (D) * incentive (K) * habit (H) – inhibition (I) SHR SIR
Excitatory potential is determined by: • Drive (D), the internal arousal state produced by deprivation (appetitive) or stimulation (aversive) , or stimuli associated with deprivation or stimulation. • Incentive motivation (K), the internal arousal produced by the reinforcer (e.g., it’s magnitude) • Habit strength (H), the strength of the connection between the stimulus and response. • Inhibition (I), suppression caused by previous responses failing to produce reward.
Sources of Drive • Events that threaten survival activate the internal drive states • sex partner • predator • Some events that do not threaten survival may also activate the drive state • Highly desirable stimuli, like saccharin, activate drive states • It tastes good but has no caloric value • Highly aversive stimuli, like mild footshock, activate drive states • Mild footshock is aversive, but it does not threaten survival
Innate Habits • Habit strength can be • Innate: (SUR) or • Acquired through experience (SHR) • Habit strength increases each time a response produces drive reduction
Elimination of Behavior • Unsuccessful behavior causes a drive to persist. • If drive persists, all behavior inhibited. • Reactive inhibition IR: the temporary inhibition of behavior due to the persistence of a drive state after unsuccessful behavior • Conditioned inhibition SIR: the permanent inhibition of a specific behavior as a result of the continued failure of that response to reduce the drive state.
Evaluation of Drive Theory • Many of Hull’s ideas do accurately reflect important aspects of human behavior: • Intense arousal can reinforce behavior • Environmental stimuli can develop the ability to produce arousal, thereby motivating behavior (lead to Spence’s work on acquired drives) • Failure to distinguish learning and performance
Acquired Drives • Acquired drive: an internal drive state produced when an environmental stimulus is paired with an unconditioned source of drive • This system works through classical conditioning • Spence, one of Hull’s students, developed this approach
Guthrie’s Contiguity Theory • Guthrie proposed that contiguity, not drive reduction, was sufficient to establish an S-R connection. • He believed that learning is a simple process governed entirely by contiguity • Getting the response to occur (however this is done) in the situation was all that mattered • The last response to occur in the situation will be reproduced the next time
The impact of Reward • Guthrie believed the last thing done in the old situation before the situation changed strengthened the S-R bond. • He believed that “stimulus change” produced learning. Rewards produce stimulus change
The Impact of Punishment • If the response terminates the punishment, the response will become conditioned to the stimulus context in which the punishment occurred. • Guthrie believed that punishment will eliminates ongoing behavior only if response elicited by punishment is incompatible with the inappropriate response. • e.g., spanking produces responses incompatible with most other responses
The Importance of Practice • Guthrie proposed that learning is not gradual but occurs in a single trial. • The strength of an S-R association is at maximum value after a single pairing of the stimulus and response.
Performance gradually improves: • 1) Subjects attend to only some of the stimuli present during conditioning trials. • 2) Many stimuli have to become conditioned to produce a particular response. • 3) All behavior are complex are consists of many separate responses. For the behavior to be efficient, each response element must be conditioned.
Breaking Up a Habit • Guthrie believed that old habits could not be “forgotten”, but could only be replaced by a new habit
Three methods of breaking habits • 1) Fatigue method: The eliciting stimulus is presented so often that the person is so fatigued that the old habit cannot be performed. At that point, a new response will occur and a new S-R association will be learned, or no response will occur. • 2) Threshold method: the stimulus is presented at a level below threshold for eliciting the response. The intensity of the stimulus is gradually increased. • 3) Incompatible method: person is placed in a situation where the new habit replaces the old (Overcorrection)
Valuable Ideas • 1) Punishment sometimes intensifies an inappropriate behavior when it elicits a behavior that is compatible with the punished response. • 2) Contiguity between a response and reward is critical to prevent acquisition of competing associations. • 3) Only a portion of the environmental stimuli are active at a given time.
Bad Ideas • 1) Some actions are not reproduced even though substantial stimulus change followed the action. • 2) Reward predicts responses better than either frequency or recency (last response). • 3) All learning is not single trial learning.
Tolman’s Purposive Behavior • When Tolman proposed his cognitive theory in the 1930s and 1940s, most psychologists preferred Hull’s mechanistic theory. • By the 1950s, the cognitive view started to gain supporters.
Flexibility of Behavior • Tolman proposed that behavior has both direction and purpose. • He believed that behavior is goal oriented. • We are motivated either to achieve a desired condition or to avoid an aversive situation. • He stated that certain events in the environment convey information about where our goals are located. • We can reach our goals only after we learn to read the signs leading to reward or punishment.
Is Reward Necessary for Learning? • Experience of two events is sufficient for learning (S-S) • Reward effects performance, not learning • The understanding of when events will occur can develop without a reward. • Presence of reward will motivate the organism to exhibit previously learned behavior.
Evaluation of Purposive Behavior • Tolman’s work caused Hull to make changes in drive theory. • Once the ideas were incorporated into drive theory, Tolman’s work did not have a big impact on learning theory. • When drive theory developed problems in the 60s and 70s, cognitive approach gained wider approval
Skinner’sMethodological View • Skinner argued that the goal of behaviorism should be to identify and isolate the environmental factors that govern behavior. • He believed the goal of psychology was to predict and control behavior • Ability to do so depends on understanding the circumstances that govern the occurrence of the behavior
The Importance of the Environment • Most of Skinner’s research focused on the role of reinforcement. • Reinforcer: an event whose occurrence increases the frequency of the behavior that preceded the event. • Operant response: the behavior that controls the rate at which specific consequences occur. • Skinner’s work led to the development of Behavior Modification for treating behavior pathology.
The Role of Theory? • Skinner argued that the use of “hypothetical constructs” does not contribute to our understanding of behavior. • Many psychologists do not agree with Skinner’s atheoretical approach. • They say that theory guides research and leads to new findings and uses for information.