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Our experts can handle a range of issues related to visa lodgment, visa extension, waiver requests and much more. We ensure personalised service, 24/7 assistance and hassle-free direct communication with the agent. We do quick turnaround and most applications are lodged on the same day. With the right guidance and options, we can make your dreams of settling in Australia come true. <br><br>We are renowned as u201cYour future, our priority" Top Rated Consultant In Melbourne, VIC. Visit our website for more details.<br>
AUSTRALIA'S BEST IMMIGRATION CONSULTING SERVICE BY BANSAL IMMIGRATION www.bansalimmigration.com.au 03 9602 1330 FAMILY VISA 1 IfyouareanAustraliancitizen, Australian permanentresident, oraneligibleNewZealand citizen, thenyoumaybeabletosponsoryour eligiblefamilymembertoliveinAustralia. MIGRATION VISA 2 Ourpriorityatbansalimmigrationistosubmitthe complete application along with all the supportingdocuments.Ourteamofprofessional can assist you in choosing the right option.MigratetoAustralia, MigratetoNZ, MigratetoCanada BUSINESS VISA 3 AtBANSALImmigration, weunderstandthatthis canbequitedauntingandoverwhelmingforyou. Therefore, wecanactonyourbehalfandwork withyoutogetyourbusinessapproved. Allthis canbedonebyphonecounsellingandemails, so thatyoucanconcentratemoreonyourbusiness. WORK VISA 4 457visaisthemostpopularvisaasithaslesser requirements as compared to the other sponsoredvisas. Itcanbegrantedforupto4 yearsandmakestheapplicanteligibletoapply forpermanent (subclass186) visaaftertwoyears iftheemployerisreadytosponsortheapplicant foranother2years. STUDENT VISA 5 BANSALImmigration, werepresentmostof AustralianUniversitiesandcolleges. Wecan guideyoutochoosethebestcoursefromthe suitableeducationprovider. Wewillmakethe admissionprocesssimpleanddoallthehard workforyou.