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Module 2 Lesson 11

Module 2 Lesson 11. Multiply decimal fractions by multi-digit whole numbers through conversion to a whole number problem and reasoning about the placement of the decimal. Common Core Standards.

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Module 2 Lesson 11

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  1. Module 2 Lesson 11 • Multiply decimal fractions by multi-digit whole numbers through conversion to a whole number problem and reasoning about the placement of the decimal.

  2. Common Core Standards 5.OA.2 Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them. For example, express the calculation “add 8 and 7, then multiply by 2” as 2 × (8 + 7). Recognize that 3 × (18932 + 921) is three times as large as 18932 + 921, without having to calculate the indicated sum or product.5.NBT.5 Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.

  3. I can multiply decimal fractions by multi-digit whole numbers through conversion to a whole number problem and reasoning about the placement of the decimal. Learning Targets

  4. Sprint A

  5. Sprint B

  6. Activate Knowledge 3 × 4.1 is?

  7. Activate Knowledge 12.3 x 10 ÷ 10 is?

  8. Activate Knowledge 3 × 4.1×1 is?

  9. Activate Knowledge 3 × 2.4 is?

  10. Activate Knowledge 7.2 x 10 ÷ 10 is?

  11. Activate Knowledge 3 × 2.4 ×1 is?

  12. Activate Knowledge 3 × 4 × 17.6 ÷ 17.6 is?

  13. Activate Knowledge Mr. Mohr wants to build a rectangular patio using concrete tiles that are 12 inches square. The patio will measure 13.5 feet by 43 feet. What is the area of the patio? How many concrete tiles will he need to complete the patio?

  14. Learn Compare this problem with theapplication problem 7.38 × 41 Problem 1

  15. Learn Estimate the product 7.38 × 41 Problem 1

  16. Learn Predict whether our estimate is greater than or less than the actual product. 7.38 × 41 Problem 1

  17. Learn Use an area model to find the product 7.38 × 41 Problem 1

  18. Learn Solve using the algorithm 7.38 × 41 Problem 1

  19. Learn Estimate the product 8.26 × 128 Problem 2

  20. Learn Predict whether our estimate is greater than or less than the actual product. 8.26 × 128 Problem 2

  21. Learn Use an area model to find the product 8.26 × 128 Problem 2

  22. Learn Solve using the algorithm 8.26 × 128 Problem 2

  23. Learn Estimate the product 82.51 × 63 Problem 3

  24. Learn Predict whether our estimate is greater than or less than the actual product. 82.51 × 63 Problem 3

  25. Learn Use an area model to find the product 82.51 × 63 Problem 3

  26. Learn Solve using the algorithm 82.51 × 63 Problem 3

  27. Practice

  28. Review

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