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Travel Clinic in Norbury and Croydon

We provide a comprehensive travel health service for all clients and aim to promote the health and well-being of all travellers. We offer vaccinations for all holiday, travel and occupational related purposes and give advice on travel health related issues.

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Travel Clinic in Norbury and Croydon

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  1. Travel Clinic in Norbury and Croydon

  2. Travel Clinic in Norbury and Croydon Overview We provide a comprehensive travel health service for all clients and aim to promote the health and well-being of all travellers. We offer vaccinations for all holiday, travel and occupational related purposes and give advice on travel health related issues. Some vaccinations courses, for example rabies (3 doses -Day 0, 7, 21/28) require multiple doses separated over a number of weeks. It is therefore prudent to arrange your initial consultation 4-6 weeks prior to travel, especially if the trip is rural in nature or to a high risk region. At BIDS chemist we also provide other services like • Yellow Fever • Diphtheria/ Tetanus/ Polio • Hep A/ Typhoid • Hep A • Hep A Paed • Typhoid IV • Typhoid Oral • Hep B paed • Hep A/B combined • Cholera • Rabies • Meningitis ACWY Conjugates** • Japanese Enchephalitis B • Japanese Enchiphalitis B Paed • Tickborne Encephalitis • Tickborne Encephalitis(under 15) • Varicella

  3. Travel Clinic in Norbury and Croydon What is Malaria? Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that causes severe illness and sometimes even proves fatal. In the United Kingdom, many cases of malaria get reported every year. Most of those cases are of those patients who have recently travelled to countries where the malaria is prevalent. While malaria is not prevalent in the UK, there are several cases of the disease in tropical and subtropical regions. Africa reports approximately 90% of all the malaria-related deaths most of which are children.

  4. Travel Clinic in Norbury and Croydon Cholera Vaccination What is Cholera? Cholera is one of the most common bacterial infections. It is found in food or water sources contaminated with a bacterium called Vibrio cholera. Throughout the globe, over 600 million people are at risk of getting contracted with cholera. It is a fatal disease that has caused a massive number of deaths in pandemics. Symptoms of cholera usually appear after 2-3 days and include watery diarrhea, vomiting, leg cramps, rapid fluid loss, dehydration, shock, etc. The symptoms of cholera are often mild, and in some cases, they do not even show any sign. Cholera can ruin your trip with vomiting and diarrhea. In among 20% infected cholera patients, it develops severe symptoms. If it left untreated, it has the potential to cause death.

  5. Travel Clinic in Norbury and Croydon Hepatitis Vaccination What is Hepatitis? Hepatitis means the infection of the liver. There are many types of Hepatitis: A, B, C, D, E and G at last count. At Bids Chemist, travel clinic based in Norbury, we offer travel vaccinations and medicines for major and highly common Hepatitis types. They are Hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Countries at risk: Hepatitis B has a global reach. Eastern Europe, Africa, Russia, China, India, South and Central America, South East Asia and many islands in the South Pacific have a higher risk of exposure to this virus.

  6. Travel Clinic in Norbury and Croydon Influenza What is Influenza? Most commonly referred to as flu, influenza is a viral disease that affects birds and mammals alike. The symptoms of the flu include fever, sore throat, coughing, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, wheezing, dizziness, tiredness, and gastrointestinal complications. Flu can sometimes lead to severe pneumonia and even death. How to get the flu vaccination in Norbury, Croydon or Streatham Vale? The influenza virus is recognised for its extreme resilience and can live on a contaminated solid or non-porous surface for two days maximum. After being landed on the skin, the virus lives for about 5-7 minutes. If the body mucus protects the virus, it can easily survive for up two weeks. During the flu season, if you handle the money, make sure to wash your hands with soap and water often.

  7. Travel Clinic in Norbury and Croydon Travel Vaccinations With the best travel clinic in Norbury, Bids Pharmacy is your leading local travel vaccination and medication provider. Since our establishment in Norbury, we have catered to a huge number of individuals with a broad spectrum of travel vaccines and medications. Bids pharmacy in Norbury is the most up-to-date travel vaccination clinic with an experienced staff of professionals.With Bids Pharmacy, you get the latest developments in travel health and medicine. Our travel clinic in Norbury is conveniently located in your community and is staffed by experienced physicians and diligent nurses. All of our staff is experienced, resourceful and quite passionate to offer you the best in class service that you deserve. Our highly trained and certified medical professionals offer one-to-one counselling on travel vaccines and immunisation.

  8. Travel Clinic in Norbury and Croydon Meningitis Vaccination What is Meningitis? Meningitis is a rare infection that affects the delicate membranes (folds) called meninges. These folds cover the brain and spinal cord. There are several types of this disease, including bacterial, viral, and fungal. Bacterial meningitis can be life-threatening and spreads between people in close contact with each other. Viral meningitis tends to be less severe, and most people recover completely without treatment. Fungal meningitis is a rare form of the disease. It usually only happens in people who have a weakened immune system - the body's defense against germs. How is Meningitis spread? The bacteria are present in infected individual’s nose and throat that gets easily spreads through coughing and sneezing. Meningitis is one of the highly prevalent and virulent diseases in the third world. So, if you are travelling to the third world countries, getting a vaccine shot is essential to avoid secondary meningitis infection.

  9. Travel Clinic in Norbury and Croydon Typhoid Vaccination What is Typhoid? Typhoid is a gastrointestinal disease caused by bacteria known as Salmonellatyphi. It is one of the most common diseases in Asia and Africa that causes weakness, high fever, fatigue, stomach pain, diarrhea, headaches, loss of appetite. In almost 30% patients, Typhoid can prove fatal if left untreated. People who are infected with typhoid can carry the pathogen and spread the disease. Typhoid spreads quickly through the contaminated water or food. Though the disease is quite rare in the United Kingdom, most cases develop in individuals who travel abroad and bring the disease home. The disease kills around 2,00,000 people each year, and around 20,000,000 people get infected every year. Author: Bids Chemist

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