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Share in the joy of Easter with the Paschal Candle's symbolic light. Celebrate Christ's resurrection and everlasting glory. Alleluia! Amen!
Greeting Alleluia, Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!
The Paschal Candle Α Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega. All time belongs to him and all ages. To him be glory and power through every age forever. Amen Ω 2019
The Paschal Candle Α Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega. All time belongs to him and all ages. To him be glory and power through every age forever. Amen Ω 2019
The Paschal Candle Α Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, Alphaand Omega. All time belongs to him and all ages. To him be glory and power through every age forever. Amen Ω 2019
The Paschal Candle Α Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega. All time belongs to him and all ages. To him be glory and power through every age forever. Amen Ω 2019
The Paschal Candle Α Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega. All time belongs to him and all ages. To him be glory and power through every age forever. Amen Ω 2 019
The Paschal Candle Α Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega. All time belongs to him and all ages. To him be glory and power through every age forever. Amen Ω 2 0 19
The Paschal Candle Α Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega. All time belongs to him and all ages. To him be glory and power through every age forever. Amen Ω 2 0 1 9
The Paschal Candle Α Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega. All time belongs to him and all ages. To him be glory and power through every age forever. Amen Ω 2 0 1 9
The Paschal Candle Α Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega. All time belongs to him and all ages. To him be glory and power through every age forever. Amen! Ω 2 0 1 9
The Paschal Candle Α The light of Christ! Thanks be to God! Ω 2 0 1 9
Candle Prayer Dear Lord Jesus, We light this candle to remind us that you are the Light of the world. As we come together now to pray and to praise may you remove all darkness from our hearts and minds. Amen
The Collect God of glory, when Jesus rose from the dead, a new day dawned. Fill us with faith and hope to walk in the light of life. Amen
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
The Gospel – John 20:11-16 Peace be with you And also with you
The Gospel – John 20:11-16 Early in the morning, when it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to Jesus’s tomb, but Jesus’s body wasn’t there.
The Gospel – John 20:11-16 She turned around and saw a man. She thought that he was the gardener.
The Gospel – John 20:11-16 He said: “Why are you crying? Who are you looking for?”
The Gospel – John 20:11-16 Mary said: “Have you taken away the body? Tell me where it is!”
The Gospel – John 20:11-16 The man said to her: “Mary.”
The Gospel – John 20:11-16 She turned, and said to him in Hebrew: “Rabbouni!” (which means ‘Teacher.’)
Prayers • Sorry • Thank you • Please
The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive thosewho trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen
Our School Prayer Father God, protect us, Keep us safe at school each day. Jesus Christ, be with us in our work and in our play. Holy Spirit, guide us, Keep our hope and vision high. Give us faith, fun and friendship As we learn, love and fly. Amen
Ending We put out the candle, but our prayers keep shining. We will go in the light of Christ.