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Pancreas sample rna enzo biotin array SBW Human samples. Initial adherent= jos1211. jos1211 RNA. jos1211-Biotin cRNA. Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1211. expanded = jos1212. jos1212 RNA. Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1212. jos1212-Biotin cRNA.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pancreas sample rna enzo biotin array SBW Human samples Initial adherent= jos1211 jos1211 RNA jos1211-Biotin cRNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1211 expanded = jos1212 jos1212 RNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1212 jos1212-Biotin cRNA H0204 8/7/02 Differentiated (2wk with M) = jos1213 jos1213 RNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1213 jos1213-Biotin cRNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1214 Differentiated (2wk with M+ bFGF) = jos1214 jos1214 RNA jos1214-Biotin cRNA Differentiated (2wk without M) = jos1215 jos1215 RNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1215 jos1215-Biotin cRNA A N A L Y Z E Initial adherent) = jos1223 jos1223RNA jos1223-Biotin cRNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1223 Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1224 expanded = jos1224 Jos1224 RNA jos1224-Biotin cRNA H0108 8/13/02 Differentiated (2wk with M) = jos1225 Jos1225 RNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1225 jos1225-Biotin cRNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1226 jos1226 RNA jos1226-Biotin cRNA Differentiated (2wk without M) = jos1226 Initial adherent= jos1298 jos1298 RNA jos1298-Biotin cRNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1298 Initial adherent = jos1299 Jos1299 RNA jos1299-Biotin cRNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1299 H0113 9/11/02 Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1300 expanded = jos1300 Jos1300 RNA jos1300-Biotin cRNA Differentiated (2wk with M) = jos1343 Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1343 jos1343 RNA jos1343-Biotin cRNA

  2. CA19.9 positive (duct) = jos1672 jos1672RNA jos1672-Biotin cRNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1672 H0224 1/23/03 Initial adherent) = jos1029 jos1029 RNA jos1029-Biotin cRNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1029 expanded = jos1028 jos1028 RNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1028 jos1028-Biotin cRNA h0201 5/24/02 Differentiated (2wk with M) = jos1026 jos1026 RNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1026 jos1026-Biotin cRNA Expanded +3d with serum free =jos1027 jos1027RNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1027 jos1027-Biotin cRNA A N A L Y Z E CA19.9 positive (duct= jos1933 Jos1933 RNA jos1933-Biotin cRNA Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1933 Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1932 expanded = jos1932 Jos1932 RNA jos1932-Biotin cRNA H0305 9/27/02 CA19.9negative (stroma) = jos1934 Affymetrix Chip U95Av2 jos1934 jos1934 RNA jos1934-Biotin cRNA

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