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Overview of the CDM and the CDM project Cycle

Session 2: The CDM Project Cycle. Overview of the CDM and the CDM project Cycle. Training-Workshop to support the “Uganda Municipal Waste Compost Programme ” Kampala, Uganda, 21-24th October 2013. Objectives. Carbon Trading . Clean Development Mechanism. CDM project Cycle. Review.

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Overview of the CDM and the CDM project Cycle

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Session 2: The CDM Project Cycle Overview of the CDM and the CDM project Cycle Training-Workshop to support the “Uganda Municipal Waste Compost Programme” Kampala, Uganda, 21-24th October 2013 UNFCCCSecretariat

  2. Objectives • Carbon Trading • Clean Development Mechanism • CDM project Cycle • Review

  3. Objectives • Carbon Trading

  4. Carbon Trading • How does the emission trading scheme work?

  5. Legally binding targets for emissions of six major greenhouse gases in industrialized countries during first commitment period • New international market-based mechanisms, creating a new commodity: carbon • Facilitate sustainable development The Kyoto Protocol

  6. Market based Mechanisms • Emission Trading (ET): exchanging emission allowances among Kyoto Protocol Parties • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): credits for emissions reduced/avoided through sustainable development projects in developing countries (non-Annex I countries) • Joint Implementation (JI): credits for emissions avoided through projects in Annex I countries

  7. Emissions Trading Downward pressure on emissions Downward pressure on emissions Downward pressure on emissions Emissions cap Emissions cap Emissions cap Emissions cap Emissions cap Emissions cap Emission allowances Emission allowances Emission allowances Emitter A Emitter A Emitter A Emitter B Emitter B Emitter B = = = Emission allowances to sell Emission units/credits needed = = =

  8. Objectives • Clean Development Mechanism

  9. Sustainable Development & Carbon Credits projects are issued saleable credits Contribution to Sustainable Development - employment, income generation, health benefits and infrastructure development

  10. Without CDM project With CDM project Emissions Time PROJECTS ON THE GROUND =Certified Emissions Reduction

  11. PROJECTS ON THE GROUND – What do they look like? Emission reduction projects in developing countries Project activities generate CERs CERs are traded to help Annex I Parties meet their Kyoto Protocol emission reduction goals Assist host country in Sustainable development Landfill Gas Collection Energy Efficient Cookstoves Bagasse Cogeneration Power Projects

  12. A Mechanism with Global Reach CDM is the largest and most widely recognized offset mechanism in the world. 7,217registered projects in 89countries1.38 billion CERs issued to date Estimated leveraged at least USD 315 billion in capital investment to underpin climate mitigation efforts since 2004 Crediting of a further 1.4 to 6.2 billion emission reductions by 2020. Status: EB business plan 2014 - 2015 , 4th October 2013

  13. Objectives • CDM project Cycle

  14. CDM PROJECT CYCLE Validation CER Issuance Monitoring Verification & Certification Registration PDD Development Approval QUESTION 2 – Who is involved? What is the CDM project cycle? WHO IS INVOLVED? • EB

  15. Who is involved in the Project Cycle? • UNFCCC Secretariat

  16. Without CDM project With CDM project Emissions Time PROJECTS ON THE GROUND =Certified Emissions Reduction

  17. CER Issuance (EB) Verification & Certification (DOE) PDD Development (Project Participant) CDM/PoA PROJECT CYCLE Monitoring (Project Participant) Approval (DNA) Registration (EB) Validation (DOE) CDM project cycle Project Idea (Project Participant)

  18. CER Issuance (EB) Verification & Certification (DOE) PDD Development (Project Participant) CDM/PoA PROJECT CYCLE Monitoring (Project Participant) Approval (DNA) Registration (EB) Validation (DOE) CDM project cycle Project Idea (Project Participant)

  19. CER Issuance (EB) Verification & Certification (DOE) PDD Development (Project Participant) CDM/PoA PROJECT CYCLE Monitoring (Project Participant) Approval (DNA) Registration (EB) Validation (DOE) CDM project cycle Project Idea (Project Participant)

  20. CER Issuance (EB) Verification & Certification (DOE) PDD Development (Project Participant) CDM/PoA PROJECT CYCLE Monitoring (Project Participant) Approval (DNA) Registration (EB) Validation (DOE) CDM project cycle Project Idea (Project Participant)

  21. CER Issuance (EB) Verification & Certification (DOE) PDD Development (Project Participant) CDM/PoA PROJECT CYCLE Monitoring (Project Participant) Approval (DNA) Registration (EB) Validation (DOE) CDM project cycle Project Idea (Project Participant)

  22. CER Issuance (EB) Verification & Certification (DOE) PDD Development (Project Participant) CDM/PoA PROJECT CYCLE Monitoring (Project Participant) Approval (DNA) Registration (EB) Validation (DOE) CDM project cycle Project Idea (Project Participant)

  23. CER Issuance (EB) Verification & Certification (DOE) PDD Development (Project Participant) CDM/PoA PROJECT CYCLE Monitoring (Project Participant) Approval (DNA) Registration (EB) Validation (DOE) CDM project cycle Project Idea (Project Participant)

  24. CER Issuance (EB) Verification & Certification (DOE) PDD Development (Project Participant) CDM/PoA PROJECT CYCLE Monitoring (Project Participant) Approval (DNA) Registration (EB) Validation (DOE) CDM project cycle Project Idea (Project Participant)

  25. Objectives • Review

  26. Review Contribution to Sustainable Development

  27. Thank you for your attention CDM Regional Collaboration Centre A collaboration between the UNFCCC Climate Change Secretariat and the East African Development Bank EADB Offices, No. 4, Nile Avenue P.O. Box 7128, Kampala, Uganda Phone: +256 (0) 312517814

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