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Road Safety It Will Be Always Important

Road Safety It Will Be Always Important. Calais Darrell December 15 th 2010. Introduction.

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Road Safety It Will Be Always Important

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Road Safety It Will Be Always Important Calais Darrell December 15th 2010

  2. Introduction Road safety is very important, and that is what this power point is going to tell you about. It will tell you about road safety on a bike, car, bus, bicycle and when you’re walking. After seeing this power point you’ll always be safe on the road.

  3. On A Bus • When you’re on a bus sit down quickly. • Hold on to the handles. • Don’t stand up on a bus • When getting off the bus do not walk in front or behind the bus or near traffic. • Don’t drink while driving. • Watch out for pedestrians.

  4. In A Car • When in a car put on your seatbelt. • Don’t talk/text on the phone while driving. • Don’t fight when in the car because the driver will have turn around which may cause a crash. • Use lights at night. • No speeding. • Get out of the car on the sidewalk. • Keep hands on the wheel. • Don’t drink & drive. • Obey stop signs.

  5. On A Bike • Don’t talk/text on the phone while driving. • Use lights at night. • No speeding. • Keep hands on the handle bars. • Don’t drink & drive. • Don’t overtake a bus. • Wear a helmet. • Pull over for emergency vehicle. • Stop for pedestrians.

  6. Walking • Look both ways before crossing the street. • Don’t jaywalk. • Don’t drink and walk. • If you can, walk on the sidewalk . • Wear reflective clothing when walking at night • Wait for the walk on the stop light sign before crossing the street.

  7. On A Bicycle • Use hand signals. • Drive with the flow of traffic. • Wear a helmet • Pull over for emergency vehicles. Keep both hands on the handle bars. • Do not tow anyone. • Do not sit on the handle bars. • Keep your feet on the pedals.

  8. The End Created by Calais Darrell Pictures by Google Sponsored by Calaco Company Thanks to help by Mrs. Raymond Be Road Safe

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