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php tutorial - By Bally Chohan

this php tutorial is presented by Bally Chohan for php beginners in website designing.

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php tutorial - By Bally Chohan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A beginners tutorial in PHPBy Bally Chohan

  2. Step 1: • To use PHP you’ll need a server to work on and test your page… • You may already have web space with PHP installed to work on, • Or you may already have a server installed on your system, • If not you’ll need to install one yourself…. - Bally Chohan

  3. Installing a server: • An easy way to aquire an Apache server, along with PHP and MySQL built in (you’ll need these when using PHP), is using • WAMP (Windows) or, • MAMP (Mac) (http://www.mamp.info) • LAMP (Linux) You can download WAMP at http://www.wampserver.com/en/ - Bally Chohan

  4. Step 2: • Once you have followed the online instructions for installing and configuring WAMP, you need to check it works! • Open notepad (php can be added straight into your html) and type: <html> <head> <title>PHP Test</title> </head> <body> <?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?> </body> </html> - Bally Chohan

  5. Testing: • Save this as ‘hello.php’ in your ‘www’ folder located within your WAMP folder. • This can be done by selecting ‘all files’ when saving rather than the default ‘.txt’ • (Note: you can also just type this script straight into a new document in Dreamweaver if preferred) • Now preview by opening your browser and entering http://localhost/hello.php • Your page should look like this… - Bally Chohan

  6. - Bally Chohan

  7. Step 3: Variables • Variables will allow a value to be changed throughout your page without having to go through and find it every time you need it changed. • A variable can be defined by using ‘$’ at the beginning of your variable name. e.g. $variable = ‘value’ • A variable must start with a letter or underscore and can only contain letters, numbers or underscores, and must not use spaces - Bally Chohan

  8. Variables: a simple example <html> <head> <title>PHP Test</title> </head> <body> <?php $weather="sunny"; echo 'Hello World it’s '; echo $weather; ?> </body> </html> Note: every line of PHP must end in ‘ ; ’ - Bally Chohan

  9. The result should look like this:

  10. Now to experiment! • For more information on PHP and the next steps in learning syntax why not try: • http://www.w3schools.com/PHP/php_string.asp • http://www.developphp.com/ - Bally Chohan

  11. Thank You .......-Bally Chohan

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