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L ogics for D ata and K nowledge R epresentation. Exercise 3: DLs. Outline. Modeling Previous Logics DL RelBAC OWL Comprehensive. Modeling Procedure. Abstraction of the world to a mental model Clarify the domain of interest Clarify the relations Choose/build a logic
Logics for Data and KnowledgeRepresentation Exercise 3: DLs
Outline • Modeling • Previous Logics • DL • RelBAC • OWL • Comprehensive
Modeling Procedure • Abstraction of the world to a mental model • Clarify the domain of interest • Clarify the relations • Choose/build a logic • Build the theory of the mental model with the logic • Reason about the theory <?xml version=“1.0”?> <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF[… ]> <rdf:RDF… > <Owl:Ontology…> … </rdf:RDF>
What distincts DL from Previous Logics? • PL • Logical constructors • Interpretations • ClassL • Logical constructors • Interpretations • Ground ClassL • Individuals • DL • All?
Expressiveness of DL • Binary Relations? YES! • Subsumption? Of course! More than concept subsumption! Arbitrary! • Else? • Some • Only • Number
Description Logics • Propositional DL VS. ClassL • DL VS. Ground ClassL • Role Constructors • ∃ • ∀ • ≤ • ≥ • ⊓⊔¬≡⊑ In addition to concept constructors
DL Modeling Model the following NL sentences with DLs. • “Children with only a single parent and no siblings” Child⊓≤1hasParent⊓≥1hasparent⊓∀hasSibling.⊥ • “Friends that likes foreign movies but only Disney cartoons” Friend⊓∃like.(Movie⊓Foreign)⊓∀like.(Cartoon⊓Disney) • “A binary tree is a tree with at most two sub-trees that are themselves binary trees.” BTree≡Tree⊓≤2hasSubTree.BTree • “The monkeys that can grasp the banana are those that have climbed onto the box at position of the banana” Monkey⊓∃get.Banana⊑∃hasClimbedOnto.(Box⊓∃atPositionOf.Banana)
DL Reasoning: TBox • Prove the following tautology: ¬(C⊓D)≡¬C⊔¬D ¬∀R.C≡∃R.¬C • Venn Diagrams • Concepts: Universal, Arbitrary non-empty set, Empty set • Relations: Intersection, union, disjoint • Tableaux • An algorithm to verify satisfiability. • Rules: and/or/some/only
¬(C⊓D)≡¬C⊔¬D C D D D D D C C C C C D C D
¬∀R.C≡∃R.¬C (¬∀R.C)I =Δ-{x| ∀y R(x,y)→C(y) } = {x|¬(∀y R(x,y)→C(y) )} ={x|∃y ¬(R(x,y)→C(y) )} ={x|∃y ¬(¬R(x,y)∨C(y) )} ={x|∃y R(x,y)∧¬C(y) )} =(∃R.¬C)I
DL Reasoning: ABox (1) • Given the interpretation I with the domain ΔI={d,e,f,g} {d,e,f}⊑A B(f) R(d,e) R(e,g) S(g,d) S(g,g) S(e,f) In which A,B are concept and R,S are roles. • Please find the instances of the ALC-concept C as • A⊔B • ∃S.¬A • ∀S.A • ∃S.∃S.∃S.∃S.A • ∀T.A⊓∀T.¬A A A,B S e f R R A d S S g
DL Reasoning: ABox (2) • Let an ABox A consists of the following assertions: Likes(Bob, Ann) Likes(Bob, Cate) Neighbor(Ann, Cate) Neighbor(Cate, David) Blond(Ann) ¬Blond(David) where Neighbor is a symmetric and transitive role. • Does A have a model? • Is Bob an instance of the following concepts in all models of A? ∃Likes.(Blond⊓∃Neighbor.¬Blond) ∃Likes.(∃Neighbor.(∀Neighbor.¬Blond))
Exercise on Tableaux • The tableaux is an algorithm to check satisfiability. • If all branches of your tableaux are open, then? You cannot say it is valid! Why? OWA! • If all branches of your tableaux are closed, then? You can say it is unsatisfiable • What can we do with tableaux? To prove the satisfiability of a concept.
Tableaux cont. • Rules • ⊓ • ⊔ • ∃ • ∀ … • Exercises • Are these subsumptions valid? ∀R.A⊓∀R.B⊑∀R.(A⊓B) ∃R.A⊓∃R.B⊑∃R.(A⊓B) • Decide whether the following subsumption holds ¬∀R.A⊓∀R.C⊑T∀R.D with T={C≡ (∃R.B)⊓¬A, D≡¬(∃R.A)⊓∃R.(∃R.B)}
RelBAC: Domain Specific DLs • Syntax • Nc: subject groups, object types; • Ni: individual subjects, individual objects; • Nr: permissions • DL constructors and formation rules • Semantics • Hierarchy • Permission assignment • Ground assignment • Chinese Wall • SoD • High Level SoD • Queries Policies Properties
RelBAC Modeling • “The LDKR course consists of: • For persons: Prof. Giunchiglia and TA Zhang as lecturers, Student Tin, Hoa, Parorali, Sartori, Chen, Gao, Lu, Zhang; • For online materials: syllabus, slides for lectures, references, exercises and keys, exam questions, results and marks.” • We know that, • Slides can be updated only by professors or TA; • Students can download all materials but only update keys to exercises. • Each student should upload exam result to the site that TA can read and check for propose marks which will be finally decided by professor(s).
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Chinese Wall Property • Chinese Wall (CW) “Originally no one has any access to anything; then some requests are accepted and someone is allowed to perform some operation on something; from then on, those has been allowed to access should not be allowed to access on those things arousing conflict of interests.” • Conflict of Interests (COI) Resources in COI should be avoided access for disclosure of information about competing parties. COI COI
Modeling of the Chinese Wall Property • Given a COI = {A1, …, An}, if one can access Ai, then s/he should not be allowed to access the rest. • Suppose for Ai, the permission is Pi, then ⊔1≤i<j≤n ∃Pi.Ai⊓∃Pj.Aj⊑⊥
SoD • Separation of Duties… • Intuition • Definition • Semantic Details • MEP • MEO • FA • IFA
Mutually Exclusive Positions • A ‘position’ is an organizational role denoting a group of subjects such as employees, managers, CEOs, etc. Given a set of positions P = {P1, …, Pn}, where each Pi is a concept name: • To enforce that a subject can be assigned to at mostone position among P. • To enforce that no subject can be assigned to all the positions in P. • To enforce that a subject can be assigned to at most m positions among P.
Exercise of MEP • In a bank scenario, customers sign checks; bank clerks cash out the checks and managers monitor the checks. • MEP: ‘one can play at most one of the positions as customer, clerk and manager.’
Exercise of MEP cont. • MEP: ‘no one can play more all of the positions as customer, clerk and manager.’ • MEP: ‘one can play at most 1 of the positions as customer, clerk and manager.’
Mutually Exclusive Operations • An `operation’ is a kind of permission that subjects may be allowed to perform some `act’ on objects, such as Read, Download, etc. Given a set of operations giving rise to a MEO, OP = {Op1, …, Opn} (where each Opi is a DL role name), then, we distinguish two different kinds of MEO: • To enforce that a subject cannot perform any two operations in OP. • To enforce that a subject cannot perform any two operations in OPon the same object.
Exercise of MEO • Suppose a common file repository scenario: files are objects, users are clients that visit the repository and permissions are read or write. • MEO: ‘one cannot read and write at the same time.’ • MEO: ‘one cannot read and write at the same time on the same file.’ Notice the difference between the two MEO’s.
Functional Access and Inverse • FA: A permission is functional iff it connects at most one object in the range. • If each user in U, has an FA, P, to an object in O, then • IFA: A permission is inverse functional iff it connects at most one subject in the domain. • If each object in O, has and IFA, P-, from a user in U, then
Exercise of FA and IFA • Give a scenario where FA and IFA are necessary. • Desktop usage in lab. • Bank private manager/clerk service …
OWL • OWL Lite: originally intended to support those users primarily needing a classification hierarchy and simple constraints. • OWL DL: to provide the maximum expressiveness possible while retaining computational completeness, decidability and the availability of practical reasoning algorithms. • OWL Full: designed to preserve some compatibility with RDF Schema.
Exercise of OWL • Refer to document specification…